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About This Club

A Club for the PlusCart user, and those who want to become a PlusCart user
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Version v1.0.0 of the local PlusStore API with simplewebserver is working! https://github.com/Al-Nafuur/Local-PlusStore Missing features of the local API: Search function "Popular ROMs" "Recently added ROMs" "My Favourite ROMs" "My Recently Played ROMs" Text file reading ZIP/tar file unpacking High Score Club leaderboard PlusCart chat List of users online Currently there is a modified firmware on the PlusCart needed to access the local PlusStore API.
  3. For a local solution this might be better: https://simplewebserver.org/ it is a node.js app for Windows, macOS and Linux. And it can be enhanced with plugins or custom scripts.
  4. Dear Atari Support Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to report an issue I encountered with my new Atari 2600+ system. Issue Description: I recently purchased a new pair of Paddle controllers along with the official extension cable. While playing Warlords, I connected the extension cable to port 1 of the Atari 2600+ and then connected my Paddle controllers through the extension cable. However, I found that Paddle controller #2 was not functional, while Paddle controller #1 worked fine. Troubleshooting Steps Taken: I connected the Paddle controllers directly to the Atari 2600+ without the extension cable, and both controllers worked perfectly with Warlords. I tested the extension cable with the Joystick CX40, and it seemed to work fine. System Information: Atari 2600+ OS Version: 1.0 I would appreciate any assistance you can provide to resolve this issue. Please let me know if you need any further information. Thank you for your support.
  5. I've tested these on my 2600Jr PAL with UCA V2.3.17 and only the collect_cdjf_V2.ACE is working. A blank screen for the other one.
  6. Here are all none bB DPC+ ROMs we have converted manually so far for UnoCart users (UCA firmware required!) to test. PlusCart users can find the binaries in the PlusStore folder "Public ROMs/Homebrew/DPC+ ACE" Chaotic_Grill.ACE Frantic_20140404.ACE Scramble Demo NTSC_stm32.ACE Scramble_v2.ACE Spacerocks_20121106_stm32.ace ZaxxonHDDemo_ACE_150927_NTSC.bin ZaxxonHDDemo_ACE_150927_PAL60.bin
  7. Thanks Steve for mentioning this. If you have previously ordered a full ROM of Scramble from Champ Games, we will be glad to provide to you an ACE version of the ROM to play on the PlusCart/UnoCart. Eventually we will start including an ACE version of the game ROM for any new purchases. Yes, that would be great. Thanks! 👍
  8. We haven't uploaded the manually converted DPC+ ROMs for the UnoCart to the forums yet. They are only available via the PlusStore. @johnnywc if it is okay for you, we can upload the ACE version to the forum too.
  9. Games that are not written in Batari BASIC have to be converted by hand. We've done that for Scramble and the demo is on the PlusStore. However, Scramble is a commercial game so the full game is not publicly available If you've bought a full version of Scramble in the past then there will need to be some arrangement with @johnnywcfor you to acquire the Uno/PlusCart version. It's technically possible but not something I can offer any help with.
  10. Thanks for the tool. This can convert the Batari BASIC .bin, but how to convert in .ace for example Scramble from Champs Games, that is not in Batari BASIC? Thanks.
  11. A few (demo) ROMs have already converted to this driver and can be found in the PlusStore folder: "Public ROMs/Homebrew/CDFJ Test" For UnoCart users (UCA firmware required!): advland_cdfj.acecollect_cdjf_V2.ACE
  12. v1.0 of relocateBB https://github.com/JetSetIlly/relocateBB/releases/tag/v1.0 Any questions or problems can be posted here. Alternatively you can open an issue on Github if that's convenient.
  13. I have released the current state of the ACE CDFJ driver. The driver (and Readme) is far from being completed. But all further development for CDFJ will be done there. https://github.com/Al-Nafuur/ACE-CDFJ-Driver
  14. No. @JetSetIlly will release a tool for the UnoCart users. We are currently clarifying under which licenses this will be published. Edit: @JetSetIlly MarcoJ and I would like to release the DPCp ACE driver under GPLv2.
  15. Is this accessible from a browser? I only have a UnoCart.
  16. The new PlusStore API version which patches the DPC+ bB games has been released. A collection of the games can be found in the folder: "Public ROMs/Homebrew/DPC+ bB Games"
  17. Frantic seemed to work too. You guys create a lot of tension, that's for sure.
  18. You and Marco have had the tenacity to see the project through to completion. I can only stand back and admire that commitment. I think what you've achieved here is amazing. The most amazing part of the project isn't revealed in the above advert for the show, and that part is all PlusCart magic. I think people will be very impressed when it's shown.
  19. We owe the breakthrough to you! Without your work and the debugging you did in Gopher2600 it wouldn't be possible!
  20. Only Chaotic Grill and the DPC+ Demo are working (since Jan. of 2020), but both are not using custom ARM code!
  21. Those version aren't fully working though. The DPC+ format itself works but any custom ARM code does not. If I know Al_Nafuur and MarcoJ, I suspect they've been up to something really marvelous. I reckon this will blow people's socks off.
  22. DPC+ is already working on my cart. Public ROMs/Homebrew/WIP/-Experimental/DPC+ (IIRC).
  23. ZeroPage Homebrew will be unveiling DPC+ support for the Uno/PlusCart (plus CDFJ on the way!) plus LIVE Video Interviews with the devs Wolfgang Stubig @Al_Nafuur & Marco Johannes @MarcoJ tomorrow's ZPH stream LIVE on Twitch! Hope you can join us! Fri Jun 21, 2024 | LIVE @ 12PM PT | 3PM ET | 7PM GMT WATCH LIVE: https://twitch.tv/zeropagehomebrew/ WATCH LATER: https://youtube.com/zeropagehomebrew/ Games: Debut of DPC+ Support for Uno/PlusCart plus LIVE Video Interviews with devs Wolfgang Stubig @Al_Nafuur & Marco Johannes @MarcoJ Mattress Monkeys (2024 Exclusive World Premiere | 2600) by Phantom Logic Studios / Mathew Halpern @8bitPoet / Zachary Scolaro @ZackAttack
  24. ZeroPage Homebrew will be unveiling DPC+ support for the Uno/PlusCart (plus CDFJ on the way!) with LIVE Video Interviews with the devs Wolfgang Stubig @Al_Nafuur & Marco Johannes @MarcoJ tomorrow's ZPH stream LIVE on Twitch! Hope you can join us! Fri Jun 21, 2024 | LIVE @ 12PM PT | 3PM ET | 7PM GMT WATCH LIVE: https://twitch.tv/zeropagehomebrew/ WATCH LATER: https://youtube.com/zeropagehomebrew/ Games: Debut of DPC+ Support for Uno/PlusCart plus LIVE Video Interviews with devs Wolfgang Stubig @Al_Nafuur & Marco Johannes @MarcoJ Mattress Monkeys (2024 Exclusive World Premiere | 2600) by Phantom Logic Studios / Mathew Halpern @8bitPoet / Zachary Scolaro @ZackAttack
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