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My kid has a science fair next month at his school and I thought it might be sort of interesting if I could find him the old AtariLab kit. I've checked B&C and Best as well as ebay to no avail.


Does anyone have one to sell or know of any place that may still have one for sale?





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B&C ComputerVisions sells them, brand new. That's where I got my AtariLab light module and temperature kit. They're listed on their 8-Bit Computer Cartridge Software page:




Silly me, i looked under the hardware section.



I ended up calling Brad at Best and he had them in stock as well. I ordered them. I'll let you know how the science fair goes :)



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Yes, B&C and Best E. stock both Atarilab sets. I bought my light module from B&C through an E-bay auction and the starter set was a private E-bay auction. But the $15 price is reasonable to buy direct from B&C or Best. Though B&C charges $8 flat rate for shipping and though Best E. will ship priority mail for half the price, they have a $20 minimum order. I love messing with the AtariLab sets and it's very easy to use the interface and program it for your own plug-in devices. Lots of possibilities. The manuals are very useful and informative with ideas and sample type-in programs. I'm thinking of writing a simple Oscilliscope/digital multimeter display program using the AtariLab interface. The point also being that it's a perfect device for science projects using the Atari computer. The starter set could indeed be a useful platform for your son to do a science project. the computer could control and outside project connected through the interface(computer used as a remote control). For example, I remember years ago I read somehwere about a man who was using his Atari computer with the AtariLab interface to run his HO scale model train set(which was huge and complicated).

Edited by Gunstar
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I'm surprised, B&C should have more, I used to see them ebay'ing them weekly and not always selling, you called Brad at Best and Bruce and Cathy over at B&C just to check, they MUST have some?





My kid has a science fair next month at his school and I thought it might be sort of interesting if I could find him the old AtariLab kit. I've checked B&C and Best as well as ebay to no avail.


Does anyone have one to sell or know of any place that may still have one for sale?





Edited by Curt Vendel
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