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About This Club

DMGD (Donsoft Mini Games Division) is a space for free rehearsals of small games, usually designed to illustrate concepts and propose extraordinary integration between the different actors in Donsoft's areas of P&A (Production & Administration), A&D (Arts & Design) and T&D (Technology & Development), making games aiming the Atari VCS design and development constraints from 1977 to 1992. Check it out at <http://www.donsoft.com.br/dmgd> and let's talk!
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Donic is a three-banded armadillo (Tolypeutes tricinctus) from the backlands of Pernambuco, obsessed with a certain blue and speedy character from video games who gets into many adventures battling a mad scientist and his evil machines. One day, while enjoying his favorite donuts, Donic felt the ground shake and his little house tremble... Something strange was happening in the forest. Looking out his window, he saw terrible robots advancing against the flora and fauna, frightening his neighbors and causing great confusion! Without a second thought, he put on his spiked jacket, tied his favorite scarf around his neck, put on his running shoes, and, just like his favorite hero, ran off down the road! Aided by the power of donuts found along the way and precise rolling attacks, Donic will do everything to stop the enemies of nature from causing more destruction. With formidable agility and the certainty of doing good, Donic also has a secret weapon: consuming enough donuts, he can unleash tremendous and devastating energy, destroying everything in his path... This power is called "Sash" and now it's time to run! Let's run, Donic!
  3. Ahoy, Atarians! ** Newsflash *** Armadja "hamming bug" and "flying-ship bug" were fixed this weekend. Thanks for James and Darcy to find it, real time, in the ZPH Show. The "hamming bug" occurred because the battleship hit detection was set to be validated only when the missile was falling down (entering a loop if a battleship hit the other one above its "xy" coordinate). Now captains can fight each other dangerously close! The "flying-ship bug" ocurred because the upper and lower horizon limits weren't checked for maximum engine throttle (R4). I hope the boundaries (and gravity) will be respected from now on! Merry Xmas, sailors! The version v1.1 is ready to download and play online from our site!
  4. Hi there, Atarians! As promised in ZPH Show, here is DMGD new site (http://donsoft.com.br/dmgd/), with some improvements: online manuals and online play! Thanks for the joy and appreciation
  5. ZeroPage Homebrew is playing Armadja on tomorrow's stream LIVE on Twitch, hope you can join us! Fri Dec 17 @ 2PM PT | 5PM ET | 10PM GMT <- NOTE SPECIAL TIME WATCH: https://www.twitch.tv/zeropagehomebrew/ Games: Ninjoso (2021 Exclusive World Premiere | 2600) by Donsoft Entertainment / Guilherme Xavier @x-zavr Armadja (2021 | 2600) by Donsoft Entertainment / Guilherme Xavier @x-zavr Tirotengo (2021 | 2600) by Donsoft Entertainment / Guilherme Xavier @x-zavr Kitten Katch (2021 WIP | 2600) by Seth Marinello @superseth (WATCH AT 1080P60 FOR BEST QUALITY)
  6. ZeroPage Homebrew is playing Tirotengo on tomorrow's stream LIVE on Twitch, hope you can join us! Fri Dec 17 @ 2PM PT | 5PM ET | 10PM GMT <- NOTE SPECIAL TIME WATCH: https://www.twitch.tv/zeropagehomebrew/ Games: Ninjoso (2021 Exclusive World Premiere | 2600) by Donsoft Entertainment / Guilherme Xavier @x-zavr Armadja (2021 | 2600) by Donsoft Entertainment / Guilherme Xavier @x-zavr Tirotengo (2021 | 2600) by Donsoft Entertainment / Guilherme Xavier @x-zavr Kitten Katch (2021 WIP | 2600) by Seth Marinello @superseth (WATCH AT 1080P60 FOR BEST QUALITY)
  7. Thanks so much Guilherme! - James
  8. Ops... It was an html link to ftp code error, sorry. The game download link is good again And yes, it was released april this year.
  9. The download link on your page for Tirotengo gives me an error. Was this game released in 2021? - James
  10. What if the Atari2660 had a navy themed turn-based game?
  11. All games are written with Batari Basic?
  12. Hello, Sergei2! Got a brand new 2up game, Tirotengo! Check it out with a friend (or enemy): <http://www.donsoft.com.br/info_dmgd.html>
  13. Nonada, cabra da peste!
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