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Do you give a crap about achievements?

Lord Helmet

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And I agree, achivements don't unlock in game content


But there are times when an achievement is given for unlocking game content, ala DOA4 and any of the Koei Warrior games. So, it's a matter of perspective. It could be said the achievement represents what is needed to unlock the content.


LOL So it sounds like Famicoman is upset that you have to do things in a game to unlock content. Because achievement system or not, there are many many games on this planet that require you to unlock content. In fact one could say, every game does. For instance. In Pac-Man, if you want to get board #5...You must eat all the dots on board #4, but because you might get an achievement for finishing board #4 then that's a bad thing? Better that we should just be able to pick any board we want as soon as we get the game? Not sure what to think of that.


You might get an achievement FOR unlocking content, but you don't unlock content with achievements. If you doubt this, just get the same game on another system and see.


Speaking of achievements. Katamari just put me over 40k! LOL

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Moycon, I'm not talking about things required for game completion. You do get gamescore for for unlocking certain items, but there are things that only unlock after you get 100% gamerscore. Thats how I see it presented on all the websites. 1000/1000 gamerscore, not 49/49 achievements.


I don't know how you are reading it, but I know of no content that unlocks when getting achievements, or any certain gamerscores. The two go hand and hand, you meet the criteria for the achievement....you get the gamerscore it's worth. The only thing getting an achievement unlocks is a little picture with the achievement details on your gamertag site on Xbox.com. No content. If this is incorrect, please list an example.

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Reading a thread at the AVS boards just now, it sounds like we're wrong and at least one game does do it.


"Actually, Halo 3 itself has unlockable content based on achievements. Its not much (More armor), but being able to wear a samarai sword in matchmaking shows that you've gotten all the achievements in the game. You'd be amazed at how many people have put in a lot of time trying to get that stupid armor!"


And it sounds like your progression through Test Drive Unlimited is related to your gamescore (Have to get achievements to be able to progress further).

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Reading a thread at the AVS boards just now, it sounds like we're wrong and at least one game does do it.


"Actually, Halo 3 itself has unlockable content based on achievements. Its not much (More armor), but being able to wear a samarai sword in matchmaking shows that you've gotten all the achievements in the game. You'd be amazed at how many people have put in a lot of time trying to get that stupid armor!"


And it sounds like your progression through Test Drive Unlimited is related to your gamescore (Have to get achievements to be able to progress further).


So how do people Playing TDU on the PS2 ever get beyond a certain point?

There are no achievements or gamerscores on the PS2...so by your theory the game ends for them once they hit that point?

Look, you're confusing getting an achievement FOR doing something with unlocking content with achievements.

Maybe once you clear 20 missions you will get an achievement and unlock an area....here's the thing. If there were no such thing as achievements or gamerscores, that content would still unlock after you cleared 20 missions in TDU. If you were playing Halo 3 and there was no such thing as achievements and gamerscores, you would still get that armor if you met a certain criteria. Do you see how it works? :cool:


If you play the game on another system, after those 20 missions are clear, your new area will become available. When the PC version of Halo 3 comes out, you will still be able to get that armor even if you cant unlock an achievement for it. The achievement is just something they added after the fact. They don't unlock content...you do by playing. If you happen to get an achivement, because they implemented one for doing whatever it takes to unlock the content...so be it.


Seems pretty self explanatory to me. I don't understand why some people can't grasp this concept. :ponder:

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and @NE146, I don't play the classics too much anymore, yet alone on my 360. Its sad, I know, but oh so true. I just don't think I have anything to prove with scores.


Well.. my point was, achievements in 360 games are really almost akin to "scores" in games a lot of times.


But yeah, programmers can make achievements for whatever the heck they want. so of course it really varies widely. Some games it's all about completing it. and doing relevant more difficult things. Some games, like Guitar Hero 3 with ""Beat one of the creators of Guitar Hero 3 at their own game" are of course, ridiculous :P


Dude, he's definitely cheating :P


He has me beat on Pac-Man CE also, which really burns me up.


