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Return of Stupid Game Ideas: Lunar Lander Arcade

Nathan Strum


Wow... it's been awhile since I posted a Stupid Game Idea (idea... idea... idea... idea...).


They're not so much "stupid" I suppose, as "speculative". But since this blog doesn't have "Speculative" in its name, "Stupid" is what I'm sticking with.


I've got a few of these I've been planning to write up for awhile, and another recent speculative project has given me the incentive to finally dust these off.


So... several years ago (in fact, around the time of the last Stupid Game Idea (idea... idea... idea...), I had been working on some mockups for a more arcade-like 2600 version of Lunar Lander. Lunar Lander was among the earliest arcade games I have a distinct recollection of playing, and I've always wished that a really good version of it existed on the 2600.


These were based off of the version written by John Champeau for the Flashback 2. Which looks like this:




As you fly closer to the surface, the game zooms in to show more detail. In practice, it only zooms in to twice its size, and jumps from screen to screen, rather than scrolling. The whole zoomed-in area is only two screens wide:




I wanted to mock up something closer to the arcade version, and John was kind enough to give me feedback on it. (I was hoping he might make this version as well, but it never progressed that far.)


This shows the whole landing area in the arcade version (zoomed out) and all of the possible bonus landing sites. In the actual game though, you just see a handful of the sites lit up at any given time:




When you zoom in, thanks to the awesomeness of vector graphics, you get to zoom in quite a lot:




What was really cool about the arcade version, is that you could actually land anywhere, as long as you safely touched down. Even on a slope. You didn't get any bonus multipliers for doing that, but I thought that was a pretty neat feature of the game.


So here's what I came up with. The zoomed-out view, showing the entire surface. Here you only need to pick out the area where you're going to land, so precision isn't critical:




Then, the zoomed in view where you actually have to land:




So this would require a larger, full-sized map that would scroll as you flew near the surface. Here's the entire full-sized map with all of the bonus landing areas (the above screen area is outlined in red):




Hopefully, this could employ Thrust+ style scrolling as you moved across the surface.


The tiny lander would just use sixteen rotation positions. (Actually, I don't think you can turn the lander upside-down in the arcade game anyway, so it'd only be eight.)




The close-up lunar lander would use 32 positions (or 16 if half-rotation), and need to use both sprites, so the thrust vectors (not shown) would likely have to be drawn with the two missiles. With luck, the ball could be used to add some stars as well, if it isn't needed for the flashing platforms.




These were originally done so long ago, I don't recall much of the discussions surrounding them, or what the potential problems inherent with them were. There was never any actual coding done, but I think the end result is pretty doable. I suspect the Harmony cartridge would handle this with no problem. After all, if Space Rocks can be done on the 2600, I would assume this could as well.


We'd just have to come up with a catchy new name for it.


Like "Huge Space Rock Lander" or something. ;)


(Also... the Harmony cart has me wondering how more likely Bosconian could be now... :ponder: )



Up next: The Turbo that never was!

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I distinctly remember that you could invert the lander in the arcade version. I believe it's in MAME, so you could check.

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I can't run it in MAME anymore, unfortunately. I took those screenshots almost five years ago. Nearly all of my ROMs are years out-of-date, and I haven't found a good source for replacements. (If anyone wants to PM me a suggestion, however... :ponder: )

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IIRC there are 4 game variations in Lunar Lander, 2,3,4 will let your LEM rotate through 360 degrees. And if I may say so. I have several versions of MAME going, and I'm even running an old version through dosbox to maintain a certain level of compatibility for a certain game.


I tend to not always have the latest and greatest release of MAME. I also don't do a massive rom collection. Too many fighting and beat'em ups.


And there's nothing stupid about Lunar Lander. Nothing at all. I believe it's high-time it gets a proper VCS version. Perhaps even with a level editor?


There's a ton of talent out there. And the VCS is certainly capable of doing LL. Look at recent stuff to hit the market, you've got SpaceRocks, Star Castle, BallBlazer(wip not rip I hope), Stella, DPC+ Harmony, yes! It's just a matter of getting down to it. And these concept screenies are great too.


I've got some kick-ass concept art that would suit this game to boot. Something that would convey action quite impressively.

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I did the original Lunar Lander MAME control panel overlays that showed the different game options (graphics, not implementation). I don't know if they're still using the ones I made or not. That was a long time ago.


I ran a website devoted to all things MacMAME for years (MacMAME.net), until the Mac port fell by the wayside. I haven't kept up on it much since.

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I was just re-reading your comment about a level editor. That would be very cool. Being able to "paint" a landscape with a joystick, then place landing platforms, and have the Harmony cart save it onboard (it can already do that with high scores... so maybe it would be possible). That would be pretty amazing.

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What would a level editor do? Give you the ability to just draw waveformy bumps? It's a cool idea but without adding obstacles or other types of terrain I'm not sure I see the point.


I've always had a soft spot for Lunar Lander too. I really like the concept and always wished a more robust and engaging version would be made -- for any system. Gravitar is cool but ultimately too difficult and changes the whole landing dynamic to "everything kills you". There are some LL-like aspects to Major Havoc also. Again, it's an entirely different game though.


I remember back in my Commodore-64 programming days I made a Lunar Lander like game. I don't remember a lot about it other than adding a Major Havocy "escape after hitting the generator" sequence to it. I distinctly remember that because I figured how to make the whole screen shake erratically when escaping, except for your sprite. That added a really cool element to it that made it seem like the planet was coming apart.


I also remember embedding a secret character in the code that prevented my friends from "LIST"ing the game code so I could keep my secret to myself. This ultimately also ended up locking me out of my own game and I ended up losing the whole thing. The good ol' days.

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Expanding Lunar Lander beyond the arcade game is a good idea. I think keeping the original in there would be important, but there's no reason it couldn't have variations that move beyond it.


There's a batariBasic version that features a meteor that flies back and forth, so something like that could be good. A bit like Taito's Lunar Rescue (or the homebrew This Planet Sucks), but not quite so far removed from Lunar Lander.

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A level editor could provide the basic "waveform terrain" stuff. Yep. It could also place moving objects and enemies and lazers and shit like that. The terrain could also have swooping spirally caves and stuff.


I would propose that we first get a game going and then worry about level editors. Game variations 1-4 should be exactly like the arcade. 5-8 could be two players co-op and 9-12 could be a race to see who can land first.


The graphics can be done vector-style of course.


I would also propose that the level editor be a PC application. There's no need to hinder the level making process with a joystick. Or we could for authenticity sake. It seems that with the Harmony cart being as such you could make your levels on the PC and plug them into the game. This would be a first for the VCS! And we could share and download them too.


More and more as time goes on, and as more sophisticated homebrew ideas come up we'll be relying more and more on the DPC+ ARM from Harmony. And the VCS itself will become more like a display device, a big old honk'n primitive sound and video card slaved to a modern processor inside a cartridge. A docking station. Little more than a playback device providing resources to a more sophisticated computer. The TIA/RIOT/6507 connected to an RF modulator are there to "enforce" and set a standard and get you connected, 70's style. What goes on in the cartridge slot? Who cares?


With the internet in full swing these days, ideas and concepts are going to flow faster and faster and programmers will want to use modern tools and yet keep the 1970's look and feel of classic VCS gaming. This is how it will play out, and several games have already been done this way.


Everyone has seemingly accepted the Harmony cart as a valid add-on and it's been field proven a thousand times over. The infrastructure is in place and we have the tools. I see a whole new breed of VCS gaming rolling into town.


This, folks, this, *IS* the future of VCS gaming!

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