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Flashback 2.0 + Pixelspast PCBs

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You are right. I was trying swoops, didn't work. I just got yar's revenge to work. Thanks.


I have been going crazy. I was going by the pinouts on the pcb to wire the mod, so I had the carts in backwards all day.


Got it all straight now.

Cool, glad you were able to get it to work. I think there is a list somewhere on the forum of games known not to work with the FB2, but at quick glance I was not able to find it. Does someone else know where it is?



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I think there is a list somewhere on the forum of games known not to work with the FB2, but at quick glance I was not able to find it. Does someone else know where it is?




I'm not finding much of a list either. I might be the fist to post that Swoops doesn't work. Is anyone curious about any other game? I have 4 and 8 kB boards to test with.

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  • 2 weeks later...



That photo gives me the idea to just install a ZIF socket on the little bugger.



FB2 software dev kit? Damn straight! Good idea!! That way you know for sure if you program a game it could be thrown at atari for consideration for the FB3 :)


EDIT: FB2.5 I mean (the portable)

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Thanks guys. I used an old floppy connector. The ribbon cable is removed and replaced with Kynar wire for easy soldering. The wire fit into the connector's teeth perfectly, and is secured with hot glue. You can see the DTDP switch in the back.


I'm not sure what gauge wire it is but it looks pretty thin, and much larger would've worked as well.

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  • 5 months later...

I decided to give this to a friend as a graduation gift, but rather than give him a bunch of eproms, I built him an eight bank multi-cart. Loaded with 8K and doubled up 4K roms. Consists mainly of an altoid-like box and hot-glue. I was having trouble with pull-up resistors, so I used double-throw switches and fed the address lines pure Vcc or ground. I cut traces and soldered to the pcb so I could easily swap out the eprom.



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  • 1 month later...
I decided to give this to a friend as a graduation gift, but rather than give him a bunch of eproms, I built him an eight bank multi-cart. Loaded with 8K and doubled up 4K roms. Consists mainly of an altoid-like box and hot-glue. I was having trouble with pull-up resistors, so I used double-throw switches and fed the address lines pure Vcc or ground. I cut traces and soldered to the pcb so I could easily swap out the eprom.

Wow, that's quite a cool gift.

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Swoops is having trouble with Chimera too. Sooner or later Delicon needs to go over what's involved there.

If you describe the problems in detail, I might be able to give some hints about the reasons.

The game doesnt appear to have a problem when compared to Stella. The bouncy game works and the helicopter game works, but the third game doesnt do anything. A smiley face just sits on the middle left side of the screen; moving the switches and joystick doesnt do anything.



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Swoops is having trouble with Chimera too. Sooner or later Delicon needs to go over what's involved there.

If you describe the problems in detail, I might be able to give some hints about the reasons.

The game doesnt appear to have a problem when compared to Stella. The bouncy game works and the helicopter game works, but the third game doesnt do anything. A smiley face just sits on the middle left side of the screen; moving the switches and joystick doesnt do anything.



Well, there is a slight issue in 'Splatform' with Stella, but it's due to a TIA bug in Stella itself, not the game.

...but the third game doesnt do anything. A smiley face just sits on the middle left side of the screen; moving the switches and joystick doesnt do anything.

You know that this is a paddle game using the right port?

Yes, but you'll have to manually set the mouse to paddle 2 for it to be detected (the default for mouse is paddle 0). You can set that by pressing 'Ctrl-2'.

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