You guys just need to be 3l33t...and dust off those twitch game reflexes! :cool: Either that or go back to "games anyone with arthritis can win".. like King Kong. :D

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I have no theories on Test Drive Unlimited, I've just played the demo. I don't see any reason the PS2 game couldn't be similar, it could even have a achievements system for all I know. MS doesn't have a patent on the idea I don't think.


Anyways, I'm just repeating what I read today at the AVS Xbox forum. It surprised me since I've yet to encounter it from personal experience which is why I questioned him in this thread in the first place about what he meant.


"Maybe once you clear 20 missions you will get an achievement and unlock an area....here's the thing. If there were no such thing as achievements or gamerscores, that content would still unlock after you cleared 20 missions in TDU. If you were playing Halo 3 and there was no such thing as achievements and gamerscores, you would still get that armor if you met a certain criteria. Do you see how it works?"


Well yeah theres no reason it couldn't be that way, but the unlocking of those things could also be tied to your achievements. I haven't played either game so I don't know if what I posted was accurate, just repeating what I read. I see no reason why a developer couldn't have criteria for unlocking something be to get a certain achievement or reach a certain gamerscore for a game. My arguement was just that I've never seen it which is why I started this in the first place. No one here ever suggested these things are only possible because of achievements, a developer could use anything for criteria for unlocking things such as Sonic Mega Collection Plus looking at how many times games are loaded up.


". When the PC version of Halo 3 comes out, you will still be able to get that armor even if you cant unlock an achievement for it. The achievement is just something they added after the fact. They don't unlock content...you do by playing."


Your thinking too deep about this. And there have been similar things with achievements done for PC games, Orange Box does it on the PC. Your acting like people here are saying achievements are some miracle that unlocks content, and if that game appears without achievements somewhere else, that we're suggesting the game won't have that content. I don't quite understand your thinking. Its really no different then anything else like reaching the end of a level to unlock something, setting a high score to unlock something, etc. Why don't you think achievements and gamerscore couldn't have that capability if a developer choose to do so?

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Your thinking too deep about this. And there have been similar things with achievements done for PC games, Orange Box does it on the PC. Your acting like people here are saying achievements are some miracle that unlocks content, and if that game appears without achievements somewhere else, that we're suggesting the game won't have that content. I don't quite understand your thinking. Its really no different then anything else like reaching the end of a level to unlock something, setting a high score to unlock something, etc. Why don't you think achievements and gamerscore couldn't have that capability if a developer choose to do so?


I'm not thinking deep about it at all...In fact it's amazingly simple to me and the fact that you don't "get it" is astounding to me! :lol:


To be honest with you at this point I have no clue what is going on in your mind with all this talk PC games and PS2 maybe having achievements, I'm going to go out on a limb and state, you have no clue what the achievement system and gamerscore are.


Look.....PS2 HAS NO ACHIEVEMENT SYSTEM!! Haha Are you dense? The XBOX 360 is the ONLY system out now that has links to an achievement system through your profile on Xbox.com and its something the producers of the game add in. They can make the achievements for whatever they want Atariboy. The Simpsons game will give you one for pressing the start button. Ok here's the thing. Pressing the start button and getting that achievment doesn't unlock the rest of the game. Its just a meanless number of points thats added to your Xbox.com profile...Thats it. Nothing else. That's how "deep" it is.


I dunno, I give up. Ok so you read some 14 year olds post about how achievments unlock content and choose to believe it. S'ok by me. Some folks believe in Santa. As long as it makes you happy, believe whatever you want.

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At first, I really didn't give the achievement system much thought, but as I've come to play the games, it really adds a new level to it (almost like re-imagining the idea of "High Score"). Now, if given the choice of buying a multiplatform title, I'm going to go with the 360 version almost every time. Nintendo and Sony would do well to imitate MS in the future.

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Me and others in here are talking about in referance to achievements about a set of medals or something similar that are each unlocked by completing requirements for each medal within a game.


Orange Box on the PC has achievements for everything that Orange Box has on the 360 for example. And theres no reason a game, even offline, on a PS2 couldn't do something similar. It doesn't have to be a unified system across games that are added to a gamerscore that tracks everything you've played on that platform that other people can view.


