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Found: JagCD?


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EDIT: yep, Ive just recieved a new deal for a JagCD 55 bucks! So hopefully someone can offer Malix a deal too. Now Im on the look out for cheap games!


Ive found quite a few sites with stuff I want but I cant buy from them all, ahwell..


at least Club Drive will keep me entertained for a while.... (man those inhouse games are sneaky!)




Since I took so long (roughly 2months) to get the money I needed to buy helper's JagCD , He just decided not to sell it to me for reasons that ive just mentioned (taking 2 months to get the money) and is going to sell it on Ebay or so ive been told, I am now with 100-130 or so canadian dollars (some of which i am going to spend on a XEGS or maybe less if i can get in a trade) so I am now looking for a JagCD, THIS time if I can get an offer, I will send the money ASAP, I am looking for the JagCD and the packin games, the tempest CD isn't a huge factor, but I want to pay less then what I would have to pay say at vglq or telegames, So, if you could help me out, That would be great.


I am also looking for a cheap copy of BattleMorph and Cybermorph.


Its my own fault for not getting the money on time, but now I have the money and I want to spend it on what I was trying to save it up for. Normally I would not have taken so long to get the money but there was other factors that _needed_ to be solved first.


[ 12-29-2001: Message edited by: Atari-Jess ]

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Im still looking for one here, Im getting a little fustrated, I dont want to pay 80-160 american for a JagCD I simply cannot afford it once converted to Canadian


I just want a good working used JagCD wit the games that came with it for 60 American.


Is that TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR?? i mean you cant even sell a N64 for 20 bucks around here, sure there is a difference but still!


SOMEONE _MUST_ have a spare or JagCD SOMEWHERE that they would be willing to let go of for 60 american.


I really need to get one.


(to malix: i really am not mad at you, seriously, so please dont think I am, Im not in the least bit angry with you, not at all. ok? I just dont want you to think im lying or something or that im secretly mad heh)

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