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What to do with lots of Atari 800XL stuff?


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I have an 800XL system with a monitor, disk drive, printer, joysticks, lots of cartridges and disks (including VisiCalc, AtariWriter, Paint, games, and more). Any suggestions on what to do with this collection, where to sell it, or other ideas? Are there hobby groups or web sites where I might find people looking for this kind of system and software?

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We at the Atari Computer Database (www.acd.atari.org) have been looking for an 800xl but we have no money so we are pretty much no help to you really. Unless you for some odd reason wish to donate to us. (which im guessing you are saying "what a dope, like I would give my stuff to you and your wanna be "database" for free HA!" which seems to be the popular phrase with us. But seriously we have no money. I am completely broke. I cant even afford my self lunch.

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I've been hunting down for an 800XL!


I got rid of mine about 3 years ago to get some Jag stuff I needed, well, now that that's over with, I'm trying to get all the good ol' stuff I used to have at one time back!


Hit me an e-mail with a price and some photos if you can?


I would like to see the system. *and a price*





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