Test Drive Unlimited for the PS2 could have a set of trophies or whatever with the same requirements the Xbox 360 title's achievements have that are unlocked the same way. Heck, if its online, it could even be stored on a server perhaps for other players to view your set of achievements for that game. You'd have to be thick to not see they couldn't have such things be goals a player has to meet to unlock further content in the game like on the 360 version.


What makes that so different than what the 360 offers besides not being a unified system across all the games for that system? What makes you think someone else couldn't do such a thing away from the Xbox 360? It's been done, even if your not happy to know that the 360 isn't the only place with such ideas.


"Look.....PS2 HAS NO ACHIEVEMENT SYSTEM!! Haha Are you dense? The XBOX 360 is the ONLY system out now that has links to an achievement system through your profile on Xbox.com "


I never claimed the PS2 could do that. What I claimed it could do was have a set of achievements (Trophies, medals, or whatever you want to call them) that are unlocked by completing certain requirements in a game that may or may not be viewable by other people.


"I'm going to go out on a limb and state, you have no clue what the achievement system and gamerscore are. "


Your the confused one that doesn't seem to understand that its not some miracle and is just a little picture with a description of what task you have to do to achieve it that is tied to doing certain task in a game. You don't have to be on a Xbox 360 console to do such a thing.


"Ok here's the thing. Pressing the start button and getting that achievment doesn't unlock the rest of the game. Its just a meanless number of points thats added to your Xbox.com profile...Thats it. Nothing else. That's how "deep" it is. "


What makes you think Halo 3 couldn't have something get unlocked by completing all the achievements? I'm sure developers could make content be unlocked by doing certain achievements in a game just as easily as pressing start on a controller or completing a certain level. Halo 3 has ingame content that isn't unlocked until you achieve certain achievements or a certain gamerscore in Halo 3. Thats a fact. even if you don't want to accept it.


"On the PC, Valve has rolled an achievement system into Steam, its digital content delivery system. The community side of Steam now lets you look at how long players spend playing each game, and the same achievements used in Team Fortress 2, Portal, and Episode Two are also present in your Steam profile. The difference is that they don't tie back into your Microsoft-branded gamertag, and there's no point count associated with each achievement on the PC, either. It's an interesting addition to the service, which is becoming quite a service these days, though we're still patiently waiting for a fully digital burrito-delivery system to be implemented. "




Which is only as far as my arguement has ever gone that something similar could be done elsewhere.

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I'm sooo confused!


Is the complaint about the basic fact of unlockables in games?


Let me use Dynasty Warriors Gundam as an example, because it's on the PS3 and XBox 360. Plus, it shares an unlocking scheme similar to every fighting game of the past 10 years.


On both versions, you must beat the game with certain characters in certain modes in order to unlock other characters. Beating the game with Amuro Ray in classic mode will unlock Char Aznable, for example. Beating the game with Char Aznable is then a requirement for further unlockables. You must beat the game with every character in every mode in order to unlock Musha Gundam.


The 360 version has Achievements. These are nothing more than little badges which display on your gamercard and which increase your gamerscore. I think of Achievements like an Activision High Score badge.


The PS2 version doesn't have these little badges. The requirements for unlocking characters is the same.


The train of thought I'm seeing is something like this:


Achievements exist. Achievements are unlocked by certain game activities. Many unlockables are associated with an Achievement. Therefore unlockable content is unlocked by Achievements.


That's not accurate. It's kind of like saying the score in Laser Blast becomes all exclamation marks because you got the patch. The correct line of reasoning is as follows:


Achievements exist. Achievements are unlocked by certain game activities. Many unlockables are unlocked by those same activities. Therefore unlockable content and achievements are unlocked by certain game activities.


Which is saying you get the exclamation marks and patch in Laser Blast because you scored 1 million points. It's the old "All snarks are boojums, but not all boojums are snarks" sort of association.

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Orange Box on the PC has achievements for everything that Orange Box has on the 360 for example. And theres no reason a game, even offline, on a PS2 couldn't do something similar. It doesn't have to be a unified system across games that are added to a gamerscore that tracks everything you've played on that platform that other people can view.


