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Atari- The Next Generation

Idea Revolutions

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Now I know most of you will think I'm crazy, but we're promoting Atari to all the wrong people. With atariage.com, you're only promoting it to people that grew with Atari(such as myself)! If we really want something to become of Atari again, to wake up Hasbro and make them realize it's for more than the junk they're sending out now, we need to promote to today's world. How? Simple. Release Double Dragon as a ROM, only instead of having the normal music, include modern day heavy metal. Also, when you do that, post it on other sites! Post the ROM on non-Atari sites! E-mail websites and explain that you've got a realy awesome with even better music, and they'll promote it like that. And people will play it. Although I grew up back then, I listen to a lot of the modern so as to keep up. One song that would go perfect with one of the Pac-Man games is Nsync's "The Game is Over". So, those are ideas of how we could really promote the Atari. They're just ideas, and I don't care if it happens. I just think that it should.

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if you gave a look to the thread I've linked, you'd found out that the thing that makes atari games so good is the gameplay. So I doubt that the 2600 Double Dragon with a "fancy" music addition would impess people that grew up with bread and PS2 :)


Also, do you think it is so important to "promote atari" to people that probably wouldn't care?


Of course, anyway, I appreciate the ideas and the good will!




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Hasbro, Infrogames, both owned by the same company.

Yes, I guess it would depend on gameplay. But you see, people would almost look at it as if they're playing a music video. If you knew how many kids would want to do that. I just want somebody to try it. Maybe it won't work, but it's worth a shot. By the way, before posting this I talked to some kids about Atari(the kind that would be into the music), and they said that Atari is pretty cool even if the graphics suck. Kids love going back to old stuff, so that they can make fun of what their parents played. So all I'm saying is that they're is still a market, so I think people should try to reach it.

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I don't think the Atari could reproduce Heavy Metal very well. But I kinda see your point. Maybe at some point I'll do a music hack with a current popular song. Only problem is I don't like much recent music. Plus legal problems are more likely when doing a current song.


Maybe I'll do a Tenacious D song. They'd probably think it was funny and promote it.



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oh yeah, I almost forgot. I did some market research on this. My child "grew up" on Nintendo 64. (I think that makes him a "classic gamer" too what with PS2 and game cube and all). Anyway, I let him play some games on the 2600.


Here are the results:


"mom, why is it so blocky? It's kinda lame...." :roll:


Although, he did seem to enjoy playing some of the games, his favorite one was "California Games" Go figure.

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That's a pretty awesome idea. Although I'm not sure how the Atari would make music that sounds like porn music. The staple of porn music is the wah pedal, and the Atari doesn't really have any filters. But I could probably figure something out.


But which game? I'd probably vote Bachelor Party or X-Man.



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Idea Revolutions:


Have you played Mr. Roboto by Paul Slocum? It is a musical hack of the existing Berserk rom. You can play it on an emulator of course. This would give you some idea of the "potential" for music the Atari 2600 has.


Maybe you can talk more about your synthcart technology Paul?


That was a very excellent musical score in Mr. Roboto, almost a full 4 minutes worth of Styx music.

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dudes i didn't grow up on atari and i love but thats beside the point i'm saying if someones gonna like there gonna like it no matter how much flash (and we all know atari dosen't have much flash) you put into it it wont help. Remember when they tried to have 2600 compete aginst the nes they crashed and burned and that was only the nes there's no why atari as a system can take any of the market.

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The staple of porn music is the wah pedal, and the Atari doesn't really have any filters.

I can't say I've ever deconstructed porn music. Never really thought of it that way. I don't know if you could pull it off with just a funky base track.


As for the game, I'd love to see a modified version of "Sneak n Peek".....Awww yeah....


But seriously, I'd have to play those games again to see what's best. I think Bachelor Party is too fast-paced.

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Go ahead! Have porn music in a song! I don't care! Post it on a Showgirls website, maybe even Hooters.com or something! Just try to promote it. As to Bachelor Party... pretty stupid game. By the way, I think somePUNK is wrong. Infrogames just realeased an Atari Collection for the Game Boy Advanced and for the PSone, and I know that I lot of teenagers thought they were, "Weird.... Cool, they look cool.... fun....". So you can't tell me there isn't still a market. And it's not like we're releasing a system, just ROMs.

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I think that those Atari anniversary edition games are marketed toward the 30-something parents that have kids who already own the game system. For example, my child has gameboy advance, and I bought the Atari Aniversary cartridge out of curiosity. Same for the N64 (a cartridge that has Ms. Pac man, Galaga, Dig Dug, etc.)


Good marketing, I thought. :P

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Idea Revolutions,

There's no new market for Atari games amongst uninitiated consumers. That's half the fun! It's special to us! The last thing we need is a bunch of dumb teenagers getting interested in our hobby. Leave them to the pierced genitals, black lipstick and Limp Bizkit -- We like our community to remain as intelligent as possible. If you're that enthusiastic about becoming some sort of promotion king, this is the last place you should be! Not that we don't like you, but Atari is no longer a popular company, and most of us like it that way. That's the reason why the people here are predominantly intelligent and eclectic -- we're not the brainless mainstream.




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Hey Idea Revolutions, I think you've started another Sisyphean battle here. Good luck to you in your efforts, but I don't see you getting a lot of support around here.


As for me, I don't think Atari games need music. In fact, I'd rather that they don't have music. Nothing was better back in 1983 than firing up a 6-hour game of Defender accompanied by my cassette tape of Duran Duran's "Seven and the Ragged Tiger" or playing Berzerk with (of course) my 45-RPM single of "Mr. Roboto" on repeat in the background! (As much as I dig Paul Slocum's Mr. Roboto hack version of the song, nothing matches the original. You need Dennis DeYoung's eardrum-splitting wail to cut through the brain-vaporizing electrocution sounds in Berzerk!)

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I personally also did not grow with Atari

I fell in love with atari because they started and caused

a lot of the computer fad to the general public


in its time the high tech was always expected from Atari

and for some time Atari was able to bring that technology.


Most people dont understand that nor can they enjoy atari

games in its simple, yet highly addictive qualities


In blockbuster there is an Atari arcade classics CD for 10 bucks

everytime i go there i see it, the only people ive ever seen

even notice it, are dudes who appear to be around in their 30's

or dudes in their mid to late 20s


point being, you or any one else wont get atari interest back

unless you are infogrames and they are trying as you can see


seen test drive? that game kicks ass.


And Infogrames and Hasbro are not owned by the same company


Hasbro interactive is owned by infogrames not ALL of hasbro

and its not even called hasbro interactive, its called Atari Interactive Labs

or something like that now.


::end rant::

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I didn't know what the heck you were saying with "Sisyphean", so I looked it up:



Of or relating to an endless and ineffective task.


This one comes straight out of Greek myth. Sisyphus was a king of Corinth, a son of Aeolus (the ruler of the winds, hence our word aeolian for something produced by or borne on the wind). In later legend he was the father of Odysseus or Ulysses. His name actually meant "crafty" in Greek: he was noted for his deception and he's the equivalent in Greek folklore of the master trickster who turns up in many folk beliefs, such as Coyote in American Indian mythology. He even managed to cheat Death the first time around, surviving the experience to live to a ripe old age. In Greek legend Sisyphus was punished in Hades for his misdeeds in life by being condemned eternally to roll a heavy stone up a hill. As he neared the top, the stone rolled down again, so that his labour was everlasting and futile. The word first appeared in English in the middle of the seventeenth century. It isn't used much these days because so few people understand the reference to classical literature.



And aren't you happier now that you know this?

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