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Lepix 0.2.0


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Hi all,


I just released a new version of the Lepix drawing program, you can download it from here:



Major changes:
- added TIP module
- added undo (U) and redo (R) options
Minor changes:
- fixed color picking in HIP
- fixed 'ghost cursor' and zoomed-cursor problems
- fixed the first line display in HIP and CIN
- experimental mouse support (both Amiga and AtariST), 
 doesn't really work
- added new cursor shapes
- README Atari-readable in .atr


I know very few people are interested in actually drawing on a8, but you never know, perhaps this will help somone.

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That TIP format is very interesting. I'm impressive Lepix is very easy to use.

About the problem for future support in Gr.8, you can use the same sprite pixel, but use the right half to create a pixel on screen.

If Mouse support is hard? how about pen screen?


Maybe someone here knows how to convert a JPG/BMP/GIF/PNG picture for Atari TIP format. Is there a tool for this?

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That TIP format is very interesting. I'm impressive Lepix is very easy to use.

About the problem for future support in Gr.8, you can use the same sprite pixel, but use the right half to create a pixel on screen.

If Mouse support is hard? how about pen screen?


Maybe someone here knows how to convert a JPG/BMP/GIF/PNG picture for Atari TIP format. Is there a tool for this?

Hey Allas, thanks for the comments.

About the hi-res modes, I think I will eventually add them, but I just spent quite some time on Lepix, and I want to shift my focus to another (ultra-cool mega-secret :)) project for some time.


About the TIP converter: try "TIP Tools" by Epi, available e.g. here: http://epi.atari8.info/download.php.


By the way, if you happen to have any pictures you drew with help of Lepix, please send them to me, it would be nice to put them in the gallery :)

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Hey Eru,


I've just modified successfully LePix so that it can be used with a USB mouse. The Amiga/AtariST mouse support is really crappy, the more I was surprised how much better the usb mouse (using the USB Cart) works out!! It's as easy as pulling a value from a register. I only had to improve cursor.asx a bit, so that mouse movements aren't restricted to 1px steps (like inc or dec).


one other fact you should know: the usb mouse supports information on how many pixels the mouse cursor has been moved. this means the usb device is more "intelligent" and is not only reporting x/y-inc/dec's.


However, this is what I've found using the USB mouse:


* the zoomed-cursor problem has been fixed !!! thx !!! (I had problems on the old version)

* if in zoom mode, the vertical movement does not support "jumps" of let's say 5 px or so. then I get garbage in the zoom window. the workaround here is to en-/disable zoom by hitting "z" twice - ANNOYING

* in zoom-mode, the horizontal movement -as implemented- works fine! it supports movements > 1 px

* drawing lines would be a great addition!! because the usb mouse movements leave gaps between one pixel to the other, the corresponding hand-drawn line looks like "spray effects" or a dotted line.


Some other strange things I've found out:


* when in zoom mode switch to the file menu and load a picture -> when loading finished the painter appears, there the zoom mode is still activated but does not show the picture (update problem)


Eru, Lepix is very well designed program, also the code quality is extremely high!! thx for supporting the atari 8bit community with that great work !!!! However LePix stresses out a bit my current assembly skills. it would be fantastic if you could help on adding true USB mouse capabilities to LePix!!! I know that you most likely have no USB Cart (maybe carsten strotmann can help here?). However - I could help you ßeta-testing all the things.


If you have a look onto the code, you will see that it's really very easy to include usb mouse support. please could you review the code and include it sort of officially to Lepix?






Hi all,


I just released a new version of the Lepix drawing program, you can download it from here:



Major changes:
- added TIP module
- added undo (U) and redo (R) options
Minor changes:
- fixed color picking in HIP
- fixed 'ghost cursor' and zoomed-cursor problems
- fixed the first line display in HIP and CIN
- experimental mouse support (both Amiga and AtariST), 
 doesn't really work
- added new cursor shapes
- README Atari-readable in .atr


I know very few people are interested in actually drawing on a8, but you never know, perhaps this will help somone.


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Hey Twh,


Thanks for all your work on Lepix - I'm really happy to see that someone gets involved so much. I quickly looked at the code, and it looks very good. Indeed, USB mouse seems easy to use and apparently gives a good precision :)

In the next few days I will try to fix some of the issues you mentioned:

  1. broken zoom after loading a picture - should be easy
  2. vertical large movement in zoom - doable
  3. drawing lines - doable

Still, the problem with points 2-3 is that it can be pretty slow (esp. 2) in DLI-based modes (CIN/HIP/TIP). But I will try.


I don't have the USB mouse, and I don't even have a working Atari at this moment, but I can experiment with it easily e.g. by making a joystick move a cursor a random short distance.


It might take a few days (weeks?), as I'm working hard on something else at this moment, and the 'real life' sometimes kick ass, but eventually it will be here.


I can add usbmouse.asx to the CVS. I saw it's GPL, like Lepix, so no problem. Please let me know who should be in the authors list.


Thanks and have fun with Lepix!


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I don't have the USB mouse, and I don't even have a working Atari at this moment, but I can experiment with it easily e.g. by making a joystick move a cursor a random short distance.


It might take a few days (weeks?), as I'm working hard on something else at this moment, and the 'real life' sometimes kick ass, but eventually it will be here.


hey eru,


don't worry if the usb support takes a while. the parts I did are also rather unoptimized. especially on size the code must be stripped down. please go ahead including the relevant parts to the sourceforge branch. the credits should be like mentioned in the code. if there is anything I could do please let me know.




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