The reason why it's cool on the Xbox 360 is because it is a unified system across the entire platform. I like being able to compare games and achivements with anyone else on line. Its very similar to how high score tables on old arcade games used to be.


Yes, it could be done on other games on other platforms, but it wouldn't be nearly as cool.

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"The 360 version has Achievements. These are nothing more than little badges which display on your gamercard and which increase your gamerscore. I think of Achievements like an Activision High Score badge."


Exactly. And there is no reason such a thing can't exist on other platforms. MS just has done it better than anyone else has so far and created a unified system across its platform for all 360 games. Bot Moycon's incorrect line of thought that he somehow developed and used to claim what I said was incorrect was that if 360 content is tied to achievements, then how does that work on the same game on other platforms that obviousily don't have the 360's achievements system. He used that to disprove what I said even though it hardly has any bearing to the conversation since the same content could be set to unlock by different criteria on other platforms. Then I suggested in response that on other platforms, they could basically clone the 360's achievement system if they wanted to to keep consistency between 360 games and ports of 360 games on other platforms (Even if its completely offline and limited to just that one title)


Then he called me a idiot more or less and said I didn't know anything about the Xbox 360's achievements and gamerscore for suggesting that something similar could be done for say Test Drive Unlimited on the PS2. I'm still confused why he doesn't think any game can't have a set of badges tied to doing certain things in a game that are then unlocked by doing those activities. MS hardly has a patent on the idea, or did it first.


"Achievements exist. Achievements are unlocked by certain game activities. Many unlockables are associated with an Achievement. Therefore unlockable content is unlocked by Achievements."


I'm not trying to state that. I've never seen any ingame content being tied to unlocking certain achievements until the other day. Apparantly, Halo 3 and Test Drive Unlimited both do that, but its a rarity on the Xbox 360 for sure. I'm not trying to state that you have to get the Slayer or Murderer achievements in Oblivion to finish the Dark Brotherhood quest line. In Halo 3, the relationship between unlocking some of the content and your achievements/gamerscore are directly linked. For example, according to GameFaqs, to unlock the katana you must get all 1000 gamerscore points in Halo 3.


"That's not accurate. It's kind of like saying the score in Laser Blast becomes all exclamation marks because you got the patch. The correct line of reasoning is as follows: Achievements exist. Achievements are unlocked by certain game activities. Many unlockables are unlocked by those same activities. Therefore unlockable content and achievements are unlocked by certain game activities."


In this case, however, it appears that your achievements are related to the unlocking of the content. For example. some items in Halo 3 require a certain gamerscore to unlock it. In that case, I'd say it was fair to reason that in that case, the game activity needed to unlock the item is purely unlocking the various achievements in the game.


All I ever stated was:


"Reading a thread at the AVS boards just now, it sounds like we're wrong (Note to Moycon, I'm the person that disagreed with him in the first place saying that achievements don't unlock game content, but further evidence has led to me retracting that statement) and at least one game does do it.


"Actually, Halo 3 itself has unlockable content based on achievements. Its not much (More armor), but being able to wear a samarai sword in matchmaking shows that you've gotten all the achievements in the game. You'd be amazed at how many people have put in a lot of time trying to get that stupid armor! (AVS Forums)"


And it sounds like your progression through Test Drive Unlimited is related to your gamescore (Have to get achievements to be able to progress further). "


It's hardly deserving of the insults or criticisms for things I never said with that above message.

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Like I said, I'm confused. I'm not entirely sure what the thread is about anymore. Is it about how it's bad to be unlocking content in a game?


On the topic of the Halo unlockables based on gamerscore, are they based off your overall gamerscore for all games, or just your gamerscore from Halo achievements?


Can we agree that unlockables based on gamerscore are not the norm? I certainly haven't noticed any other games like that.

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Like I said, I'm confused. I'm not entirely sure what the thread is about anymore. Is it about how it's bad to be unlocking content in a game?


On the topic of the Halo unlockables based on gamerscore, are they based off your overall gamerscore for all games, or just your gamerscore from Halo achievements?


Can we agree that unlockables based on gamerscore are not the norm? I certainly haven't noticed any other games like that.


