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Yummy,Yummy Soft Drink!

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Agreed on the beer, LOVE me a tall, cold Heineken when I'm gaming.


Agreed also on the Sam's Choice stuff. Their lemonade is bomb, AND it mixes great with some Vodka. Sam's Choice cola actually mixes well with rum, too, especially some Cap'n Morgans' Tattoo.

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Dublin Dr. Pepper for me. One of these days, I'm going to invest in a fountain drink machine so I can just order the syrup from them and make my own. The cans are heavy and shipping is getting ridiculous.


So, there are others that like Dublin DP. I have a coworker going to Dublin this weekend and picking me up a case of cans. I have been out and had been drinking my Passover Coke. I am lucky to have him around. He is retiring in a few months, but I only have to find the local supply. It seems that TX bottlers are supplying them because I found 20oz bottles at a Shell station on my way to Austin.

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Dublin Dr. Pepper & IBC Root Beer



The last time I had a Big Red was in the glass bottles from the 70s
Found a local retail store that carries several glass bottle varieties including:

Dr. Pepper (not Dublin)

Diet Dr. Pepper

Big Red



Welches Grape

A&W Root Beer


Ice cold, but they probably are made with corn syrup.

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Agreed on the beer, LOVE me a tall, cold Heineken when I'm gaming.


Agreed also on the Sam's Choice stuff. Their lemonade is bomb, AND it mixes great with some Vodka. Sam's Choice cola actually mixes well with rum, too, especially some Cap'n Morgans' Tattoo.



Captain Morgan Tattoo. Best. Rum. Ever.

That stuff's ridiculously smooth, i have to be careful whenever we get it...i'll put down a bottle in a night if nobody stops me.

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Is beer a soft drink? If so, nothing goes better with Super Nintendo than a tall, cold Guinness Stout.

I'd go with Theakston's Old Peculiar, myself. And some Kopparberg perry (that's pear cider, American readers) for the ladies.


Agreed on the beer, LOVE me a tall, cold Heineken when I'm gaming.

Man, just when you were doing so well, making sense on a wide range of subjects across the forum, you go and pull this on me. Heineken? What next - Carling? Stella? :(

Meh, I suppose it's light and fluffy, better suited to long gaming sesions. I just can't accept it as a beer. S'pose I'm just a Real Ale elitist.




Y'know, it's only reading back over the above that the Atari2600/Stella/StellaArtois link actually hit. It's the perfect _name_ for a drink to go with Atari gaming, it's just a shame it's the strainings from the devils own jock-strap. Really, how can anyone drink it? I can deal with any other ale, beer, cider, etc. you can throw at me, but my body physically rejects Stella Artois.... :woozy:

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Hey, man, when you live in the buckle of the bible belt, good booze is hard to come by. Heineken is the best of the "Wal-Mart" beers (Amber Bock isn't too bad, either). The stuff they sell in the liquor stores is just way too expensive. Sure, if I can get it, I'll take a Labatt's Blue every now and again, and if I go out someplace that has it, gimme a Guinness.


Yeah, Tattoo does kick major ass, but for some reason, I just can't drink it straight like I can the regular spiced rum and Scotch. It's the licorice flavor or something, messes up my taste buds. Mix it, and I'll drink a whole bottle, though.

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I love Big Red as a kid and was pretty excited when it finally came up into the Michigan area(i grew up in Lousiville,KY.).


Any soda in a bottle is the best because at least to me it taste way better then anything in a can or plastic bottle.


And as of last week i have been actively trying to give up soda and so i have been drinking alot of tea as of late,stuff my wife makes here at home and Snapple Peach Ice Tea when i can get it.(Its in a bottle too) :)

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Yeah, Tattoo does kick major ass, but for some reason, I just can't drink it straight like I can the regular spiced rum and Scotch. It's the licorice flavor or something, messes up my taste buds. Mix it, and I'll drink a whole bottle, though.


Tattoo? Yuck! I'll take regular Captain Morgan over that any day! (I just never really liked the flavor - I kind of put it in the same category as Jager - something just doesn't taste right). Now SoCo on the other hand... I usually pour that into a cup and give it just a splash of coke. (Last time I checked, I use about 1-2 cans per bottle of the stuff)


And for the rest of the time, I usually just enjoy a 7 and 7, usually with Seagram's VO. :)


EDIT: plus, does anybody else like Captain Morgan Silver? I found that stuff to be amazing!

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Hey, man, when you live in the buckle of the bible belt, good booze is hard to come by. Heineken is the best of the "Wal-Mart" beers [...]

Not kidding about being from the East End of Hell, eh? My sympathies. I was just thrown by your apparent lack of taste in beers - it didn't seem to mesh with everything else you've said recently. Fair do's; we do the best we can with what we have. Of late I've been drinking a lot of John Smiths (which is most definitely at the ass end of bitters) when out and about as places have dropped the decent beers for lagers...yeuch...

