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    Sep 21
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    Atari BBS Community 3rd Friday Zoom Chat Reminder (September 20th 2024)


    Just a reminder for the Atari BBS community zoom chat for Friday, September 20th 2024 at 8pm Eastern. For more information and the proposed agenda, go to http://www.ataribbs.com/zoomchat This is also the link to the zoom meeting itself (it will automatically forward from 15 minutes before until four hours after the meeting starts). At a recent meeting we introduced a slight change i

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  • Dec 01

    835 & 1030 BBS Program Released

    In December 1984, Gardner Computing Company released the 835 & 1030 BBS Program. The BBS software retailed at $74.95 + $2.50 shipping. An auto-answer/ring-detector module was included with the BBS since the supported modems did not provide auto-answer functionality (source: ROM Magazine v1i9 page 37). The software was later sold by a company called Duplicating Technologies, Inc. (DT). See

  • Dec 10

    Randy Suess, co-inventor of the BBS passes away

    On this day in 2019, Randy Suess, co-inventor of the Computer Bulletin Board System passes away at age 74. Randy created the BBS with his friend, Ward Christensen, in January 1978 during a blizard in Chicago, Illinois. 

  • Dec 23

    Part-Time returns online!

    On December 23, 2017, The Part-Time BBS returns online.   The Part-Time BBS was the longest running Atari 8 bit BBS in the 216 Cleveland Ohio area code. It was originally online from 1985 to early 2000.  Part-Time's telnet address is: ptbbs.ddns.net port 8000. More information on Part-Time is available at http://ptbbs.loginto.me:7000/pt.html.   

  • Dec 26

    Cleveland Freenet Atari SIG Goes Online

    An Atari Special Interest Group (SIG) on the Cleveland (Ohio) Freenet goes online on or around this day, December 26th, in 1986. The Cleveland Freenet (CFN) went online in July 1986. CFN was a a free public community computer system, the first of its kind in the world. When it first went online, users would dial into the system with a computer modem. Later, CFN would also allow Internet telnet con

  • Dec 31

    The number of BBSs multiply in 1979

    According to the December, 1979 issue of Byte magazine (Volume 4, Number 12, page 103) , the number of BBSs online reach nearly 60 systems online! Just one year prior, in 1978, there were only 3 BBSs online! Of course, this growth will continue until its peak in 1994 where Infoworld magazine (September 5, 1994, Volume 16, number 36, page 52) estimated that there were 60,000 BBSes in the United Sta

  • Jan 01

    Basement BBS Upgrades Modem and Software

    In January 1987, the Basement BBS upgraded its software to the original BBS Express! software by Keith Ledbetter. The Basement also added an Avatex 1200 modem connected to the BBS' Atari 800XL with an ICD P:R: Connection.   The Avatex 1200 modem was a rather inexpensive 1200 baud modem. However, it was partially Hayes Compatible. The partial Hayes compatibility worked OK with BBS Express

  • Jan 01

    BB/ST is released

    Around this time in 1989 the BB/ST Bulletin Board Software by Steve Grimm for the Atari ST was released. The software was published by Quantum Microsystems Incorporated and retailed for $49.95. A review of the software is available here.    

  • Jan 01

    Boot Factory BBS goes online

    In January 1984, the Boot Factory Atari BBS goes online for the first time. Boot Factory has undergone many changes over the years including a version that was run on a PC. Today, it is an Atari 8 bit BBS running BBS Express Pro!. SysOp Abdul acquired the BBS Express Pro! software from his friend, Keith Ledbetter. Ledbetter had shut down his BBS after he sold the rights of the BBS Express Pro! sof

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