The sword (decorative) is based on Halo's achievement scores only. You have to get the full 1000 points in Halo 3 to unlock it. Some of the achievements are absolutely retarded in difficulty unless you get a group of rank (random) people to do.

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The sword (decorative) is based on Halo's achievement scores only. You have to get the full 1000 points in Halo 3 to unlock it. Some of the achievements are absolutely retarded in difficulty unless you get a group of rank (random) people to do.


So it's really the same as the unlock requirement for the Musha Gundam in Dynasty Warriors Gundam. Or how many fight games have a final unlock when you've fulfilled many other requirements? Unlock everything else first.


It's not really the achievements which unlock anything. It's the things you did to get the achievements which actually do the unlocking. Even in the Halo example, it's stuff you have to do in the one game to unlock a final prize.


Of course, it's easier to say "get all the ahievements" than to say "unlock all characters, get first place in time attack mode, win 10 online games in a row, and do a dragon punch against the wall on stage 6 in order to unlock the DooDad." It's not really accurate, though.


Now, if there were some features which unlocked only when you had a gamerscore of say 5,000 points across all games, then it's not really the same thing.

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Exactly. And there is no reason such a thing can't exist on other platforms. MS just has done it better than anyone else has so far and created a unified system across its platform for all 360 games. Bot Moycon's incorrect line of thought that he somehow developed and used to claim what I said was incorrect was that if 360 content is tied to achievements, then how does that work on the same game on other platforms that obviousily don't have the 360's achievements system. He used that to disprove what I said even though it hardly has any bearing to the conversation since the same content could be set to unlock by different criteria on other platforms. Then I suggested in response that on other platforms, they could basically clone the 360's achievement system if they wanted to to keep consistency between 360 games and ports of 360 games on other platforms (Even if its completely offline and limited to just that one title)


Atariboy...Just stop. I have no clue where you are going with this. I didn't call you an idiot ok? I just honestly have no clue what you are arguing at this point. I am not talking about the fact that achievements couldn't exist on another platform ok? They could. The absolutely could. They don't...but they could. In the future they most certainly will because it's very popular I notice you keep using this word.


"Could" ....


They could do this. They could do that.


You're right they could...but they don't because they have no reason to...and yet the exact same content unlocks on those systems that don't . LOL Amazing?


I am also not talking about unlocking things in a game. Little trophies, cars, cities, characters, tracks, weapons, bonus stages, etc...I KNOW that you can unlock goofy things in games. These are unlocked on any system you play them on. Producers of games haven't made some secret hidden achievments systems on the PS2 and Gamecube to unlock content...believe me they haven't. They could I guess...but they haven't. You unlock all that stuff by doing certain things in the game.

I will say this again. Achievements unlock a little picture on your profile and increase you gamerscore on that same profile. That's it. They don't unlock content. You unlock the items yourself in the game, your profile reflects your accomplishments. On the 360 version of a game when you do unlock the little trophies, cars, cities, characters, tracks, weapons, bonus stages, etc... You may get an achievement, and unlock your picture on Xbox.com profile and increase your gamerscore. It's that simple.


I dunno why I just keep repeating the exact same thing over and over. LOL

I guess I'm hoping something will click. Instead I get a bunch of accusations of name calling and "coulds"


Just to clarify, I'm not talking about how things "could" be, I'm talking about how things are.

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Then how do you explain the things in Halo 3 that are unlocked based on your gamerscore for that title? The fact that a certain number of achievements were unlocked isn't why the content is being unlocked, but it appears to be a fact that the game is paying attention to your gamerscore for that title in detirmining when the content will be unlocked.


"Atariboy...Just stop. I have no clue where you are going with this. I didn't call you an idiot ok? "


I didn't have a clue what your earlier ramblings meant either, all i did was innocently say that it appears that some things might be unlocked based on your achievements/gamerscore for that title. And you more or less called and made me out to look like a fool in response and brought in things that had no clear relation to what was being discussed.


"They could I guess...but they haven't. You unlock all that stuff by doing certain things in the game."


