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Games of Atari - Commercial Atari 8-bit Cartridges Complete!



Today I uploaded a history and several home reviews for Q*bert, and with that I have gone through my entire collection of commercially-released Atari 8-bit computer cartridges. The site continues to look more and more like an actual web site. With this milestone, several entries now have articles, including Dig Dug, Defender and Robotron 2084 (and Q*bert of course), and several other entries are now live, including Missile Command and Space Invaders.


Next up is a small handful of homebrew cartridges, including the truly awesome Space Harrier. Then, an even smaller number of 8-bit disks, after which Zaxxon will have articles. At the same time I plan on getting some hardware modded, because then I will be working on the absolute heart of the website, games for the Atari 2600!


See all the goods at http://www.skunkworx.org/goa/.


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