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Do you give a crap about achievements?

Lord Helmet

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Kinda lackluster, like getting a trophy for competeing in a race, that escentually says "I was there" rather than a more realistic system of getting different colored trophies based on how good you did.


Plain and simple, some achievements are better than others. RPG are hard to gauge and are a bad example.


Explain to me how these achievements aren't telling more than just "you were there"


Hexic HD Achievements : Grand Pearl Pooh-Bah : Surround one piece with six black pearls.

Geometry Wars Evolved : Survived 1,000,000 : Earn 1,000,000 points without dying

Burnout Revenge : Dominate The Dominator! : Perfect all of the events in the Dominator rank!

Robotron: 2084 : Wave 30 : Make your way to wave 30 using default settings


I'll stop there since there's about 1,000 more like this and I'd rather not list them all.


Do they show people exactly how you played and what you went through??.... Errr No and to be honest with you, that's all you, no one else cares. Videotape yourself playing if that's important.


Look at it this way, did your high score on Ms. Pac-Man back in the day show that you breezed through level 6 and had trouble with level 8??


Of course not.


Maybe some achievments are kinda blah. Usually these are the ones folks when discussing achievements say suck. But there are many many challenging ones and they are proof positive that you rank among the best of the best even if they don't come in different colors. (Although Mutant Storm Reloaded does have colored belts you can earn if thats your thing.)

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Sorry about that, stupid computer time out bullshit....


Also sorry that it's not going to do the quote thing right. It never does when it's broken up like thsi.


Kinda lackluster, like getting a trophy for competeing in a race, that escentually says "I was there" rather than a more realistic system of getting different colored trophies based on how good you did.


Plain and simple, some achievements are better than others. RPG are hard to gauge and are a bad example.


Explain to me how these achievements aren't telling more than just "you were there"


Hexic HD Achievements : Grand Pearl Pooh-Bah : Surround one piece with six black pearls.


I know nothing of the game, so can't really comment (uh..but isn't that live anyways?)


Geometry Wars Evolved : Survived 1,000,000 : Earn 1,000,000 points without dying


Sounds like a high score (BTW, 1 million is standard in any game that keeps score)


Burnout Revenge : Dominate The Dominator! : Perfect all of the events in the Dominator rank!


Another simple high score. Agains, it's just a beating the game thing/


Robotron: 2084 : Wave 30 : Make your way to wave 30 using default settings


Cool, but doesn't robotron go to like 99 anyways? That's not even tht much of an achievement in the high score relm


I'll stop there since there's about 1,000 more like this and I'd rather not list them all.



Actually, those are high scores, not achievements (well, they may be listed as achievements, but still)


In fact, 90% of them out there are just that. Whoopee. I got a million points and got an achievement. That's saying something. Yeah. But is getting the million points like getting the robotron million points (actually a decent challenge) or is it like getting the asteroinds million (ok, so technically it won't register over 100000, but eh, roll the score ten times, same thing) which would be rediculously easy (or maybe it's just me, someone else may think asteroids is impossible and blow through robotron like it's nothing)


You know how much I thought of high scores? I was one of many (well, the vast majority actually) that didn't bother with innitialling games when I got one. All achievements are, is just a high score (minus the high score, which would be only slightly cooler) Yeah, I suppose most arcades have the minimum so low, that anyone can get the innitial high score, but is that really cool?


That's something I woiuld like to know, achievements, yeah, but does XBL track scores as well? If it did both, it might be worth it...but considering the HDD doesn't have scores of any of the games I've played, I'd have to say no.


Anyhow, as I said, achievements = high score, minus the high score. In other words, their simly putting a celing on the possible high score. Is it impressive that you got a million points in geometry wars (actually, I'd be impressed that someone bothered playing it that long) Well, yeah...except that anybody looking for achievements WILL get this achievement. If it say...said how many hours/retrys/lives/something it took to achieve that achievement THEN I might think about eventually giveing a crap about it. Till then, I'll be far more impressed with the high score itself, where most of the average joe blows will hit their million milestone and quit, and the true master gamer (or looser with to much free time...take your pick) will have the 73 hour 12 billion score.


