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Dreamcast lid


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Originally posted by Lost Monkey:

A suggestion guys: If you are not sending the packing materials from the boxes, you should flatten the boxes and send them that way.


You'll probably end up paying way more to send the full size box even though it doesn't weigh much because the post office will "cube" the box, meaning that they will assign a weight to the box based on its size.

For the US DC box this would come out to almost 6lbs (2.7Kg)...when the box actually weighs less than 1lb (.5Kg)


yeah, good idea. Ok, I'll send it that way(and I just got done stuffing the box with peanuts!).

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Originally posted by Albert:

So, uhmm, what exactly does this European Dreamcast Swirl look like? Is it just blue instead of orange? Is that it?




I can let you know in a couple weeks when I get them...

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Originally posted by Gunstar:

I can let you know in a couple weeks when I get them...


A brief search for "European Dreamcast" on images.google.com returns a few Dreamcast Swirls™ that are blue instead of orange, but I didn't see any actual pictures of Dreamcasts with the logo. However, after seeing those pictures I'm guessing that's all they changed. The blue and orange together go well with the color scheme we're using on AtariAge.



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Well...it arrived in one almost complete piece and a little sliver of purple plastic. Luckily it was hit on the corner, if the side had taken the blow, I don't think it'd have come out so healthy. They're horrors aren't they, these delivery guys. Every company does it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, the whole colour scheme is blue and white for euro DC's - no orange anywhere.

Euro box is pretty nice tho, just a white swirl on a blue background and the word - Dreamcast - thats it!

Mind, i love the busy US box, though your game cases suck - they're just CD cases! We have lovely boxes for ours.

Anyway, what I want to say here is:-

I got the labels mate! Orange swirly dreamcast. Brilliant - thanks v much.

Oddly enough, the same day, a DC mod chip drops thru my letter box, so I dont even need a boot disk for US gaming

Just have to do something about the blue swirl on startup now

Hope you're enjoying euro blue - nice and calming isn't it?

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Originally posted by liveinabin:

Yeah, the whole colour scheme is blue and white for euro DC's - no orange anywhere.

Euro box is pretty nice tho, just a white swirl on a blue background and the word - Dreamcast - thats it!

Mind, i love the busy US box, though your game cases suck - they're just CD cases! We have lovely boxes for ours.

Anyway, what I want to say here is:-

I got the labels mate! Orange swirly dreamcast. Brilliant - thanks v much.

Oddly enough, the same day, a DC mod chip drops thru my letter box, so I dont even need a boot disk for US gaming

Just have to do something about the blue swirl on startup now

Hope you're enjoying euro blue - nice and calming isn't it?


Yeah, I have to say that I like the blue a lot better for some reason, orange has never been a favorite color of mine I guess...Everything you sent me seems very conservative, like industry packaging (i.e. not for commercial use to the consumer). I guess I like the "soothing" change, everything in the US market has degraded to total commercialism and EVERYWHERE you look is a picture of this or an ad for that. Marketers who work in the US market must think that if it doesn't have some kind of outragious graphics or colors that it will seem to drab to the American consumer. I for one have grown so sick of all the commercialism that the plainer/simpler and more conservative the look, the more I prefer it;as a break from the rampant "cr*p" everywhere...Did I mention that I hate commercials and never watch regular tv/cable because of the commercials? It sickens me...it's no wonder why the Muslim world hates us if all they see of us is the crappy commercialism. It's all so much "fluff" and very fake to me. So yeah, I like the Blue color scheme a lot. Well, I guess I've ranted for too long...

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Nice, isnt it. Thats pretty typical of European (and, well, English) design. Very understated. Its no coincedence that the iMac (old and new varieties) were designed by an english guy- its just the aesthetic here. That said, American cars rule

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Originally posted by liveinabin:

Mind, i love the busy US box, though your game cases suck - they're just CD cases! We have lovely boxes for ours.


I have a Japanese Dreamcast and if it's a funky box you're talking about, this one's got them all beat. The back has pictures of Sega's publicity director (the guy who starred in the first DC commercials and What's Shenmue) all over it.


As for the European cases, I have Millenium Soldier and the case is very nice, but because it's not a standard CD case, if it breaks I'm screwed, just like with the old Saturn and PSX long boxes. I mean once all the Dreamcast stuff is gone, what can you do if the case breaks?

Explode the sunlight here, gentlemen, you explode the Universe.
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Hehe not a lot. Though all cases hold 2 cds so if the centre spindle breaks on one side (as it did on my Tony Hawks 2) you can stick the disc in the other.

They're quite well designed though, eh?

I've seen the Japanese DC box - its mad isn't it?

Its wierd, their whole initial DC ad campaign was a comedy thing with the president of Sega (i think) apologising about the failiure of the Saturn.

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