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From: Where is Eric Delee ?



Doesn't sound good =(


My reasons are selfish as I really wanted him to do another EOTB run.


I hope he's OK and is one day able to put these rumours to bed and clear his name regards the funny issues regards Rygar and paypal etc.


Just remember everyone has a life beyond this hobby and shit happens that sometimes makes people behave in unusual ways. He could have lost a family member, his job, his partner / wife, maybe even his home, and when those sorts of things happen everything else becomes unimportant. =


Edit: He also was very reliable from the archives on here, so I think its unfair for people to jump to conclussions just yet. I have a feeling he will make his way back here at some point and resolve things he might not have been able to do over the last few months.



Source: Where is Eric Delee ?


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