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Another Blog?



Well well, it seems that I have another blog. I guess I'll use this one to rant/rave about all the nerdy things that no one who reads my other blog understands. So yeah, about me... hm. Systems I own (in the order I aquired them) :Nintendo Entertainment SystemSega GenisisPlaystation 2Super Nintendo (minus the power cord :sad: )Atari VCSAtari JaguarI just got the Jaguar less than a month ago for $40 at a pawn shop. It came with AVP, Cybermorph, a controller, the cybermorph overlay and one of the AVP overlays. I was pretty damn proud of myself too, I haggled with the pawn shop man and got him to come down from the original price ($50). I wish i lived near that pawn shop.. it had so many VCS games.. and surprisingly a lot of Oddesy games. If anybody lives near Tillamook, OR then it's the pawnshop next to Safeway.


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