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New Forum Software?


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Recently, when I open a thread, I get a "compressed format" of authors and snipets rather than the previous "show the whole postl" format. I don't think I changed any settings, and in fact, I can't find any settings that would affect this. Is this just part of a new forum software upgrade, or is it user-selectable?


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I have a couple of minor issues with the new software...


1. The attachment upload feature doesn't work with Firefox 1.0. Haven't tried it in a newer Firefox yet (this may end up being the one issue that finally forces me to upgrade).


2. The list of related topics at the bottom of every post now always shows all the topics as being unread (orange icon), even when they're ones that I've just read (and that show up as read (blue) in the forum index). I seriously doubt this is a browser problem, though if upgrading Firefox happens to fix it, I'll let you know.


3. This is *very* minor, but... the compose/edit window is smaller than it used to be. I can make it larger while composing (click a little button with 2 triangles pointing down), but I haven't yet found a way to make it permanent.

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It's user-selectable. When viewing a thread, click on the orange "Options" button and then, "Switch to: Standard". This will get you back to the view you are accustomed to.




Outstanding! Thanks.


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I have a couple of minor issues with the new software...


1. The attachment upload feature doesn't work with Firefox 1.0. Haven't tried it in a newer Firefox yet (this may end up being the one issue that finally forces me to upgrade).

Yeah, the attachment manager seems to be causing the most problems for people. I am hoping it is improved with 2.3.0 of the forum software, which will be out soon. It's something I still need to spend some time on to see if I can reproduce some of the issues people are having. It does work fine with Firefox 2.0 as that's what I use day in and day out.


2. The list of related topics at the bottom of every post now always shows all the topics as being unread (orange icon), even when they're ones that I've just read (and that show up as read (blue) in the forum index). I seriously doubt this is a browser problem, though if upgrading Firefox happens to fix it, I'll let you know.

Yes, this appears to be broken. The old version of the "Similar Topics" feature (which is a mod, not a standard component of the software) did not even display this icon. If there is no obvious way of fixing this, I'll be removing the icon.


3. This is *very* minor, but... the compose/edit window is smaller than it used to be. I can make it larger while composing (click a little button with 2 triangles pointing down), but I haven't yet found a way to make it permanent.

Seems like this would be a good candidate to get stored in a cookie, which obviously is not being done. I can put in a suggestion and see if they listen. I can also look to see if anyone else has suggested this feature.


Thanks for the feedback,



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Yeah, the attachment manager seems to be causing the most problems for people. I am hoping it is improved with 2.3.0 of the forum software, which will be out soon. It's something I still need to spend some time on to see if I can reproduce some of the issues people are having. It does work fine with Firefox 2.0 as that's what I use day in and day out.


Well, it was about time for me to upgrade to FF 2.0 anyway... now using it, let's see if I can attach something to this post.




Hm. It seems to have worked, but the "Manage Current Attachments" menu is hard to use: it shows the attachment filename and 3 microscopic icons with no text and no tooltips, and without obvious meanings from looking at the pictures. I just picked one, and it seems to have been the "insert attachment into post", which is what I wanted to do, but I had a 2/3 chance of picking the wrong button...


Somewhat off-topic: I really hate the new file selector in Firefox 2.0. The old one was easy enough to use, and acted just like the file selectors in other apps... the new one works, but has its own weird little UI. Stuff like this is why I follow the "only upgrade when absolutely necessary" philosophy.

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