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Should I trade my 800XL for an XEGS?


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I had an Atari XEGS 10 years ago, and I didn't like it. The keyboard is mushy, and even though its "detachable", it has a rigid cord 8 inches long, so you can't really do much with it. On the other hand, the Atari 800xl is not much more than a keyboard, and very compact.


Right now I have an Atari 800 and I prefer that to my old XEGS. I know the Atari 800 has an A/V port, because I bought an A/V cable for it, and I hook it up to the RCA plugs on my television. I believe the Atari 800xl may have that A/V port as well.

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I was told that the XEGS is a bit of a song and dance to upgrade (RAM WISE)


Best bet, get yourself a tripler board, go online and get yourself a raw image of an xegs o/s and stick it on an eprom and stick that eprom and the xl o/s on the tripler board and stick the tripler board where the xl o/s used to be, then make yourself a little switch to switch between the 2 o/s's


While your at it, why not upgrade the mem. of your 800 xl (either 128 or 256k) that way you won't need a 130xe either

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Why goto such trouble just to have Missile Command?


Sounds like madness to me.


Keep the XL - just buy or make a monitor adaptor to give you the very same A/V capability to the XL.


I'd bet that the XLs will still be going strong in 20 years time - couldn't say the same for the XE.

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Hmmmm, well I'll buck the crowd here I guess.


I have an 800, a 1200XL and an XEGS. Right now the XEGS is hooked up and ready to go (1050 & SIO2PC). It takes (slighty) less space on my desk. I keep the 800 because we bought it when I was 11. The 1200XL seems best for upgrade sutff (all socketed), but I like the XEGS best. The keyboard is OK if you are used to the ST series keyboards, the cable is easily lengthened with a PC game port extend-o-cable. I had a couple 800XLs, never really like them.


Anyway, I'd go with the XEGS, depending on what you want to do, for massive mods, probably not your best best, but for off the shelf gaming and what not, hard to beat.

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My favorite machine is the 800XL. It's sturdy and has a decent keyboard (well, there's a half-dozen variations, so you can pick your favorite). After a 256K upgrade and a few video mods, there's no reason go with the super-flimsy XE's.


And... the old 800 is my favorite to look at, but not to use. :)

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I own several different 8-bits. They all have there good and bad points but I really like my XEGS. My opiniion; If you want a machine that has a proven upgrade path or don't want to upgrade then get a 800XL or 130XE (for the extra RAM). If you like to Hack, design your own Mods and upgrade, then the XEGS is a great choice. Unlike the other 8-bits, it has lots of room inside its case. Room for a hard drive, multiple OS, and more memory.


BTW, the XE and XEGS Mushy keyboards can be fixed with an upgrade fro Best Electronics. I have done a couple of them now and ITS A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE! They make the Keyboards feel better than any PC keyboard I have ever owned!

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I like my XEGS I did get a 5200 Joystick extension cable to get better use of the detachable Mushy keyboard there are bugs in the OS but if you get your hands on a MyIDE+FLASH Cart it over rides most of the bug thanks to the custom SO that's in the cart! ;) I've read that upgrade is only 2 RAM chips it only take it to 128K :roll: but that more than what you started with. :D

Edited by walter_J64bit
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I don't know, I'm starting to move away from having classic computers in my setup, and I'm kind of jonesing for an XEGS mainly because I can use standard AV cables with it. Would it make sense for me to trade my 800XL for an XEGS?


It all depends...



Roomy, but takes more space because of the detachable keyboard. (And I hate those round, pastel function keys!

Keyboard: no big deal -- it's what you get used to. I actually prefer XE keyboards. Unless you are writing a novel... ;)

Upgrading: it will cost you $49 + shipping and quite a bit of soldering to upgrade it to 128K (if you are inclined)

Video: the stock video is OK for composite, but no CV can compare with S-Video.

PBI/ECI: Nope -- forget about hard drives, except MyIDE. But the MyIDE is a very usable HD, and it does keep getting better and better.



Still roomy for upgrades.

Keyboard: many folks prefer it's keyboard to any XE.

Upgrading: not too easy to upgrade. You can still buy the Wizztronics 256K boards from BEST, but quite a few folks have had difficulty getting the upgrade to work properly. (I have a Newell 256K that was already assembled, so all I did was to solder it in.) AtariMax may still have some XL upgrade boards. His is very nice (as are all the products he makes).

Video: I haven't seen too many XL's, but those I have seen are terrible, and nearly all have no chroma output, so you have to add it. Not too difficult.

