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Playing Rogue Day 4



I played a couple sessions tonight:


First up was evilgonzo. Unfortunately i only made it to level 4 and was quickly surrounded

by a dividing slime and killed.



Last up was ghost1313. I made it all the way to level 10. On level 3 i had a small mishap

where i read a random scroll which put me to sleep. A kestral came along and started beating

on me. Fortunately I woke up and was able to kill it. From levels 3-8 i fought many rattlesnakes

but kept getting poisoned which took my strength down to 3. I fell into a trap on level 9 which

instantly teleported me to level 10. Dazed and confused i wandered around a minute but finally

snapped out of it. Unfortunately i wandered into a creature called a Quagga, not sure what it is,

but it ended up killing me.



And here is the high scores: It looks like it will only hold 10 scores at a time so when i get

through all the names, people who are knocked off will get another shot to show up.



Recommended Comments

It definitely is. When many other people blog this game and not make backups of their characters, they expect to play Rogue

through out the year and maybe have a chance to beat it. One reason I love it. I don't expect to beat the game right away so

with lowered expectations, you can enjoy the game for what it is, a hardcore romp of RPG / Hack N' Slash goodness.

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