And as I said...even the high score didn't really concerne me any...and most of that was cause of either A, I totally sucked at the game, or B was so far beyonc even the second place person that it was pitiful. If I enjoyed the game, I might make a note of the score, and have that as my own personal goal, but other than that...meh.

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Actually, those are high scores, not achievements (well, they may be listed as achievements, buts till.


No you are wrong. They are achievements.


High score is when you play a game and you get your highest score. This is something that could constantly change. It works like this. You might play asteroids today, and your high score might be 1,000 points. Two months from now (and dozens of games later) and your high score might be 1,000,000 points. This has nothing to do with achievements, unless the producers of the game happen to set a goal for score and you met it, but that goal isn't necessarily going to be your high score. I'm not really sure where your confusion lies in all this. It seems like an over whelming simple concept to grasp.


Achievements is a set goal that you met. For instance.


Hexic HD Achievements : Grand Pearl Pooh-Bah : Surround one piece with six black pearls.


Is when you surround any piece with six black pearl pieces. It has nothing to do with Live (Whatever that means). It has nothing to do with your score. It has to do with creating six black pearls, and then surrounding a piece with the six.


Burnout Revenge : Dominate The Dominator! : Perfect all of the events in the Dominator rank!


There is no "score" in Burnout. To perfect a rank you have to get a perfect on all the rounds (Crash, Race, Traffic Etc....) in that rank. This is done by how you drive, the chances you take, the time you complete the course etc.


Again, I listed four for you.... there are 1,000's of achievements. I'll list a few more to see if that helps you comprehend better.


Just Cause : Base Jump 1000 Meters : Base Jump From 1000 Meters Or Higher. (Harder than it sounds) This has nothing to do with score, it has nothing to do with Live. You must jump and free-fall 1000 meters or higher.


Viva Pinata : Cocoadile Tears : Player has attained full bonus growth for a plant using the Cocoadile tears. This has nothing to do with score, it has nothing to do with Live, You have to grow a plant to full growth using the tears of a Cocoadile (A rare pinata)


Puzzle Quest : Master Craftsman : Forge a Godlike item. This has nothing to do with your score...It has nothing to do with Live, it has to do with detroying the # of anvils needed to forge a God-like weapon. 15 I think...maybe 18.


Any clearer?

Can you see the difference between high score and achievements? If not rest assured I'll keep giving you examples if you need them.


Think like this....


They set a goal.

You meet that goal.

You get an achievement logged to your profile as completed for all to see.


It's very simple system, made for very simple people. The issue here might be that you are trying to read too much into this system Video. If I were you I wouldn't worry about it. Just play how you wanna play. :cool:

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  • 8 months later...

Short answer: No.


Long answer: I see achievements as nothing more then a system to make "everyone" feel like they are "special" and gives them some unfounded reason to brag about nothing. This perspective is really compounded by games like SoulCalibur 4, where you unlock an achievement just for starting the game. :roll:

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that's like getting 10 points on a test for spelling your name correctly.


I like and I don't like achievements, especially after playing Bioshock.


I got the Little Sister Savior, now that feels like an achievement. I don't want achievements for something that I had to do anyway, like you passed level 1, here ya go. Well I have to pass level 1 to get to the rest of the game, what kind of achievement is that??

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that's like getting 10 points on a test for spelling your name correctly.


I like and I don't like achievements, especially after playing Bioshock.


I got the Little Sister Savior, now that feels like an achievement. I don't want achievements for something that I had to do anyway, like you passed level 1, here ya go. Well I have to pass level 1 to get to the rest of the game, what kind of achievement is that??


Not all achievements are created equal for sure. It's awesome when the game developer puts some thought and effort into the achievements, but you're right some just seem like gimmies.


