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hacking disk images in steem engine using LLS or TCB explorer cart images

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does anyone have the 'definitive' low down or 'tutorial' on hacking disk menu images (i.e automation, medway boys/dbug etc) using steem v32 debug (Winblowz PC version) and the following cart images


The debug version of steem only output's files compatible with steem engine (i.e dmp files, which are exclusive to steem)


I want to be able to use the files on other winblowz pc emu's


LLS (by subhumans)


TCB explorer


These two cart images seem to be better at 'stopping games' then ultimate ripper or multiface st is


what i am looking for is the code that tell's the game to load in more data (extra levels) so i will and can see where that data is being loaded (i.e, multistage programs like gauntlet, armalyte etc)


I also need to know where in mem the ST (or steem) loads program data (start/finish loc's.)

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First, you could take a look at this thread: http://www.dbug-automation.co.uk/forum/cgi...?num=1172440904


Secondly, I don't think that using carts is the way to go for the thing you're trying to do. What you need (imho) is: a) A debugger, b) A disassembler, c) An assembler.


So, you might wanna do your hacking like this


a) Load the game in a debugger and start tracing

b) Disassemble the code

c) Load the code in an assembler, alter it, asseble it and off you go

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Steem debugger is pretty powerful - you can do lot more than with some cartridge.

But usage is not right simple.


Where programs load in mem.? Usually at begin of free space (mem bottom).

But game can load code/levels/graphic wherever it wants. There is no rule.

Since 512K ST is limited with RAM, many game uses max. possible - loads into OS (AES) area, what is reason why them must be started from AUTO folder, or even boot from floppy.

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