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From: Where is Eric Delee ?



In add to Rygar, I'm a french person from Yaronet Lynx forum too. I had a dispute last december with Eric with a similar situation. He was very communicative until I sent a payment for EOTB, seemed to be his last one. 20 days after the payment, it was the same problem than RYGAR, Full silence whereas we were exchanging many messages per day before the payment. I finally open an "issue case" in paypal and they blocked his account until he sent the game. He finally recontacted me claiming he couldn't had to access to his paypal account to offer a present to his children. Strange situation, isn't it? He finally sent the game and sent pictures from the postoffice shipment receipt in advance. I'm not surprised about Rygar's issue. But I just wonder how a guy very active in the scene and cool can have strange behavior and issues like this, I just don't hope he hasn't any personal problems.



Source: Where is Eric Delee ?


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