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Looking for a copy of "Personal Planning Calendar" from A.N.A.L.O.G. #31


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After searching through the A.N.A.L.O.G. archives on the Holmes cd's for a file that I used frequently back in the day, I managed to find it, but it is corrupt... There must have been a bad sector in the transfer as sector 358 is totally blank (discovered by tracing the file)...



Does anyone out there have a working copy of a basic program called "Personal Planning Calendar" by Wayne Gautney from A.N.A.L.O.G. magazine?

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Anyone? Or am I S.O.L...

Is it something that can be typed in again from a copy of that issue (aargh! typing long program listings bites!), or is that not an option?




You bet... I'd type it in if I had a copy of issue #31... or if Cyberroach posted it...

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Anyone? Or am I S.O.L...

Is it something that can be typed in again from a copy of that issue (aargh! typing long program listings bites!), or is that not an option?




You bet... I'd type it in if I had a copy of issue #31... or if Cyberroach posted it...

I don't know if I have #31, but I'll check for it the next time I visit my parents (which is tomorrow night).



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I checked all my Analog disks but nothing. I got as close as 29. These all need to be on line! The Cyberroach site is kind of a joke. He should just hand it over to someone else.


I know I have the issue. I might have an extra one. If I do I can send it to you. If not I can at least scan the pages for you. Give me a couple of days to look.



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Howdy folks


The disk that came with ANALOG and ANTIC are online somewhere, but I can't find the site at the moment. It's half past 2 and it's very dark outside. So maybe someone else can help us wih the URL of that side.




Mathy (who isn't sure, #31 came with a disk)

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I checked all my Analog disks but nothing. I got as close as 29. These all need to be on line! The Cyberroach site is kind of a joke. He should just hand it over to someone else.


I know I have the issue. I might have an extra one. If I do I can send it to you. If not I can at least scan the pages for you. Give me a couple of days to look.




Thank you thank you... If you scan them, I'll type them in and bring that wonderful little program (at least it was to me) back to the Atari community... If you do scan, don't forget the Unicheck checksums...


I agree about Cyberroaches site... a better thing to do would be to make pdfs of the issues... I'd also like to see that with Antic magazine...

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I checked all my Analog disks but nothing. I got as close as 29. These all need to be on line! The Cyberroach site is kind of a joke. He should just hand it over to someone else.


I know I have the issue. I might have an extra one. If I do I can send it to you. If not I can at least scan the pages for you. Give me a couple of days to look.




Thank you thank you... If you scan them, I'll type them in and bring that wonderful little program (at least it was to me) back to the Atari community... If you do scan, don't forget the Unicheck checksums...


I agree about Cyberroaches site... a better thing to do would be to make pdfs of the issues... I'd also like to see that with Antic magazine...


No problem. I just checked and no deal on an extra copy but I got my personal copy right in front of me. I'll try scanning it tonight.


I like PDFs but I also like the mags in text form so you can use a search engine to find stuff.


At least we're going to see the Larry Flynt Analog issues soon. Check atarimagazines.com for an update. They already did many of the Larry Flynt ST-LOGs.



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I like PDFs but I also like the mags in text form so you can use a search engine to find stuff.

Ah, but that's what searchable PDFs are for ;)




Thanks Remo... I'll start on this tonight... Should have it posted some time tomorrow... I've been looking for this for years...


I'm one happy Atarian!!! :) :) :)

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Well... the first thing I can see that I'll have to change is make it Y2K compliant... lol...


I'll be posting it on here as a floppy image with the original program as it was meant to be entered, a Y2K compliant version, a compiled version (either MMG or Datasoft, not sure yet), I'd compile it with Turbo Basic XL, but I was never a big fan of the extra runtime file... We'll see...

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Damn... I'm out to the bush again... If someone wants to beat me to it... Go for it... I'm only 1/2 done...

