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Dreamcast lid


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hehe, heres an odd request. Anyone in US have, or know anyone who has a broken old Dreamcast? reason is, I wanna buy the lid. you know, the top GD-Rom access lid with the DC logo on it.

There's nothing wrong with mine, but it has the blue euro Dreamcast swirl on and I hate it. I want orange dammit!!!

Same with the controllers.

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hahahaha man, im not for sure. ill look around, but im not sure if anyone is willing to rip thier lid off.... would you trade them the orange lid for the blue lid? that might be a little more tempting for them.


As for controllers, I have no problem at all findinbg orange swirl dreamcast controllers

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hahaha yeah I totally would trade

That blue swirl thing sucks, Sega kept saying it was because the European market likes blue better than orange, it was REALLY because theres a publishing company in Europe with an orange swirl logo already.

lying sods.

But yeah, anybody who want to go for the REAL euro shenmue 2 experience, trade me your lid and controller for WONDERFUL euro blue

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I think it would be cool to have a blue swirl over here in the states, very unique and somewhat of a conversation piece. I would be willing to make a trade like that, BUT, I'm afraid I couldn't do it with my working DC as I don't think I could be patient enough to wait for the blue logo lid to arrive in the mail (that would mean not being able to play it for a while). This being said, I'm sure others would feel the same way as me, and they might have more patience to wait for the lid to arrive...another thought might be to see if the logo itself can be removed without damaging it and just send the little plastic logo (I believe they are probably just on there like stickers), if that is possible, then we could both continue playing our DC's while we wait for the logo to arrive and be super glued back on...

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Originally posted by liveinabin:

if that could be done, I'd go for that. Don't want to wreck the sticker tho


I'd suggest trying to pry it up a little bit with an exacto knife or something similiar to see if it is possible, I'll try it later...

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Shenmue 2 is another great unemployment simulator. If you've ever had a dose of the real thing, this might lose its shine for you I'll get my surgical scalpel out tonight and have a pop at the label

I can't believe I posted this haha

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Ok, I just tried this with my artist's scrapel and it worked perfectly! The sticker is made of a reletively thick plastic, so it came up without a problem-I just did it slowly, so if your successful too, we'll exchange adresses and send them off to each other...I suggest putting the sticker on a bit of wax paper or something so it doesn't stick to the envelope...

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Originally posted by liveinabin:

Heck, I'll even trade boxes if anyone wants a 'full euro'


I have the box, in good condition, but I bought my system used, so it's an emty box-no styrofoam insert or anything...

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Brilliant! I'M UPFOR THIS! Just one thing tho, shall we swap controller swirls too? We're gonna look silly with conflicting colour swirls on our systems.

I'm not at home right now, but I think the controller label is made of the same stuff.

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Originally posted by liquid_sky:

Hey Gunstar, maybe you two will start the next big thing: Forgien Exchange Swirls.


As for Shenmue 2, ive heard its ok but i dunno.. now Headhunter, that sound like a fun game.


Is Headhunter another Euro-only release?

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Originally posted by liveinabin:

Brilliant! I'M UPFOR THIS! Just one thing tho, shall we swap controller swirls too? We're gonna look silly with conflicting colour swirls on our systems.

I'm not at home right now, but I think the controller label is made of the same stuff.


Why not? Sounds good to me!

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this is great... proof that dreamcast players are no dummies.


Ive been unemployed, It might seem too much like real life to me.


As for headhunter, It is a europe only game that can roughly be compared to metal gear solid. Heres a link with a review



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Originally posted by liveinabin:

Ok, shall we mail each other the labels AND the cardboard outers of the box (I'll keep my styrofoam inserts, they're bound to fit in a US box and they're too heavy to mail anyway)


OK, I would suggest filling the bxes with styrofoam peanuts or news papers or something to avoid crushing though...obviously we should wrap them as well to protect the outsides...

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A suggestion guys: If you are not sending the packing materials from the boxes, you should flatten the boxes and send them that way.


You'll probably end up paying way more to send the full size box even though it doesn't weigh much because the post office will "cube" the box, meaning that they will assign a weight to the box based on its size.

For the US DC box this would come out to almost 6lbs (2.7Kg)...when the box actually weighs less than 1lb (.5Kg)

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Good idea. Lets do that Gunstar.

This man KNOWS packing (hey monkey, I forgot to tell you, your great packing saved my cube, UPS musta dropped something REALLY heavy on it, it took a nick out of the back lower corner of the system through 2 boxes but survived very happily. Thats ABS plastic, those guys must have thrown a piano at it! )

Okay Gunstar, its flat pack and wax paper

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Originally posted by Lost Monkey:

It wouldn't surprise me... You do know that "fragile" is "shipping" code for "Wind up and place boot mark here with savage ferocity."


I'm glad it made it in one piece though...


This is true. I used to work for Airborn express as a driver and we would load our trucks via a conveyor belt that went in between the vehicles, and if someone missed grabbing a package, another driver WAAAY down the line would generally grab it and yell, "you missed one!" and actually chuck the box about fifty yards down to the other driver...i can tell you that it was very rarely actually caught and generally hit the cement floor or something...I couldn't believe how they handled packages (I, of course never did this *seriously*, because i send a lot of stuff and so I've got more respect.)

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