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Search RAIDERS LOST ARK trade Peter Penguin for that


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Hello, maybe someone have read it in other topics, but here for all again in the right place.


I search this game. And only this variant with RAIDERS LOST ARK on the small lable and the better looking big lable and copyright 1986.


I will trade one Peter Penguin for that (I have it double), only game PAL. I can copy the manual or/and box inlay, but this are only as photocopy not original. But the game work 100% and is original. Maybe on NTSC TV you must adjust something, but I think the most know what to do, that PAL games work right.


Maybe if someone will not trade I will pay money for that. But I don't know how much. Maybe tell me what you want, then I tell you if I will pay it.


Please reply here if you interest in trade or sell.


First I search only the cartridge, but if someone will sell or trade with box and manual is great too. But the cart is the importents for me. The box and manual look the same as the other variant I think. But my Peter Penguin is only cartridge.


I forget, the lable and end lable must complete and in good contition. My Peter Penguin looks good too. See on my Website in my collection, is the old scan from the game only. Best is if you can scan your game too and post it here or send to my E-Mail. But I must know your AtariAge name then I know who you are.



If you don't trust me, see my feedback on ebay as Matthias14 or ask some Collectors around the world.


[ 01-25-2002: Message edited by: MattyXB ]

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I have the wierd Raiders Lost Ark game you are looking for. Here's a picture.



Both the front and end labels are complete.


I'd be willing to trade, but I live in the U.S.A. Do you mind shipping to the U.S. ?



Joel D. Park

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No probleme, you got a mail from me. Please mail me back for all infos I need, like your address.

The best is if we send the games together, so noone must wait to long.


But don't forget, is PAL. This will maybe not work correct on NTSC TVs. You must adjust something, but I have no idea.


[ 01-28-2002: Message edited by: MattyXB ]

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am so happy that it arrive. I like this game Peter Pebguin too very much. From the gameplay a bit better then Pengo I think. Graphic not so good, but fun to play.


I hope too we can trade more, but in the moment I have not many to trade, and not so Rare games. But I hope that I can get on the fleamarket soon games for a cheap price.

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