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Open question for Albert!


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First and foremost I like the work that you are doing here. I have bought many homebrews, and will in the future. Heck I've even sold/traded stuff with members here and never had problem one.



I have to ask.

Does it bother you that out of the 250 (or 251, if you numbered them from 0!) deluxe edition Adventure II games, that realistically less than half will be played, or even opened? You put a lot of blood, sweat and tears, not to mention elbow grease into making, packaging, and mailing these out.


Just curious.


A fan,


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I think it's hard to say how many are going to be played and how many are going to just sit on the shelf. The box is intentionally not sealed to encourage people to take a peek at what's inside and hopefully try it out on a 5200. But I did see several posts on Kotaku about people buying the game who claimed to not even own a 5200.


Does it bother me if people don't play the game? No, not at all. It's not something I have any control over and I'm not going to try to dictate how somebody uses something they purchased for their own private use. Even if that means just sticking it on a shelf alongside other games that also may never see any play.


However, I do know that those who aren't going to play are missing out on a fun game. :)




PS: The numbering began at #1.

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I think it's hard to say how many are going to be played and how many are going to just sit on the shelf. The box is intentionally not sealed to encourage people to take a peek at what's inside and hopefully try it out on a 5200. But I did see several posts on Kotaku about people buying the game who claimed to not even own a 5200.


Does it bother me if people don't play the game? No, not at all. It's not something I have any control over and I'm not going to try to dictate how somebody uses something they purchased for their own private use. Even if that means just sticking it on a shelf alongside other games that also may never see any play.


However, I do know that those who aren't going to play are missing out on a fun game. :)




PS: The numbering began at #1.



I noticed that the box wasn't sealed, and you had made a point to say that the AA sticker on the hints envelope is re-sealable. I hope that encouraged a LOT of people to play. I had to borrow a 5200 from a friend, and buy a controller myself to play! My God, it was worth it, it's no Zelda, but it's an incredible game though!!

Edited by MaDDuck
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Actually, Albert & Cafeman, I think it's a compliment to the value of the game and production efforts that people are buying it for collecting. Would they be doing it if it were a crummy or mediocre game and package?


Congratulations on the release of, what looks like already, a classic sequel to a classic game...

Edited by MrFish
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Does it bother you that out of the 250 (or 251, if you numbered them from 0!) deluxe edition Adventure II games, that realistically less than half will be played, or even opened? You put a lot of blood, sweat and tears, not to mention elbow grease into making, packaging, and mailing these out.

Don't worry. The only things left after we blow up in 2012 will be cockroaches and Atari cartridges and systems. The mutant cockroaches will have fun playing with all of the stuff we had displayed behind glass.

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I'm one of those guys that posted on Kotaku about Adventure II - I had a VCS back when I was about 10 years old and loved it dearly - I had loads of games for it but always wanted (and never had) Adventure. The VCS got me into video games and computing in general and sparked a passion for computer graphics which has seen me work on video games, television and feature films as an adult.


Now I'm 37 with a keen interest in retro-gaming - I picked up one of those Jakks Pacific Atari sticks with Adventure on it just 'cause I wanted to play it (still - after all these years) but sadly, those poorly emulated games were a real letdown - when I saw the article on Kotaku I just had to buy a copy! Now I'm the proud owner of cart 243 even though I don't have a 5200 to play it on - I'd love to have a full version of the ROM to play using Atari800Win but I'm happy to play the demo.


If I could get a 5200 that'd work over here in the UK on my LCD TV then sure - Adventure II would be out of its box in a flash but I'm just as happy knowing I've finally got a nice, shiny brand new Adventure cart like I always wanted - I can see why some people might think it's a shame it won't get used but believe me - all the hard work that was put into this is very much appreciated - many thanks to everyone involved!


*Edit* BTW - I specifically signed up with the AA forums so I could check out all the pictures of Albert's hard work that went into producing this wonderful package and since ordering Adventure II have also purchased the great 'Activision Anthology' collection 'cause I wanted to play those old classic Activision games (Enduro!) and I respect Activision's decision not to allow the ROMs to be made available (shame H.E.R.O. is buggered on that collection though :().

Edited by Aegis
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*Edit* BTW - I specifically signed up with the AA forums so I could check out all the pictures of Albert's hard work that went into producing this wonderful package and since ordering Adventure II have also purchased the great 'Activision Anthology' collection 'cause I wanted to play those old classic Activision games (Enduro!) and I respect Activision's decision not to allow the ROMs to be made available (shame H.E.R.O. is buggered on that collection though :().


H.E.R.O.'s NOT on Anthology!?!

That's a rant for a different day.


I 'm very glad that you and others have chimed in here.


Since Adventure II came out, I started talking to a friend that I don't like very much, because I knew he has a 5200! I bought a "like new" controller from eBay that barely worked. And a NEW remanufactured one from Best Electronics! NOW I need to buy my own 5200.