I really haven't seen what bearing this has had the entire time. I'm talking about Xbox 360 titles. Not GameCube games, not Playstation 2 games, not Atari 2600 games. I think its well established that theres a abunance of things game developers can use as criteria for when ingame content is unlocked for the player, and it hardly requires further discussion on the matter since this thread is about Xbox 360 and its system of achievements. If a game like Test Drive Unlimited indeed uses your achievements/gamerscore for criteria on when content is unlocked on the Xbox 360, that has absolutely no bearing on the Playstation 2 version of the title or Halo 3's upcoming PC release.


" dunno why I just keep repeating the exact same thing over and over. LOL

I guess I'm hoping something will click. Instead I get a bunch of accusations of name calling and "coulds" "


Reread your post in this thread, they come off as very insulting and derogatory with such things as "To be honest with you at this point I have no clue what is going on in your mind with all this talk PC games and PS2 maybe having achievements, I'm going to go out on a limb and state, you have no clue what the achievement system and gamerscore are.". I visit and discuss things here for entertainment and interesting conversation, not to be belittled.


I'm going to go out on a limb and state I barely care about achievements and this topic and was merely passing along what I originally read at the AVS video forums. I could care less about Halo 3, Test Drive Unlimited, Moycon, and barely even care about achievements beyond their novelty value. So lets end it here.

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all i did was innocently say that it appears that some things might be unlocked based on your achievements/gamerscore for that title.


Ok Then I'll agree with you, you're right...They might. I haven't seen an example of it yet. Not enough to complain about some massive amount of content that I was missing out on because on the achievemnt system, which is how the whole conversation was started...


I think its crap that I can't have access to all the content on my disc without doing mundane things, to have it.


Unless Famicoman was refering specifically to a decorative sword in Halo 3 (Which if the sword unlocks in the PC version with no gamerscore it would kind of ruin the one example given) I don't know what ALL content you guys are missing out on, or why anyone would think the achievement system was crap because you couldn't weild a decorative sword.


Why you decided to take focus on what might be, I can't fathom, but you're right, some things might be unlocked that way and I'll give you that. Let us know when you have examples of the contents unlocked and verification the achievments/gamerscore unlocked it, I still don't think it's enough to raise a bitch about, is anyone going to not buy a game because they can't wield a decorative sword you're supposed to earn?? :ponder:


I'd say the overwelming majority of the 360 games available today have no content that's unlocked because of that persons gamerscore or achivements. Fair enough?


Can you post a link to the sword or armor that unlocks because of your gamerscore? I've visited several forums and done search's on words like "decorative" and have yet to see anything about it. The closest I've seen is this....


hey i got all achievements and are captain but i still need 2 armor to the elite its boddy armor and shouldre please help ps i have herd the is flamig head to the spartan WTF how do i get those


From http://www.achieve360points.com/forums/sho...ead.php?t=57269


But that doesnt sound like it since the guy had all the achievements but no armor.

In fact checking list of getting armor guides, made by the gamers, many people are posting things like...


Elite Armor:


Flight-Complete The Ark on Heroic or Legendary

Ascetic-Unlock “Overkill” Achievement (Get one overkill)

Commando-Unlock “Killing Frenzy” Achievement (Get one killing frenzy)


This isn't proof to me that the armor is in any way tied to the achievement system or gamerscore. All it means is that if you perform an overkill you'll get your achievement for it, and unlock that item. Even if the armor only unlocks if you get all the achievements, you still have to perform the moves in the game, and if you did that on another system with no achievements, it would still unlock. I would say, this is absolutely no different then any other game or game system we've played for the last 2 decades in the way we've been unlocking things for years. The only difference is, now thanks to MS's achievement system, you will hear a little *plink* and your gamerscore will go up on your profile.

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Today i bought X-Men 3. Knowing it's terrible. Just because i figured it'd be worth blowing through for the achievements. I feel dirty. :(


Although, it was $7 new. So...that's pretty awesome i guess. But yeah...I wouldn't have gotten it if there were no achievements to be had, that's for sure.


It's not near as bad of a game as I had imagined. I rather enjoyed the game myself. Especially playing as Nightcrawler. It's definately not a game I'd have been happy paying $59.99 to play. I paid around $20 - $25 used months and months ago and feel I got my money's worth paying that much. Altho I did sell it afterwards, so I probably recouped half that.



