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FB2 Questions, mostly paddle related

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I have a pair of Atari's paddles, 2 connected to 1 plug.

I can't seem to get pong to play using the paddles, even though it says it will.


if i plug the paddles into the 2nd controller slot, they don't move anything.


If I plug them into the 1st controller plug, then I can't pick games.


Is it okay to switch controllers during the games?


I haven't tried the hidden games yet.


Also, pong keeps scrolling, not able to vertical sync. Does this happen to anyone else?


I haven't tried all the games yet, but it was the only one to do that so far.


Once I figure out how to use my scopes, i'll probably connect it's output to the scope to see what freq the vertical sync is the pong game is producing. Providing I can use it for that.


Of course, it could be my Commodore 1902 monitor that just doesn't like that one game or something.



When I was growing up, I wanted an atari or some sort of vid game system, which of course, I never got. Some years later we got a C64 for christmas, which was really cool, but it meant that I missed out on the Atari, Intellivisions, Coleco's, and Odessy's of that age. I did play arcade games, and games on the TRS-80 Model III's (computers my middle school had), but I missed out on those systems. The point is, I don't find them that all fun to play. At least the built in games mostly suck.


I'm not knocking the system, it's just that they don't have the same place in my heart as some of the later 8 bit system games that came out after the crash in 84.


It's also possible that once I get the cart mod done, and play the few 2600 carts I do have, like Donkey Kong, and whatever else there is, that I will find more games I consider enjoyable to play.


If I had grown up with an Atari VCS, or 2600 before I finally had gotten a C64 then it would of been different. Funny how you are usually most found of what you started with, then some of the stuff that you had wished that you had growing up. =)


The Mattel Electronics Football game I got back in 79 or 80 totally kicked butt. Very simple electronics, but I played it to death. Ended up disconnecting it's speaker so I could play it at night when I was suppose to be sleeping.

The rereleased them some years ago, this time with a sound on/off switch and AA batteries instead of 9volt. But it's logic, or programming wasn't the same. I knew the original game well, I played it so many times. I think it got where I would just try to make touchdowns every play, since I knew how they reacted to you by that time.

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if i plug the paddles into the 2nd controller slot, they don't move anything.


If I plug them into the 1st controller plug, then I can't pick games.


Is it okay to switch controllers during the games?


I haven't tried the hidden games yet.


Also, pong keeps scrolling, not able to vertical sync. Does this happen to anyone else?

You can only operate the menu using a joystick, so yes, if you want to play the paddle games you must swap controllers often (or find a "Y" adapter cable to use). I think to play Pong with the paddle controllers, you must press the paddle button to start the game.

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Okay, then it's okay to swap the joysticks out. It's bad on other systems of that era, I think. Though it could be it's just bad plugging the wrong joystick in while the systems on.


At least Y adaptors aren't hard to make for those. I got a few Y adaptors for PC style (DB15) joysticks, plus some of the ones for the soundcards with midi and the y splitter, but I never seen them for the db9's. But there's db9 switch boxes...


wow, another idea!. since I was going to make a joystick/gamepad adaptor box/cable thingy for my various systems anyways, I might as well just put it all together, so I don't have to make a few different ones (that you forget which is which anyways), I'll just put it all into a box with the various connectors and crap.


Then I could use any bloody gamepad/joystick i want on whatever system I want. *sigh*


Oh, well, another idea to put the back on my brain to work on.



So any ideas on why the pong can't keep veritical sync? Does this happen to anyone else?


Also, does all the atari carts have the stupid front part the slides back to show the connector slots? Or just the Atari made carts?


I'd like to get a cartridge plug slot to put them in, but I never come across broken atari systems anywhere. While I don't really care that much to have the floppy cable & plug coming out of the unit, I don't want to make the floppy cable that long, since shorter is better. Plus it would be nice to have something take care of the front of the carts, instead of having to use something to push them back.


I don't mind modding stuff, like putting holes in them for switches or anything, but part of me likes keeping stuff the original way the looked, with the mod being removeable or out of the way or something.


I guess part is I dont' have any decent tools to making holes and crap and would have to pack it all up and take it on a ferry ride to my dad's place. Which is a hassle.


I just need a sonic screwdriver with a laser cutting tool option. Maybe a molcule seperator also. umm, do they make any of that stuff yet? =)

Edited by nyder
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