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Are any 8-bit carts no good on XEGS?

BSA Starfire

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It's the same deal as for XL software.


But there are very few carts that aren't compatible - I think there's a list somewhere.

Of those, probably all would be available as executable files anyway, so you could run them from disk.



For disk based stuff, it's not so much a problem since fixes have been made for just about everything that wasn't XL/XE compatible.

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It's the same deal as for XL software.


But there are very few carts that aren't compatible - I think there's a list somewhere.

Of those, probably all would be available as executable files anyway, so you could run them from disk.



For disk based stuff, it's not so much a problem since fixes have been made for just about everything that wasn't XL/XE compatible.

I love to see a NTSC/PAL fix, without having to mod the hardware. :cool:

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ripped from the 8 bit faq

Subject: 8.4) What programs run only on the 400 and 800 models, and why?

The following are reported as incompatible with models other than the 
original Atari 400/800.  Most probably do work on XL/XE's if you use a 
translator to run the original 400/800 OS on your XL/XE. 

Apple Panic					Broderbund 
Aquatron					   Sierra On-Line 
Astro Chase					(by First Star Software) Parker Bros.
Atari Word Processor		   Atari
 (this is not the same as AtariWriter!)
Atlantis (some versions!)	  Imagic 
Attack at EP-CYG-4			 (by Bram) Romox
Bacterion!					 Kyle Peacock/Tom Hudson/ANALOG#20
 ( [url="http://www.cyberroach.com/analog/an20/bacterion.htm"]http://www.cyberroach.com/analog/an20/bacterion.htm[/url]
  patch for XL/XE available:
  [url="http://www.cyberroach.com/analog/an20/bacterion_patch.htm"]http://www.cyberroach.com/analog/an20/bacterion_patch.htm[/url] )
Bandits						Sirius Software
BearJam						Chalkboard
Boulders And Bombs			 CBS 
Chicken						Synapse 
Dancing Feats				  (by Softsync) Romox
Demon Attack				   Imagic 
Dreadnaught Factor, The		Activision 
Drelbs						 Synapse 
File Manager 800+			  Synapse
Forbidden Forest			   Cosmi 
 (later versions by different companies work ok on XL/XE!)
Fort Apocalypse				Synapse 
 (cart version is 400/800 only! tape+disk versions work ok on XL/XE!)
Galahad And The Holy Grail	 APX 
 (Downloadable: [url="http://www.atariarchives.org/APX/showinfo.php?cat=20132"]http://www.atariarchives.org/APX/showinfo.php?cat=20132[/url])
Go							 Hayden 
Gorf						   Roklan
Jawbreaker II				  Sierra On-Line
Jet Boot Jack				  English Software 
 (can be found on various tapes/disks; at least the re-release 
  version by Byte Back works alright on XL/XE computers!)
Juggler						IDSI 
K-Razy Antiks				  K-Byte 
K-razy Kritters				CBS
K-razy Kritters				K-Byte 
Kangaroo					   Atari prototype 
KoalaPainter				   Koala 
Leo's 'Lectric Paintbrush	  Chalkboard
Leo's Links					Chalkboard 
Letter Perfect (before v6)	 LJK
LogicMaster					Chalkboard 
Mac/65 [ver. 1.00, orange]	 OSS
Mario Bros. ('83)			  Atari 
Maze						   Epyx 
Micro Illustrator			  Chalkboard
MicroMaestro				   Chalkboard 
Monkey Wrench				  Eastern House
Monster Maze				   Epyx 
Ms. Pac-Man					Atari 
 (has problems with newer XE/XEGS computers!)
M.U.L.E.(early release only)   Electronic Arts 
Nautilus					   Synapse 
Pac-Man Jr.					Atari prototype 
Picnic Paranoia				Synapse 
Pool 1.5					   IDSI 
Pool 400					   IDSI 
Protector II				   Synapse 
QS Forth					   James Abanese / [QS] Quality Software
Rack 'Em Up					Rocklan 
Shamus						 Synapse 
Slime						  Synapse 
Snapper						Silicon Valley Systems 
Space Dungeon				  Atari 
Squish 'Em					 Sirius 
Super Pac-Man				  Atari prototype
Synassembler				   Synapse
Text Wizard					Datasoft
Zaxxon (early release only!)   Datasoft

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  • 5 weeks later...

For an all systems patched ROM:




Not sure how practical burning a new prom for an original cart is though,

e.g. can the case be opened, one or two chips, soldering etc?


Certainly the Synapse titles have been patched but IIRC, the Gorf cart

uses an area of memory in the XL - one byte of which the OS checks

regularly and if changed it locks the machine, and unfortunately

there is no other RAM available to remap this too in order to fix it :(

(I suppose this area could be relocated to RAM above 16K but

then the game would run on a 800XL/65XE etc but not a 600XL)

Plus there exists a file version that can run under an XL translator.




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I love to see a NTSC/PAL fix, without having to mod the hardware. :cool:


This is too deeply fundamental to be patched in software such that all titles work across the board. PAL has more scanlines and a lower refresh rate than NTSC. Since the most interesting tricks the A8 can do involve interrupts synced to the video this means the actual programming for the two standards varies significantly. Perhaps in time we will see the A8 implemented as an FPGA. Such an implementation could support both PAL and Antic and likely the 5200 as well. Even then, you'd need a monitor capable of both PAL and NTSC video timing.

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Is there a way to mod the XEGS hardware so that it will play these games as well? Any recommendations on who could do this? Just need NTSC, nothing PAL. Call me crazy, but the XEGS is my primary A8 system...love the detachable keyboard, and mainly just use it for cartridge based gaming. That and it's a heck of a lot easier than messing with a 5200. ;)

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Is there a way to mod the XEGS hardware so that it will play these games as well? Any recommendations on who could do this? Just need NTSC, nothing PAL. Call me crazy, but the XEGS is my primary A8 system...love the detachable keyboard, and mainly just use it for cartridge based gaming. That and it's a heck of a lot easier than messing with a 5200. ;)


I have an 800XL and an XEGS. The XE is out right now. I'd prefer to use the XL, because I like its looks more, but... one of my fav games to play is Lode Runner, and it doesn't look right on the XL. It's all red. And of course with the XE you get built-in Missile Command.


But then... I usually don't have the XE keyboard out because I usually don't need it. Then I went and got Jumpman Jr. And for that you need the keyboard to start the game - you have to use the number keys to pick the player speed. So, that would work better with the XL. But then Lode Runner works better with the XE.


So, my choice was to keep the XE out with its keyboard.

Edited by Brian R.
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