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Neo-Geo and MSX to be added to VC lineup in JPN


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There you go...


As you can see the Japanese will start to get MSX and Neo-Geo VC games by the summer's timeframe. And there isn't any info regarding any of this coming to the US. But the Neo-Geo did get a US release and many of the games as well. So it could be possible. The MSX on the other hand I don't see coming to the US VC offerings. But I did read something sometime back that stated that Nintendo was thinking about possibly putting C-64 titles up on the VC. And if they did that, I could very well see many of those making it to the US VC list.


Anyway...just though it was interesting news and that you might like to know...



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I REALLY don't understand Nintendo offering different games in Japan than here. With physical copies of games I can understand (I guess), but with VC games, why not just have an "Import" section in the Wii marketplace with all of the non-localized downloadable games? From what I have heard (I have not tried to confirm it), you can already download FDS games in Japan that you can't get here. Why?!?! Is Nintendo suddenly allergic to money?

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I suspect that Nintendo has thought quite a bit about profit-maximization with respect

to their irtual Console lineup. By releasing a few games each week they generate publicity

for the game and the Wii. They probably sell quite a bit more of an individual title by

releasing it with only a few games competition than if they had released them all at once.


A trickel of games also helps releive the perception of a games drought on the Wii during the

wait between the launch titles and the next big round of releases. They also want to limit the

number of games to reduce the fraction of dud games. A lot of NES and SNES games just

weren't that great. If they release mostly better and more popular games it will make people

more willing to impulse buy a game they hadn't played way back when on the assumption it

will probably be pretty good. If they had 100's of titles then buying one at random there's a

good chance that it would be dreck and turn people off to the whole VC system.


I'm excited by the Neo Geo announcement because it means that the number of consoles

supported could increase in the future. Neo Geo will most likely come to the US because it

was popular here. I'm really hoping they will relasse arcade games for the VC some day, so

Neo Geo is a foot in the door...

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