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Chronogamer - Looking Backward, Moving Forward, Tripping Often


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Normally I do a retroview of the year I just slowly drug everyone through. I'm not going to do that right now. Now, I want to post the lists of the games I've been chronogaming. The jpgs are suitable for printing and putting on your chrono-corkboards that I'm certain each and everyone of you have hanging in your living rooms by now. You may also use them to make chrono-t-shirts or even tatoo them onto the backs of your children for use as handy and mobile references.










Firstly, here is 1972 to 1976. Witness the stunning lack of PONG dedicated consoles in 1976. That isn't because there were none made, but rather because I seriously didn't want to spend a lot of time thinking about PONG variations when I knew that in 1977 I'd pretty much see them all in Video Olympics on the VCS.










Here's 1977. Still some Stand Alone consoles I'd like to play, and I still can, of course.










Here's 1978. I was shocked to find some titles that I'd accidentally ignored, in addition to the ones I had intentionally ignored. How did I miss Miniature Golf or Super Breakout? Obviously, I'll need to rectify this soon. The Telstar Arcade is the big No-Show in 1978. I had dismissed it as a PONG-a-like, but I realize now that was a mistake. I'll probably retrogame it while I'm chronogaming the early 80s. I'll be retrogaming within chronogaming. Wheels within wheels, man. The universe is complex, but we cope.










Ah, 1979, the year we just finished. Took me too damn long to do so, but we do what we can.


Now, let us look into the future . . .










1980 is the year of the Killer App for home videogames. Yes, the chronology swells a bit here, but the basketball in the python doesn't come along until 1982-1983--Sadly, I haven't made the lists for those years yet.










This is as far as we'll look ahead for now. I don't reckon I'll start chronogaming 1981 until spring of 2008 or so. Of course, my estimates have been off before, seeing as how I'm reaching said estimates by simple pulling them out of my ass, which, I guess, is where I keep them.


So, before I start 1980, I mean to take care of a few of the games from the past that I've missed.


Coleco Combat (Coleco, 1977) (Assuming I can get it to work again)

Atari Video Pinball (Atari, 1977)

Miniature Golf (Atari VCS, 1978)

Super Breakout (Atari VCS, 1978)


And remove from the blogs, until appropriate to add, the games I did too early namely


Checkers (Zircon Channel F, 1980)

Slot Machine (Zircon Channel F, 1980)


And any other errata I find that "need" to be corrected.


I know, I know--I'm supposed to just be doing all of this for fun, so little mistakes like the above shouldn't matter. Well, being anal retentive is part of the fun.


So, next entry we'll be retreading some parts of 1977 that we missed.



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