Artlover is of course wrong if he thinks all achievments are unfounded reasons to brag about nothing. Why does anyone brag about anything? If you caught a decent sized fish and bragged to your friend is that any less unfounded then if you made it through Bio Shock on the Hard difficulty without dying? My guess is he just accepts the gimmie achievments and hasn't actually set out to conquer any of the ones a person would need to put forth an effort for. In fact my guess, based on his posts, he just doesn't like the new generation of systems period, achievements aside. ;)

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Artlover is of course wrong if he thinks all achievments are unfounded reasons to brag about nothing. Why does anyone brag about anything? If you caught a decent sized fish and bragged to your friend is that any less unfounded then if you made it through Bio Shock on the Hard difficulty without dying? My guess is he just accepts the gimmie achievments and hasn't actually set out to conquer any of the ones a person would need to put forth an effort for. In fact my guess, based on his posts, he just doesn't like the new generation of systems period, achievements aside. ;)



I play side missions and stuff, like in Mass Effect, but I do so for the sake of doing so because it's part of the game and fun, not because I want to brag to anyone about getting the anidote in Area 15 and saving everyone. Nor do I care if someone else finsihed the game 100%. My resulting feeling is always; "Yeah, and?"


This is nothing new for me. Even if you want to go back to the 80's in the arcade era, I never cared about or played for the sake of getting my initials in the high score screen. So someone named BFA scored 18 gajillion points in <insert game name>. Yawn. So BFA is the a--h--- who played 10 hours straight and I ended up leaving the store after waiting for over half an hour for my chance to play for the sake of fun but couldn't because all he cared about was having his initials flickering in raster for a few hours till the owner shuts the thing off at closing time. Yeah, got quite a few memories of that crap.


Puts on flack jacket

For what end? The King of Kong effect? Or what I like to call a 'Couple of sad people with no lives spending years having a d--k waving contest with each other over something that contributes nothing to the world beyond smug self satasifaction.' "Yeah, and?" It's not like we're talking about discovering a cure for cancer or an international sporting event where gold medals, millions of $'s in advertising contracts and a better life for you and your family are up for grabs. Just don't care about the drama. All I care about is playing my games the way I want for the sake of personal enjoyment. Don't need achievements for that.

Removes flack jacket


Maybe it's because I'm just not inherently competitive by nature and not interested in my 15 minutes of fame.

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I play side missions and stuff, like in Mass Effect, but I do so for the sake of doing so because it's part of the game and fun, not because I want to brag to anyone about getting the anidote in Area 15 and saving everyone. Nor do I care if someone else finsihed the game 100%. My resulting feeling is always; "Yeah, and?"


The achievements aren't for everyone. Not everyone has desire to be competitive or go out of their way to do something just to say they did it, in the same breath, not everyone need a cure AIDs to attempt a challenge. Lots of people like to brag about their accomplishments..... 99% of those accomplishments don't change the world. Seems like a petty thing to even bother replying to if you aren't interested in the least like you claim.


Maybe you poo-poo the achievements because it just bugs you that you suck at videogames and it‘s a constant reminder?? :P


J/K :D

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Seems like a petty thing to even bother replying to if you aren't interested in the least like you claim.

Well, I do like arguing. ;)


Maybe you poo-poo the achievements because it just bugs you that you suck at videogames and it‘s a constant reminder?? :P


J/K :D

I won't deny thats true on more then one game, amung all the consoles. :P

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Short answer: No.


Long answer: I see achievements as nothing more then a system to make "everyone" feel like they are "special" and gives them some unfounded reason to brag about nothing. This perspective is really compounded by games like SoulCalibur 4, where you unlock an achievement just for starting the game. :roll:


It happens in the Simpsons game as well. Best achievement ever!! :lol:

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I'm with ArtLover on this one. I don't really care about the achievements, even in the 80's I didn't care about high scores, I played the games because they were fun, if I happened to get on the HS list, well, that was just a bonus.


There are only a handful of games that I own where I actually tried for achievements, and those are basically the arcade games. As for 360 games themselves, all I care about is the story, gameplay, and finishing it, If i happen to get an achievement along the way, so be it. I think my gamer score is over 4,000. I've owned around 20 games for my 360 so far, my score should be well over 4,000 if I actually cared.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love cheivies and now that the PS3 has trophies, I will probably being playing that system more often. I didn't play it because why bother if you aren't going to get that little something extra. And I'm all about the little something extra. Acheivements increase replay value. If I missed something the first time through, I have an incentive to go back through and try to get that last cheivie. I don't consider a game "done" until I've got all the acheivements.


I'll catch up to you someday moycon, you just wait!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I will say that there is one thing I absolutely hate about the achievements.