Are you typing it? I tried to copy part of the code to the clipboard and then paste it into Notepad, and some of the characters were messed up, but it's not too hard to read through the resulting code and manually correct the errors. That might be faster than typing the whole thing in by hand. Once you get the "regular" code (everything but the special characters) into a text file, it should be easy to load it into an emulator, add the control characters, and save the final result.



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Damn... I'm out to the bush again... If someone wants to beat me to it... Go for it... I'm only 1/2 done...

Are you typing it? I tried to copy part of the code to the clipboard and then paste it into Notepad, and some of the characters were messed up, but it's not too hard to read through the resulting code and manually correct the errors. That might be faster than typing the whole thing in by hand. Once you get the "regular" code (everything but the special characters) into a text file, it should be easy to load it into an emulator, add the control characters, and save the final result.




Yes... typing it in... I'll have it finished tonight... I refused work today due to unsafe equipment... It's about 1/2 to 2/3 done and Unichecked... I'll post it and a compiled version sometime later tonight... For the Y2K fix, I think I might make it an 80 column app with the help of J.D.Casten's EASY80 for a modern feel...


I like typing it in by hand...very nostalgic... besides... what else would I do... Watch tv? Can do both nowadays thanks to the laptop...


I haven't checked any of the results but the XL search can sometimes help:




Been there... done that... I've looked for this program for quite sometime... ever since I discovered Atari emulation as I have yet to replace my old 130XE... I look at it this way also, I've looked for this for years, done a lot of data mining and have found zilch, so if I haven't found it, chances are it's not out there, so then I've added a small piece to the collective preservation of Atari 8bit software...

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Well here they are... The first file is an autoboot Basic disk... The second is a compiled Turbo Basic version... other compilers had problems with the spaghetti code...


Personal Planning Calendar -bas.dcm

Personal Planning Calendar - ctb.dcm


Sorry I didn't see your post until this AM. I have #31 original, except that it is now DD with MyDos. I checked it and it, and CALENDAR.BAS runs fine, but I do see the Y2K problem. Sometimes its useful to wait a few days when posting for an item, since everyone may not see the post immediately.


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Well here they are... The first file is an autoboot Basic disk... The second is a compiled Turbo Basic version... other compilers had problems with the spaghetti code...


Personal Planning Calendar -bas.dcm

Personal Planning Calendar - ctb.dcm


Sorry I didn't see your post until this AM. I have #31 original, except that it is now DD with MyDos. I checked it and it, and CALENDAR.BAS runs fine, but I do see the Y2K problem. Sometimes its useful to wait a few days when posting for an item, since everyone may not see the post immediately.



No problem... I've been waiting for years and with someone posting a listing of it, I couldn't wait any longer... I might do a quick Y2K fix on it... so quick that it won't be Y3K or up compatible, but I doubt anyone will be using it by then... lol


p.s. You're money order's on the way Larry!!! :)

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Hey folks!


Charles Chron recently found me online and asked me about Personal Planning Calendar. I was very surprised that anyone would remember, much less try to find, that program! I wrote it when I was 16 or 17 (I'm 39 now!) and I had lost my copy of ANALOG magazine. I appreciate your efforts to recover the article. They paid me $250 to publish it and I was definitely a Big Man on Campus at my high school among my fellow computer nerds LOL!


I remember being at a loss as to how to get around the Y2K hurdle, but I never thought anyone would use it beyond 1986! Is there an Atari 8-bit emulator for MAC OSX? I'd love to get it up and running just to reminisce.


-Wayne Gautney

Mobile, Alabama

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Howdy Wayne


You can try Rainbow and Atari800MacX. I'm not using emulators much, but if I do, I use Atari800MacX. No specific reason. You can go to www.versiontracker.com and download it from there. Keep in mind that you wil have to search the net to find the OS images. But if you find them (using Google that shouldn't be a problem), you can use them with Rainbow as wel as Atari800MacX. But make sure you have a copy of those ROM images somewhere on your computer, where it will not be overwritten when a new version of the emulator is installed. Otherwise you'll have to download them again.





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