*sigh* I started playing this game today. It is, in fact, terrible. Hands-down the worst game i've played on the 360, but it's also my first foray outside the more recommended titles, so that's understandable. The achievements system looks like a launch title game. The first three achievements you get, for beating the "training" levels for each of the characters, are worth 0 points each. Then...why have them tied to achievements? I thought Blue Dragon was bad for having so many incremental 5 point achievements. The rest are all tied to getting everything in every level with every character. Then there's a 50 point achievement that you get for having a gamerscore of 950 on the game. hehehe, why not just add 10 points each onto 5 of the other achievements instead? They're all numbered arbitrarily anyway, with an 80 point achievement tied to one character being worth 110 when you accomplish the same goal with someone else... Still though.... can't complain too much for $7.

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Can you post a link to the sword or armor that unlocks because of your gamerscore? I've visited several forums and done search's on words like "decorative" and have yet to see anything about it. The closest I've seen is this....


hey i got all achievements and are captain but i still need 2 armor to the elite its boddy armor and shouldre please help ps i have herd the is flamig head to the spartan WTF how do i get those

I hope his next achievement unlocks a book of English grammar and a dictionary.

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*sigh* I started playing this game today. It is, in fact, terrible. Hands-down the worst game i've played on the 360, but it's also my first foray outside the more recommended titles, so that's understandable. The achievements system looks like a launch title game. The first three achievements you get, for beating the "training" levels for each of the characters, are worth 0 points each. Then...why have them tied to achievements? I thought Blue Dragon was bad for having so many incremental 5 point achievements. The rest are all tied to getting everything in every level with every character. Then there's a 50 point achievement that you get for having a gamerscore of 950 on the game. hehehe, why not just add 10 points each onto 5 of the other achievements instead? They're all numbered arbitrarily anyway, with an 80 point achievement tied to one character being worth 110 when you accomplish the same goal with someone else... Still though.... can't complain too much for $7.


The achievements were poor. That last one for 50 if you had 950 was just stupid to me. I dunno maybe it was some weird inside joke. In any case, I didn't get 100%. there were a couple levels (One Iceman and one Nightcrawler) levels that I couldn't beat on the hard level with out replaying and mastering the level which I wasn't about to do at that point. Not anywhere near a great game, but like you said, worth about a $10 playthrough. Even better, You can probaly sell your copy on eBay and get your $$ back when your finished...maybe.

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Nope. Couldn't care less. Look at it this way, is the achievement actually saying how well you did? Or is it just saying that you did?


All of the (rather limmited I'll admit) games I've played, the achievements are givein out at certain points of the game. They escentually say you finished it. They don't say you dragged your shot up bloody ass across the finish line in last place however.



I'm playing Blue Dragon right now. I'm on disc 3, about 50 hours into the game. I have about six achievements, totaling 30/1000 possible points. I've only gotten i think two of those achievements from things that would've just happened through normal progression. So, there are games out there that make you work for 'em, and definitely say something about how good you are at the game. Hell, just look at the achievement list for Dead Rising sometime, several of them are nearly impossible without being some sort of machine.


Well, I know there is side stuff, but the game score really just says that you did it, not how well you did it.


Take Oblivion for example. You can play through the whole game, and not touch any of the side stuff. You could do all the side stuff, all the game score says is that you did, or did not do it.


My game for example has the fighters guild, mages guild, arena, and thives guild all completed. It however does NOT say that I breezed through the fighters guild quickly, while limping through the mages guild cause magic isn't really my thing (heck, I mostly just chopped my way through it. It also does not tell anyone that I finely started the thieves guild after completeing the main quest of the game. And it also does not say that I blew through the arena in one day, and only used my fists (hey, I kinda accidentally found out that you can kill someone by punching them, I'm pretty sure it only affected fatigue on the old game) All that stuff might be interesting to know, but the achievements you unlock doesn't say dittly squat about any of that. It just says it was done.


Kinda lackluster, like getting a trophy for competeing in a race, that escentually says "I was there" rather than a more realistic system of getting different colored trophies based on how good you did.

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