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I'm not interested in the PC version. What I need to know is how the XBOX version is. It got pretty good ratings in the latest issue of THE OFFICIAL XBOX MAGAZINE, but I want to hear from those who own the game how it is.


It definitely looks good and I have been watching the development with great interest since last year, I just want to make sure this is a game that I'll actually play or have the interest to finish it.


XBOX Morrowind owners, your thoughts please!

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I have Morrowind for Xbox,and it is good.If you have alot of time to play it,it is the game for you.The game is LOOOOOOONG and very open ended.I like it,check my site for a review of it. :D  ;)  8)


I just played through the demo version of what I believe will be a HUGE sleeper hit for the XBOX. Hunter: The Reckoning is on the newest demo disc and man, I was totally caught by surprise. This is a strangely addictive Gauntlet/Smash TV/House of the Dead/Resident Evil hybrid that's loads of fun to play with nonstop action and 4 player mulitplayer!


I think I'll pick this up before Morrowind! Check this game out...the Martyr is the best character out of the 4.

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Elder Scrolls III is one of the very few games on Xbox that interests me. I heard the manual is *dramatic pause* 350 pages long!! And the area you are free to explore is the equivilant of 10 square miles!!!


You can go anywhere and do anything.... The review I read stated some players would actually be overwelmed at the amount you can do and not want to mess with it.


I did hear that combat in the game pretty much blows though :(

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My friend and I rented Hunter. We enjoyed it, but I wouldn't buy it. It gets really old when you near the end of the game.


I haven't played Morrowind, but I would get that instead. It sounds like it has some flaws, but the reviewers are saying that the awesome stuff makes it easy to overlook the problems.



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My friend and I rented Hunter.  We enjoyed it, but I wouldn't buy it.  It gets really old when you near the end of the game.


I haven't played Morrowind, but I would get that instead.  It sounds like it has some flaws, but the reviewers are saying that the awesome stuff makes it easy to overlook the problems.




I can see how it would get repetitive since there are sections in the the first few levels where it seems like zombies just keep on spawning. I think this would be a great game for two or more players, but the OFFICIAL XBOX MAGAZINE indicates that you are forced to deal with EVEN MORE zombies and touger bosses.


What I need to know about Hunter is the continue system. IN the demo, you earn continues for doing certain things. Is there any sort of save/password system in the retail version? I'd hate to have to play through the entire game again just because I ran out of continues on the last level...


Morrowind is a definite, but I may hold out since I don't really have the time to invest in a game of that magnitude. Shenmue II will have my full attention when its released in Q4, so I'm hoping to fit Morrowind in sometime between now and then.

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Yeah, you can save at the end of each section. You get a couple of continues each time you start from a saved game. And you sometimes get more continues for rescueing good guys.


We played with two players the whole time. We did have fun playing it, but I have some major complaints:


1) It has RPG elements in that your character's power increases with experience, but the increases are barely noticable!


2) If you run out of continues and one player is left, then they manage to get another continue, the other player can rejoin but starts over with zero experience and loses all spells! I can understand this in some games, but in this one it's just annoying.


3) The game's difficulty is really inconsistant. Things will be really easy, then get insanely hard, then get easy for a while again.


4) Some save points are not placed well. There's a boss that's REALLY hard to beat, but each time you die you have to do the whole level again to get to him. It gets really old doing that level over and over. We were about ready to quit and return the game at this point.


5) Towards the end there are just soooo many monsters and so many rooms that are too much alike. Gets old. We were very close to the end and finally quit out of boredom.



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Yeah, you can save at the end of each section.  You get a couple of continues each time you start from a saved game.  And you sometimes get more continues for rescueing good guys.


We played with two players the whole time.  We did have fun playing it, but I have some major complaints:


1) It has RPG elements in that your character's power increases with experience, but the increases are barely noticable!


2) If you run out of continues and one player is left, then they manage to get another continue, the other player can rejoin but starts over with zero experience and loses all spells!  I can understand this in some games, but in this one it's just annoying.


