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Every game manual system boxcontroler overlays casette and add on fro 2600,5200,7800,8bit ,jag and Lynx must go


many games start for 2or 3.00 ea and up combat and pacman specials at .50 ea. email me with your wanted list all must go time is now.


a small list of items are


2 5200s boxed

2 jags boxed

2 2600s boxed

modems boxed

printer boxed

600xl boxed

atari 2600 carts


crazy climber


smurfs save teh day

great escape


many many more



i need a alot of money to buy a car and this is the way i do it so be it. i hate to sell it but theres a 1975 Chevy Malabu in green with my name on it.( yes its on the door pannel it says JAY in yellow paint)


cost of the car 3100$

as of now 107.30 so atari must go.

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I have to agree. If you must have a car now, you should find a less expensive one. If this is the lengths you have to go through to raise $3100, you won't be able to maintain the car. Find something in the under $1000 range. That way you're not in for too much when it breaks. (And it will.)


Tighten the belt, get a part time job, and save, save, save.


Sell this stuff off now, and you'll be kicking youself for years to come.

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i got moms 1988 plymouth caravelle.


im sick of peoplecalling it a caravan.


plus dad will pay for everythign as long as i pay for the car. so thus i sell and get money for a car then with that. i buy the car and dad gets the pain in the butt payments on it notme. and depending on what i get ( the car i mentioned was the frist i saw) . i might get a nice 1990's car cheap in good cond

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you know how NOONE is hiring for jobs now all jobs they MAY hire if the market recovers will be 5.75 which all it can do is be gas money. wont help me . also how many jobs out there can offfer me a 401K plan ? If i can get into a nice company like KPMG like i used to work in HS i think i wouldnt need to do this but since i was let goo in 2000 thsi is it for me. MCDONALDS ISNT EVEN HIRING. not like i would do that for 5.75 . any nice 7.00 or more job with benifits ( and or a 401K plan that they match the first like 2,000 a year or 1,000 a year i put in every year. id be happy ( meaning if i put 4000 in and they put 1000 and if i put 1000 in they puit 1000 in.)

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you know how NOONE is hiring for jobs now all jobs they MAY hire if the market recovers will be 5.75 which all it can do is be gas money. wont help me . also how many jobs out there can offfer me a 401K plan ? If i can get into a nice company like KPMG like i used to work in HS i think i wouldnt need to do this but since i was let goo in 2000 thsi is it for me. MCDONALDS ISNT EVEN HIRING. not like i would do that for 5.75 . any nice 7.00 or more job with benifits ( and or a 401K plan that they match the first like 2,000 a year or 1,000 a year i put in every year. id be happy ( meaning if i put 4000 in and they put 1000 and if i put 1000 in they puit 1000 in.)

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I say that if all you need is the initial money, all the more reason to save up to buy it. That way you decide when you've got enough and what pricepoint to aim for. Otherwise you're at the whim of whatever you get for the stuff.


But, if you're determined, e-mail me a list of any brazilians and/or other bootlegs you have. (Including the "Microsoft".) That's the only stuff I'm willing to pay collector prices for.

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dude your gonna give me 3200 for ntosellin it? thtas nuts. man nuts. i havent really played atari much no time i have the roms on thePC but for as carts yea right i have enough going i get 10 minutes for Roms im happy. i cant take your money it isnt right . if there are people willin to give me money for not selling it maybe then im choosing the wrong thing, why are you all making my life hard IS THERE A WAY THAT I CAN STILL DO EVERYTHING MY HECKIC LIFE HAS TO OFFER AND HAVE TIME FOR ATARI???? I need atari as bad as all you do but i have hard time with managing time.



i got another email saying IF/When i do they will be here. and 4 people on the board saying im making a mistake.


all kidding aside. what am i to do i need advice BAD






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Originally posted by liquid_sky:

im not gonna let you sell all your atari man i did and i regret it so bad. if you need money that badly i can make you a deal. I just sold my guitar, amp, pedals, and a few drums. If this sounds like a good deal email me.. Ill give you the 3200$ i got from selling the music gear for your atari stuff.


its morelike a safe keepings place from an email i got from him .nota i keep itforever. he wantsme to have the collection and he could help . i wont let him. but maybe i can wait how bad can my car be. yet some of the items like the jag 5200 and lynx can go. i dont know thou how i can crame atari fun into my days here. all it is plastic right and paper labels. and plastic chips. shouldnt be hell for meto find a little time foratari fun. i havent played atari on atari in 2 years and only time i do play it is on the PC

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i sold all my atari a few years back.. i didnt have alot only 200 games or so. since thenall the fleas have driend up, ive seen ebay prices inflat like crazy, and ive seen the demand go up as the supply shirnks. i want to make clear that you shouldnt sell, but if you choose to need money i sold my baby (got burned out on guitar so i sold my strat, 4 or 5 effect pedals, and a few pearl drums that i never had a stand for anyway. #200 is a rough amount, it might not be that high.. but im tellin you if you sell all of your atari you are going to regret it. selling some atari is fine and i understands that, but giving up on atari just for a car is something that you will regret for a long time.

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