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New Commodore Games

Bill Lange

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No, not Wintel, but OSXtel PCs :)


They don't install Windows yet, nor is OSX Win based. Luckily.


Actually. If Vista was OSX based, I wouldn't have bought it ;-)


Commodore intends to sell Hi End Gaming PC's.

So no one may expect a revolutionary "SID" in there ;-)

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No, not Wintel, but OSXtel PCs :)


They don't install Windows yet, nor is OSX Win based. Luckily.


Actually. If Vista was OSX based, I wouldn't have bought it ;-)


Commodore intends to sell Hi End Gaming PC's.

So no one may expect a revolutionary "SID" in there ;-)


I guess that means they will be like (or compete with) alienware :?:

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, they are making windows based computers with a commie label. Wow, how original! I guess nothing has changed at commodore; Repackaging someone elses technology and calling it new!


If they were anymore creative we could call them Microsoft!


I actually got what seemed like a personalized response:


Date: 3/16/2007 6:43:44 PM Central Standard Time

From: m.kroder@commodoregaming.com (Michiel Kroder)

To: Dkassandra4@wmconnect.com



Hello Nathan,

Thank you for your interest! No retro computer in the planning, but we are looking

into other channels to distribute our classic games with.


Best regards, Michiel Kroder


I'm kinda scared about what "other channels" he means. I say again, I hopethey don't fudge it.

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Got a second email (I missed this from another email account) from Mr. Kroder:


Subject: RE: more info?

Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2007 20:38:41 +0100

From: "Michiel Kroder" <m.kroder@commodoregaming.com> Alert

To: "rollmeupatwenty" <rollmeupa20@yahoo.com>



Hello Nathan,


Thank you for your interest! It's always good to be in touch with real

Commodore fans.


As of right now we are not publishing any games ourselves. Rather, we

are launching a line of high end purpose-built gaming PCs... With some

extra surprises that come with it, some of it very Retro.


All will be revealed next week at the CeBIT convention in Hanover,

Germany. I can keep you updated if you like?


Best regards,


Michiel Kroder


P.S. I do like your idea of doing something on a handheld level. :)







Commodore Gaming BV

Hessenbergweg 111, 1101 BS,

Amsterdam - The Netherlands



Michiel Kroder

Content Manager


Tel: +31 (0)20 3113 550

Fax: +31 (0)20 3113 572




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