If nothing else, Adventure II has spurred a jump in the market for 5200 stuff!

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I'm a soon-to-be 5200 owner that bought the Adventure 2 cart. I *do* appreciate the box not being sealed... otherwise it would be a tough choice to play or not play. I finally buckled down and bought a 5200 on ebay, bringing my investment in the game to over $100.


My question is, how soon can we expect an 8 bit version (cart or disk file?) I know there's been some talk about it, but I'd much rather play via emulation (with good controllers) . I understand piracy is an issue, so I respect any decision not to go the disk image route, but I am curious.


How about Cafeman just emails me a disk image and I don't say anything more about it? ;)


All kidding aside, Adventure is one of those games that takes me back 30 years. Thanks to Al and Cafeman for paying such a fine triubute to that memory.

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H.E.R.O. is on the Activision Anthology - it just doesn't work properly (on the PC anyway) - once you get past about level 8 the graphics start getting messed up :(


Those of you buying 5200's just to play Adventure II - make sure you get Rescue on Fractalus! One of the best games ever!

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I am in belgium

and I went into the trouble of buying a 5200 and changing power supply and modding the console to A/V output

dont know how many european have a working 5200 but it is worth it

not just for Adventure II (I bought it too) but for all the other 5200 games...

so with all the changes (also a Redemption 5200), the console looks more like a "Frankenstein" monster but still

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I am in belgium

and I went into the trouble of buying a 5200 and changing power supply and modding the console to A/V output

dont know how many european have a working 5200 but it is worth it

not just for Adventure II (I bought it too) but for all the other 5200 games...

so with all the changes (also a Redemption 5200), the console looks more like a "Frankenstein" monster but still


Could you tell me how you went about getting an alternate power supply and getting the 5200 modded? If I could get one that runs from UK power sockets and outputs to NTSC S-Video I'd be all over it! Also, what does the redemption do? Thanks!

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well I wont be able to help you completely as I didnt do the mod myself

he bought an A/V output here


you still need to have a mutlistandard tv


and the power supply is an "ordinary" one at the goodl voltage of course that plug into the bizarre original

powersupply/video box


the redemption 5200, is a joystick interface that allows you to use both an 5200 controller (to use the keypad) and a sega genesis/megadrive or 2600 joystick

so you dont "destroy" your so fragile 5200 controller


I can send you pictures, if you want...

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A 5200 owner from Belgium? That is a surprise! Is French you native language, may I ask?


I was in Europe a few weeks ago, in Slovakia. I got to talk with a few home programers of the ZX Spectrum while over there and none of them ever heard of the Atari 5200.


Concerning the 8bit version -- yes I will do it. It needs to be bank switch and I'm currently trying to figure out the best way to chop up the code and data. Concerning the release of disk images and binaries of the 5200 game, more news on that soon too. Good news, that is. :)

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A 5200 owner from Belgium? That is a surprise! Is French you native language, may I ask?


I was in Europe a few weeks ago, in Slovakia. I got to talk with a few home programers of the ZX Spectrum while over there and none of them ever heard of the Atari 5200.


Concerning the 8bit version -- yes I will do it. It needs to be bank switch and I'm currently trying to figure out the best way to chop up the code and data. Concerning the release of disk images and binaries of the 5200 game, more news on that soon too. Good news, that is. :)


Let me be the first to say, "THANK YOU!!!!"


As much as I love it on a 5200.


I have a VGA adapter on my 65XE and it would look even better.


Let's all leave the nice man alone so he can bank switch!!

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I am in belgium

and I went into the trouble of buying a 5200 and changing power supply and modding the console to A/V output

dont know how many european have a working 5200 but it is worth it

not just for Adventure II (I bought it too) but for all the other 5200 games...

so with all the changes (also a Redemption 5200), the console looks more like a "Frankenstein" monster but still


Could you tell me how you went about getting an alternate power supply and getting the 5200 modded? If I could get one that runs from UK power sockets and outputs to NTSC S-Video I'd be all over it! Also, what does the redemption do? Thanks!


You don't even have to match up one to fit the wired A/V box, unless they did something radically different in Europe. I have an NTSC 4 port that has been hooked up to a standard power supply and RF connection several times.

I ran the power directly into the unit where it needs to go, and ripped out a couple of things that were no longer needed. There's a mod posted, I think it's Mitch's work, that tells how to split out the power and the RF signal so you can lose the funky switchbox.

If you're modding an NTSC 5200 to run from the power there, all you need to change in the mod is the power supply. You'd need one that still outs out 12 volts, but runs off of whatever your line voltage is. Who cares what size the plug is when you're going to choose the size of the jack anyway?

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Some NTSC 7800s will work with a PAL supply, but some don't... mine doesn't for instance but Steve's (JobF here) does. So who knows on that front.


But yeah Maplins for most things like that... you won't need more than 30W I imagine.

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