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Everybody votes... sometimes...

Jess Ragan

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Well, that's... uh, odd. Nintendo's opened a new Wii channel called "Everybody Votes" which lets system owners respond to a daily question by selecting one of two available answers. The channel was just launched a half hour ago, and while I can't seem to download it, I'll definitely let you know what I think of it when I can.



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I just downloaded the vote channel and think it's really neat....at least it will be. There is a lot of information not yet available because of it just coming out but I like the idea of the voting but even better is the prediction part. Yeah, I'm easily amused.


Another high-five for the Wii! :)

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I don't keep my Wii in standby any more, so I didn't know about this, but it seems cool.

What kind of stuff are they asking? Is it all video game related? I work in market research so I make sure to participate in any polls like this and even send in the Nintendo Power poll thing each month. The more Nintendo knows about what I like to play, the better.

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No..the polls are about anything.


For instance one of the polls today is "Which is more romantic for Valentine's?"


Answers are "Chocolate" and "Roses".


I also submitted a poll suggestion to Nintendo last night...hehe...wonder if they will actually ever use it.

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Meh, I'm totally not impressed with Wii's online strategy. I don't do those goofy polls on websites, why would I do them on my gaming system? This will be yet another channel (Like the news and weather) that we'll all check out once or twice and then never really have a reason to open again. Unless a person is just so bored with the actual games on the Wii they need something to pass the time with. J/K but you see my point? This is almost next to nothing.


This isn't a slam on Nintendo or the Wii as far as gaming goes...it's just what I want is the ability to play people in other states at a nice simple game of Mario Bro's....what I get is the abilty to choose chocolate or roses. How depressing.

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I actually like the news and weather. I use it alot. Since I tend to play in the evenings I always check the weather before I shut down for the night. I haven't tried the poll thing, but it might be fun. Maybe they'll eventually use it to help chose VC titles.


I don't mind their online strategy at all, but that's probably because I'm really not that much of an online gamer. I've experienced the idiots on Xbox Live and PC multiplayer gaming and have to say I'd rather them take a more relaxed approach to the whole thing.

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Meh, I'm totally not impressed with Wii's online strategy. I don't do those goofy polls on websites, why would I do them on my gaming system?

It's just a toy. (Like the Wii itself is.) You can choose to play with it or not.


That being said, I heard a fellow suggest that this might be Nintendo's way of testing their new stats-tracking system for online games. This way they can work the bugs before committing to a large release of networkable titles. Makes sense to me.


This will be yet another channel (Like the news and weather) that we'll all check out once or twice and then never really have a reason to open again.

Speak for yourself. I check the Weather and News every day while snuggling on the couch with my wife. She loves checking weather, and I have something to keep my hands busy with. ;)


what I get is the abilty to choose chocolate or roses. How depressing.

Right. Hows about we submit the question: "Which is better: Mario or Sonic?" Much more interesting topic. :P

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Maybe they'll eventually use it to help chose VC titles.


Now that would be something else altogether and a great idea. We'll see if it used for that purpose. That would be great if they do. I suspect more of the same tho. Paper or plastic? Pizza or pasta? Fun or stupid? You'll have to forgive me if I choose not to "play with it" :cool:


I'd be more excited about the news and weather like jbanes if I didn't already have the ability to check the news and weather via my homepage on my PC. The only difference is, it's quicker and easier on the PC. I'll stick to the Wii for the games.

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You'll have to forgive me if I choose not to "play with it"

Moycon refuses to play with his Wii. What's this world coming to?!? :lol:


I'd be more excited about the news and weather like jbanes if I didn't already have the ability to check the news and weather via my homepage on my PC.

I have the same ability. It just ends up being more convenient to save the news and weather checking for the Wii rather than breaking up my flow of other stuff I'm doing. Besides, most of the news I look at on my PC is tech news. The news on the Wii is more general stuff that I don't normally keep apprised of. :)

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I find myself more informed with what's going on in the world since the news channel launched. I like the slideshow feature. I know I could just go to Yahoo News, turn on the boob tube or pick up a newspaper but I guess the idea of just checking out the news quick while switching the games I'm playing or right before I play is convenient and neat to me.


I like all of the channels but I'm not sure if I would be so enthusiastic if they weren't free. Perhaps that is another reason I use them and find them neat.....I didn't pay any extra for them! :D

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I like the weather and news channels, but I'm unimpressed with this effort.


Same here. New Wii channels are a great idea, but boy oh boy does this one come up short! We desperately need a Nintendo Power channel with select articles and reviews taken from the print magazine. Now that would be a step in the right direction! Other great ideas include a music creation utility and a Mario Paint-style art studio; something with more depth than the simple editing offered in the photo channel.



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Thanks for the address! Here's what I sent them...


I was intrigued by the recent release of the Everybody Votes channel for the Nintendo Wii, and had a few ideas for future channels. Let me run a few of these by you...


* Horoscope channel. You enter your birthday, and the system loads up a horoscope that's exclusive to the Wii, and affected by your gaming habits.


* Birthday channel. A year-round celebration for gamers. When it's your birthday, you're given an interactive cake (spin it, slice it, eat it!) along with a list of other Wii owners celebrating their own special days. On the other 364 days of the year, you're just given a list of Wii owners who are celebrating their birthdays.


* Magic 8-Ball channel. Ask a question, then shake the Wiimote to reveal the answer. The purple die rises to the top of the black billiard ball, offering such responses as "Yes," "Outlook doubtful," and "Ask again later." Obviously this concept would work better with the official Magic 8-Ball license.


* Nintendo Power channel. The Wii desperately needs a gaming news channel, and an interactive issue of Nintendo Power would be the best way to address that need. Every month, select articles and reviews from the official Nintendo Power print magazine would appear in a special virtual edition.


* Puzzle channel. Standard crossword puzzles and Sudoku puzzles, updated daily. Both games play like the Sudoku puzzles in Brain Age for the DS, with the player scribbling in their answers with the Wiimote.


* Comics channel. Popular syndicated comics, updated daily and available with a touch of a button! Flip through your favorites with the Wiimote, and mark off the ones you don't like so they won't appear later.


* Fortune cookie channel. Break open the cookie with the Wiimote and find a slip of paper with one of hundreds of inspirational messages inside. The messages are entered into a database which updates on a weekly basis.


What do you think? Any chance we'll see any of these on the Wii?



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Messed around with the channel yesterday and I must say I think it is very cool. Only Nintendo could make what is basically an MMO game where all you have to do is vote on stuff. The interface is cool, the questions are entertaining I guess, and the stats, predictions and personification of it all are really cool in my book.

People who gripe about neat little interactive freebies in their game system need help. I really think little stuff like this makes the Wii so great. It's not just a unique game machine, it's a standalone unique experience and community. It's all about 'we' and Everybody Votes reinforces that.

Thumbs up from me :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Edited by figgler
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People who gripe about neat little interactive freebies in their game system need help.


I'm not griping about it, basically like I said, I could care less about it. To me it's next to nothing. I don't game hours and hours a day, so when I do sit down to have a good time...That aint it. I'm just not amused by something like that and wish they would focus on something that had some substance and am not afraid to say when something is lame. If I was twelve I might like that goofy shit .Maybe. You say it cool...I say it's a waste. Personally I think someone that would think that was "COOL" needs help! :lol: I will however call for help if you think I really really need it, I don't want to endanger society with my terrible opinions!!! :dunce:

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