(bigg ass popup)

:o NOOOOoooo, I needed to read that crap scrolling up the screen damnit


Is there a way to turn that off? Actually I'd probably turn the whold damn thing off If I could, whats with every game ever played being on there anyways? For taht matter, why all these randome games poping up taht I've never even played? (No, I don't loan my X-box out to anybody, and I'm useually playing with anything ever put in)

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I will say that there is one thing I absolutely hate about the achievements.



(bigg ass popup)

:o NOOOOoooo, I needed to read that crap scrolling up the screen damnit


Is there a way to turn that off? Actually I'd probably turn the whold damn thing off If I could, whats with every game ever played being on there anyways? For taht matter, why all these randome games poping up taht I've never even played? (No, I don't loan my X-box out to anybody, and I'm useually playing with anything ever put in)


If it's bugging you really bad, go to your options and turn off notifications.

Hit the big "X" button, go to personal settings, then notifications and turn them off.


As far as games being on there...exactly where, is there?

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I will say that there is one thing I absolutely hate about the achievements.



(bigg ass popup)

:o NOOOOoooo, I needed to read that crap scrolling up the screen damnit


Is there a way to turn that off? Actually I'd probably turn the whold damn thing off If I could, whats with every game ever played being on there anyways? For taht matter, why all these randome games poping up taht I've never even played? (No, I don't loan my X-box out to anybody, and I'm useually playing with anything ever put in)


If it's bugging you really bad, go to your options and turn off notifications.

Hit the big "X" button, go to personal settings, then notifications and turn them off.


As far as games being on there...exactly where, is there?


Mine shows every game I've ever played...even demos.

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Dig 'em. Good way to see what your IRL friends are doing, what they are playing and how much they are playing, and to compare where you are at.


The social aspect of the 360 is actually a really cool feature. Even if you aren't a gold subscriber, you can see what all of your friends are playing. I know I check almost every time I see one of the AA guys on.

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Being new to the 360 I've just started to earn some of these achievement points. I think I am up to 60 points for a gamer score! Woo hoo! I've only played my 360 for 2-3 hours and was trying out several games and not really putting any time into them (yet). As a result of my playing, I say the achievements are a nice added bonus to playing. Not a need but now that they are there, I enjoy when I get one. I don't play online (no interest in that) but it is interesting to play a game and 'earn' some kudos or sorts.


Seeing friends gamer tags with their score and what they are playing is really cool.


Achievements aren't going to make games all that much different but it makes me want to play and try to earn them later on... especially if you beat the game but have outstanding achievements to earn. Keeps a game in my library longer this way.

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Mine shows every game I've ever played...even demos.


Right, but where are you guys talking about? On the Xbox Live website via your gamer profile? or under "View Games" on your profile blade? or under achievements on the "Games" blade. 360 doesn't just display every game ever played when you boot it up does it!!?? :P


My thought was depending where you are when you are viewing the games, you might get some of your friends games in the mix as well. You can compare games with other people. That's the only way I could explain games never played showing up.


Demo's have always showed up in the list of games anywhere you look. It used to mess up the percentages of achievements possible and your actual achievements, but I think they have fixed that. When you look at you possible gamerscore, Demos no longer factor into the total even though they do show up as being played.

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I will say that there is one thing I absolutely hate about the achievements.



(bigg ass popup)

:o NOOOOoooo, I needed to read that crap scrolling up the screen damnit


Is there a way to turn that off? Actually I'd probably turn the whold damn thing off If I could, whats with every game ever played being on there anyways? For taht matter, why all these randome games poping up taht I've never even played? (No, I don't loan my X-box out to anybody, and I'm useually playing with anything ever put in)


If it's bugging you really bad, go to your options and turn off notifications.

Hit the big "X" button, go to personal settings, then notifications and turn them off.


As far as games being on there...exactly where, is there?


Cool, I kinda expected "You can't turn it off, your gay" or something to the extent of that, thanks.



Mine shows every game I've ever played...even demos.


Oh...that's probably it, I've played lots of demos of various stuff. Kinda funny that it puts up how many game points you got on those, as they don't offer any (that I'm aware of) Or maybe I suck at all of those and haven't managed to get any :P

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