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Captain Morgan's Silver is damn good, too. There's a brand that I've only seen around here (honestly can't remember the name now), but it comes in a BIG bottle, for only like 15 dollars, and it's excellent rum, and I think it's even better as a mixer than Morgans, though not quite as good straight.


I tried a Peppermint Schnappes and 7-Up mix the other day. WOW was that good! I'm gonna have to give Schnappes mixes a more thorough look see, as I've heard that peppermint Coke is great.


I've been drinking a lot of tea lately, too. The Arizona RX Stress has become a favorite of mine. No caffeine, though it could be just a tad sweeter (I'm from the South. When we say sweet tea, we MEAN sweet tea).

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Storm was good...and good 'ole Jolt!...but, there was nothing better than a Fudge Round and a Dr. Pepper on a road trip...Dr. Enuff is interesting stuff...my all time Favorite was a tie between Crystal Pepsi, Pepsi Blue, and "The New Coke" that came out when they killed off the CC Classic many years ago...(rip!)...kinda funny that they kept Coca Cola Classic and killed off the New Coke...should have just called it Coca Cola again after that mess....not that it matters.

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Hey do you Americans still see "Tahiti Treat" in your corner store travels? I loved that stuff, but they stopped selling it up here (Canada) in the 80's.



Tahitian Treat rocks! :lust: (It's fruit punch soda) You can get that stuff from 7-11 in Orlando.

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my all time Favorite was a tie between Crystal Pepsi, Pepsi Blue,



Another one! Damn, i loved Pepsi Blue. I was drinking outdated bottles of that stuff scavenged from backwoods convenience stores for months after they discontinued it.

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Hey do you Americans still see "Tahiti Treat" in your corner store travels? I loved that stuff, but they stopped selling it up here (Canada) in the 80's.

They still sell TAHITI TREAT,here in ONTARIO CANADA!!!!!!!!!!,its in almost EVERY grocery store,yes,that stuff is AWESOME!

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Storm was good...and good 'ole Jolt!...but, there was nothing better than a Fudge Round and a Dr. Pepper on a road trip...Dr. Enuff is interesting stuff...my all time Favorite was a tie between Crystal Pepsi, Pepsi Blue, and "The New Coke" that came out when they killed off the CC Classic many years ago...(rip!)...kinda funny that they kept Coca Cola Classic and killed off the New Coke...should have just called it Coca Cola again after that mess....not that it matters.


They re-released it as "Coke II" for a while, but I don't know if that exists anymore. I remember the New Coke episode happening around me as a kid (kept hearing adults talk about it), but I don't have any memory of what it tasted like. I'm not even sure if I ever -did- taste it. I'd like to try it sometime, I'd probably like it better than regular Coke.


From what I've read, New Coke was basically a de-dietized version of Diet Coke, so in a sense it lives on, I guess. Too bad we can't have the good version.

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hmmm...tasted more like Pepsi to me, but not...lol...if that makes any sense...lol.


I dunno...I just remember it being pretty good...and that was about the time of the whole "Max Headroom" stuff as well...man i miss the 80's...lol.

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Coca-Cola......... And I mean the ORIGINAL COCA-COLA before they started calling it "Original Formula"..


Used to come in GLASS bottles, 2 liters I believe..


Also a nice cold glass of milk....


I think the original bottles were 6oz, which seems like a joke today.

Back when I was about 3 I cut my arm open when I attempted to carry in a large glass Pepsi bottle by myself, presumably 2 liters or so. I still have the scar. It's funny, this is one of those early childhood memories that just sticks with you. I remember pointing it out and asking to buy it at the store, then later trying to carry it in from the station wagon, stumbling, and crying as the soda spilled down the sidewalk into the flowerbed. I hadn't yet noticed the condition my arm was in, but I ended up at the emergency room pretty quickly. I even have hazy memories of that place, it wasn't fun.


As far as I know, I think you can still get individual-sized glass bottles, but they're too expensive to be worth it so most stores don't carry them. I generally prefer plastic, because the aluminum cans don't hold as much pressure. It's especially bad with the Pepsi around here for some reason. Every time I open a Pepsi can it tastes flat, but the Coke cans don't seem to suffer from that problem as much. That's not a knock on Pepsi either - I like the stuff fine when it's in plastic. A few years ago I tried saving some of those "Star Wars" themed cans, but they all eventually started growing bacteria on them and stank up the place. That problem combined with the flatness issue makes me conclude that the Pepsi cans, at least from our bottler, suck.

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Coke,tasted better in the GLASS bottles,its formulated different now because of the switch to PLASTICS and ALUMINUM containers,they brought back COKE in those little 6 pack glass bottles,i swear it tastes better.

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