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how to start collecting PAL .... part one


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ok, here we go: it always a mess getting 20 titles together from same company. you often have to buy other carts you allready have or pay more when they're auctioned a single item, plus multiple shipping .....


here's the clue: take 20 of my quelle carts!


my tradebox is pretty full of those at the moment and i thought i make a nice bunch for any collector that wants to start with a big pile of those .. they're all in very good condition, no screwholes, only two have a small scratch in the middle and one has a small writing. the labyrinth cart has a small corner that was probably heated shortly with a lighter, it's nothing bad, but i can replace this cart with something else if you want.


it's here now on offer. just send a mail and the highest offer takes it all.


as "buyitnow" option, i can offer the set including airmail shipping to whereever you are for 99$

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With the link is this too not working correct. But if you copy the link in the address, it work.


I have the same problem with piranho as server. It blocks pictures on other sites. You can link them in a html site and use this as linklocation, maybe this work better.


I hate this blocks too. I use now www.freenet.de if I will link pictures. Its free (I think) and its easy.

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