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ATR8000 Co-Power 88 Add On


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Has anyone tried to use an ATR8000 with the Co-Power 88 add on? I actually have one of these beasts, but I'm not sure what PC software it's actually compatible with. I know it won't handle anything with graphics (which pretty much limits its usefulness right there), but I thought it would be fun to see exactly what I could do with it.


I'd also like to try out the CP/M functionality, but I have no CP/M games. I think they made some of the early Infocom titles in CP/M, maybe I can try and find one of those.



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Has anyone tried to use an ATR8000 with the Co-Power 88 add on? I actually have one of these beasts, but I'm not sure what PC software it's actually compatible with. I know it won't handle anything with graphics (which pretty much limits its usefulness right there), but I thought it would be fun to see exactly what I could do with it.


I'd also like to try out the CP/M functionality, but I have no CP/M games. I think they made some of the early Infocom titles in CP/M, maybe I can try and find one of those.




Yes, Co-power 88 works, but all I've done is boot MS-Dos (2.0, IIRC). I've also used CP/M 2.2 enough to know that I don't care for it one bit. And also that MS-Dos was one heck of an upgrade from CP/M (IMO).


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  • 3 months later...
Try here for some CP/M disks:




I have not tried any of them on my ATR8000 so can't give any hints. I got mine in a huge collection I bought but have never done anything more than power it up and ensure it works.

The link you had is dead, any current link?

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