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Atari800MacX Version 2.0 Released


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AppleLogoPanther.gifVersion 2.0 of the Atari800MacX Atari 8-bit emulator for Mac OS X has been released. This new version of Atari800MacX features a large number of changes and improvements (far too many to list here) and is a must-download if you are an Atari 8-bit / 5200 fan using OS X. Some of the major changes include the addition of a Media Window showing the status of disk, cassette, and cartridge media, a built-in Disk Image Editor, ability to drag and drop disk images, cartridge images, state files into the emulator window, and much more. Please visit the Atari800MacX page for complete details about what's new and to download the latest version (source code is also available).
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The new media window is a great feature, some of the nicer emu's on the Windows side have this feature like Steem for the ST's. I've been playing with 2.0 beta for a few weeks and it's just as stable or better than before.

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