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Will 2600 Homebrew games work on the 7800?...


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I'd love to buy Vault Assault and some other 2600 Homebrew games from the Atari Age Store, but I'm worried that they won't work on my 7800.


As far as I am aware, while there have been some homebrew carts for the 2600 released that had trouble with the 7800, all have been deemed "defective" and replaced free of charge.

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I'd love to buy Vault Assault and some other 2600 Homebrew games from the Atari Age Store, but I'm worried that they won't work on my 7800.


As far as I am aware, while there have been some homebrew carts for the 2600 released that had trouble with the 7800, all have been deemed "defective" and replaced free of charge.

There seen to be some 7800 systems that don't like a particular brand of EPROMs I've used, and for those individuals I can usually send out another cart using a different brand of EPROM and they work fine. Other than that, all 2600 homebrews should work fine on the 7800--there are no games that I'm aware of that don't work.



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To my understainding, many homebrews are tested extensively on a wide range of systems, including the 7800.


I don't think there's any homebrews that won't work on the 7800, but some chips don't like others (like the cheese flavored ones don't like the pickle ones LOL J/K) But if you run into one of those it can be fixed.


Vault assault is great BTW, reminds me of the asteroid levels on Cosmic Ark.

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I've tried Toyshop Trouble and Phantom II today on my 7800 and both don't work. I'll try it once again later on.



TT doesn't work for me either on the 2 7800s I use. Al replaced it once but now I fear I am stuck with it. He seemed reluctant to replace it a second time. I am awaiting the rom release so I can play it on my CC2. (I don't have an Atari 2600 setup out to play due to space considerations).


If this is going to be a problem with future releases, I will have to abstain from buying them. This makes me sad as I want to support the programmers. But, I f they don't work due to hardware issues.... :(




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TT doesn't work for me either on the 2 7800s I use. Al replaced it once but now I fear I am stuck with it. He seemed reluctant to replace it a second time. I am awaiting the rom release so I can play it on my CC2. (I don't have an Atari 2600 setup out to play due to space considerations).


If this is going to be a problem with future releases, I will have to abstain from buying them. This makes me sad as I want to support the programmers. But, I f they don't work due to hardware issues.... :(

As I told you in email, you are the only person to have trouble with Toyshop Trouble, out of over 150 carts I've sent out. I was glad to send you a second Toyshop Trouble, but I don't think a third will work, since the second cart I sent you was made with a different brand of EPROM and it didn't work in your 7800 system either. I tested both carts (the one you sent back and the one I sent you) on several 7800 systems (I have three setup right now) and Toyshop Trouble worked fine in all of them.


The board for Toyshop Trouble was used only for that specific game--I'm not sure that it'll be used again for other games (although it is possible). There is not going to be an epidemic of games that don't work on the 7800--the 2600 4K and bankswitch boards I'm using for all the 2600 games except Toyshop Trouble are the same boards I've been using for several years, and that's not likely to change anytime soon.


If you send want to send me one of your systems I might be able to troubleshoot the problem with Toyshop Trouble, but outside of that I can't really speculate why you are having problems. The ROM for Toyshop Trouble will be released soon--I only added all the recently released homebrew games to the database today (finally).



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