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Cuttle Carts - Low Stock


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Hello everyone,


I just thought I'd let people know that I'm down to about 12 Cuttle Carts remaining, plus a few that didn't make it through production that I might attempt to repair at some point.


Once they're gone I have no intention of producing any more.


If you've been contemplating picking one up, don't wait too long, or at least don't complain when they're gone.






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Assuming you're one of the paypal payments, your Cuttle Cart shipped out today.




These have actually sold rather well, much better than I anticipated. I'm now down to 8 carts left, and a small stack of dead ones. These definitely moved a lot faster than the Intellicarts. Thanks again for supplying the CDs for distribution with the Cart, from the number of "Does it still come with the CD?" presales questions I received I'd say it was definitely a significant selling point.




I'd also like to say thanks to all the people here on Atariage, who've helped keep the Cuttle Cart in the public eye, and had so many nice things to say. It's the positive feedback from people that really makes these little projects rewarding. Seeing all the posts that mention it makes me feel I've definitely given something to the Atari community that people are happy to have.



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Originally posted by ubersaurus:

Wish I had known about the intellicart during its initial run. It woulda been 30 bucks cheaper for me then ;p


I had more than ample opportunity to purchase an Intellicart and I blew it, too. I spent too much at CGE this year and had to draw the line somewhere. I won't make that mistake again.



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Originally posted by ubersaurus:

Wish I had known about the intellicart during its initial run. It woulda been 30 bucks cheaper for me then ;p


The initial run of Intellicarts was priced at $100. It was later on that I dropped the price to $70 to try and move my remaining stock.


I'm assuming from your post that Rob will be selling them at $100 again. Correct?



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It looks like I'm sold out. Still waiting for confirmation on the sale of the last two, but I have four people waiting in line for those two if the buyer fails to complete the deal.


There are six boards that didn't make it. Two are clearly non-repairable (at least not to my standards), and one is just missing - I vaguely recall throwing it away as non-repairable as well. The other three need the CPLDs replaced. I'm fairly confident this would fix two of them, not certain on the third. However, replacing the CPLDs is expensive in small quantities, so I'm not certain that I'll get around to it.


As for making another batch, I don't think that will happen. I clearly stated on the website that I did not intend to make more, so if I changed my mind I would likely upset people who purchased them on the basis of their limited availability. For example, I had a spike in sales after announcing the low stock status. How would all of those people who rushed to buy one now before they were gone feel if a few months from now there were suddenly more of them?


It's a tough situation. For reasons of cost, parts availability, and manufacturing issues I can't make these on demand, but have to make them in batches, with a large upfront cost. However, these are small market items so for every new batch there are fewer customers and it takes longer to sell them all. Sitting there with a big stack of unsold carts that sell very slowly is something I'm not interested in doing. The last batch of Intellicarts had that situation. Even after slashing the price by 30% they were still barely moving. At that point the profit was low enough that it wasn't even worth my time (read less than minimum wage) to take them to the post office.


Switching to Fedex, with the fact that they come pick up the carts has made that less annoying, but I think I'll just stop now and not risk repeating the experience. The Cuttle Carts sold very well, and I'm happy. And I think I'd like it to stay that way.


Thanks to everyone for all of your support. I've received lots of positive feedback for the Cuttle Cart, which I just love. It's great to hear from people how happy they are to own and use the cart and how much they appreciate what I've done for our hobby (statements like that are really great at feeding one's ego ).


Perhaps things will change in the future and there will be more, of if I have more time perhaps another product like a 7800 or Colecovision cart, who knows.



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Originally posted by ubersaurus:

I can't wait for the intellicart, thank god my comp is right next to the classic game TV. Serial ports aren't exactly cd friendly. But I'm not griping, it's quality


I actually prefer the serial interface personally, it's so much faster and generally more reliable as well. You'll really appreciate that on the Intellivision games as they're so much larger than the 2600 games. (The small ones are 8K, and they get much bigger.)


I don't think I would do an audio interface on anything other than the 2600. Perhaps the Colecovision as I think the largest games for that console are 32K. It would depend on how many of the games were 32K.



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Originally posted by C. Schell:

Perhaps things will change in the future and there will be more, of if I have more time perhaps another product like a 7800 or Colecovision cart, who knows.


I hope so... I haven't had the money on me lately to actually pick up one of these They're definitely worth the money... but I'm a little wary to be putting $100 charges on my credit card.


A ColecoVision Cuttle Cart would be awesome!



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Love my Cuttle cart.



I would not be upset if you decided to produce another batch of carts.

If demand is there go for it.


Maybe you could take pre-orders asking for 50% of the cost upfront. you could announce the production of the carts would start after you had 100 orders then once you have the orders those who want one would send 50% of the cost. you would then have some money to get going and you know that they would be sold.

just a thought.


A Colecovision cart

definetlly I would want one.

Please if you decide post info here or email me at bangles66@yahoo.com


Thanks for the Cuttle Cart

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