3) The game's difficulty is really inconsistant.  Things will be really easy, then get insanely hard, then get easy for a while again.


4) Some save points are not placed well.  There's a boss that's REALLY hard to beat, but each time you die you have to do the whole level again to get to him.  It gets really old doing that level over and over.  We were about ready to quit and return the game at this point.


5) Towards the end there are just soooo many monsters and so many rooms that are too much alike.  Gets old.  We were very close to the end and finally quit out of boredom.




I'll probably still buy Hunter regardless. There's just something about the gameplay that "clicked" when I played it and kept me focused until the demo ended (right at the elementary school entrance). Even if it does get tough at the end, it will be a good game to pick up now and then just to blast through several stages.

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Hunter looked decent too. Sometimes its fun to just get into some mindless blasting ALA: Gauntlet.


I agree with Adrian. Ive read some more reviews and Morrowind sounds like the kind of game you'd better be prepared to lose a good chunk of your life getting thru. No wonder the review I read said what it did about it being TOO MASSIVE that some gamers would be put off.


Still it would definately be on my must get list of XBOX games (when I get one)

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I lik Morrowind but I really,really don't like Hunter.I have a review for both on my site.Hunter to me is just Gauntlet with better graphics but with no fun.All the game is is just a bunch of crap coming t you,while you don't have enough ammo to kill half of them.It seems like the whole world loves that game,but I hate it.The only people who don't like it are me,a few friends,and EGM.Damn that game to hell. :x :mad: :thumbsdown:

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I lik Morrowind but I really,really don't like Hunter.I have a review for both on my site.Hunter to me is just Gauntlet with better graphics but with no fun.All the game is is just a bunch of crap coming t you,while you don't have enough ammo to kill half of them.It seems like the whole world loves that game,but I hate it.The only people who don't like it are me,a few friends,and EGM.Damn that game to hell. :x  :mad:  :thumbsdown:


Are you sure you played Hunter thoroughly? Every character has two weapons available to them (one melee, one long range) and each one has a projectile weapon with infinite ammo. The guy who I'm using now (the priest), has a cool crossbow that's surprisingly effective. To make a long story short, you always have an infinite supply of ammo for at least your stock projectile weapon. Though the machine gun and shotguns are more powerful (and more fun to use), those are the weapons that rely on the limited ammunition.


Granted, there are gauntlet elements to the game, but it's more like a 3D SmashTV/Robotron clone. And there are adventure and task-based elements thrown in as well--I just escorted that Kaylie girl to the church in the middle of the graveyard--so it's not just mindless combat.


Anyway, I'm currently in the catacomb section and I love it! I hope to invest some time in the game over the weekend!

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IMHO, use the priest and black girl with the red clothes (can't remember her name). You want the priest for his default "kill a bunch of stuff" spell and his crossbow kills vampires in one or two shots. The the girl has a good melee attack, decent default gun, and you GOTTA have that healing spell.



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I have completed Hunter the Reckoning this weekend! I beat the game using the Judge (Priest) and it wasn't too hard.


The last battle pits you against the warden and requires a bit of fast thinking (as well as at least 6 continues). During the pre-fight cinematic, the boarded up window is constantly being shown and if you recall the tips that are given before the fight with the Carpenter (ghosts are anchored to certain objects.....etc), then the window reference begins to make sense.


As the fight starts, I quickly freed the 3 innocents from the cells that the warden was using as hosts for his dead family spirits. Then immeidately I focused my attention to the boared up window which is by no means an easy feat to get to since the damn warden spawns three of the tentacle demons who constantly slash at you and zap you with red lasers. Empty your high powered weapons into the window and you'll see pieces of the boards fall off as you do damange...careful with that rocket launcher at close range though! When you empty your machine guns and shotgun, turn immediately to your melee weapon and slash at the window. Do not bother with the boss demons, just focus on the window. There's a healing glyph at the window so use it to extend your life and keep attacking the window. Soon, victory is yours.


I beat the game and unlocked the alternate costumes and nightmare mode. I'm starting a new game with the Defender in the police uniform since she's one of the better characters in the game.

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