PBI: Available, but there is currently nothing to add to it unless you can find a Black Box or an MIO. BTW, MIO's can only reliably use very hard to find MFM hard drives *with a bridge board controller*. So that pretty much takes you back to the MyIDE.


You didn't mention getting a 130XE -- IMO, the best choice. If you would find one, you should ask the seller about the keyboard. But in fact, you should ask about the keyboard on any Atari computer. If you are satisfied with 128K, no further upgrades are really needed. My experience with XE's is very good. My original XE from about 1985 is still going strong. I've only had one XE that "went south" but its MB had been damaged with some "inappropriate" mods, so I can't really pin it on the XE. Having a 130XE also means that you could use the KMK-JZ IDE interface. It is flat-out the fastest HD interface available for the A8. Sometimes available from sellers in Poland. One caveat: some come without a cartridge interface. Since the HD interface plugs into the ECI, you can't use a cart with the interface. Mine came without the cart interface, but the solder connections are there on the board, so I ripped one out of a dead MB and soldered it in the interface. Works great.



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I don't know, I'm starting to move away from having classic computers in my setup, and I'm kind of jonesing for an XEGS mainly because I can use standard AV cables with it. Would it make sense for me to trade my 800XL for an XEGS?


Video: the stock video is OK for composite, but no CV can compare with S-Video.


Actually, there is a pretty eaasy s-video upgrade for the XEGS. I wrote it. ;)


You can find it here:


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Just to let everyone know, I'm not interested in upgrades or anything like that. I'm only interested in cartridge games, which is why I brought up the XEGS.


I have an 800XL and the XEGS. I like the style of the 800XL. I like that the XEGS has Missile Command built in.


If you're only using cartridge games, you can go with either one, I think. You can get an XE without the keyboard, so none of the keyboard stuff is an issue. It has a built in game. There's no keyboard to get dusty. And you don't see its BASIC without the keyboard.


I keep both. But for your needs, the XEGS should be fine.

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I've made my decision, and I'm going to trade my 800XL for an XEGS. If anyone's got any offers, don't hesitate to PM me!

LOL! I was wondering how this would come out. I like the XEGS too and am a little sad that you will be competing with me on ebay ;) Personally, if I did not have an XEGS, I'd probably just get one of those monitor to rca/svideo cables off ebay. Then again, I *do* have an 800xl and I'm still shopping for a third XEGS. Go figure.


good luck!

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  • 5 weeks later...
Update, I finally got an XEGS with keyboard in exchange for 2 NES games. So would anyone like a spare 800XL? PM me if you're interested...


An XEGS for two Nintendo carts??? I'd consider that one hell of a deal!


I stumbled on an XE while hunting for a 5200. I didn't know what it was, wasn't looking for it, didn't think I'd ever want or need it, but I'm glad I grabbed it when I did. The thing cleaned up to like new condition and puts out a picture so good I'm often in awe. It's a great machine to have.


And - as far as I know - it's the only Atari console sold in the states with a built-in game - Missile Command. Right?

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Personally I'd keep the XL. I never cared much for the XEGS detachable keyboard and it has no DIN A/V output.


If they put a real cold start button and the console keys on the keyboard, then made the cable about 6' long, it might have been a good idea.



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When i got my XEGS out of storage last year my little daughter (6 y.o. then) said: "Oh, is that an Atari for girls? I like the colors!"

Thereof i consider the WAF (wife acceptance factor) of the XEGS bigger as any other a8 ones. :)

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The XEGS is one of my favorite 8-bits. To this day, I still have one new, sealed in the box!


Are you sure? How do you know? Could be just a block of styrofoam in there.


As I see it, you don't own an XEGS. You own a box!


But a box can be fun. Just ask a cat... well, even a cat would prefer a box to be open! ;)

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I don't stop by in the 8-bit forum much because I'm usually a strictly console kinda guy. But I found this thread because I was coming here to post a very similar question about system vs. system.


Mere days after selling the 3 8-bit carts I had in my possession, I happened upon an Atari 130XE, 1050 drive, and a ton of games at a garage sale. Bottom line, I like it a lot and have had much fun playing around with it. I also think the games display much better than on, say, a 5200 and I am a huge 5200 fan.


AND THEN yesterday at another garage sale, I bough an Atari 800 and an 810 drive with hookups and power supplies for $5. I couldn't pass on it for that price. So I have been testing it out tonight and I like it as well (plus I have more skills after my experimenting with the 130XE). The best part is how the carts pop right in above the keyboard. I know you are all used to this, but I think it is insanely cool (plus someone left Popeye in there), especially after having to continually move around the XE to switch carts in the back. Seriously, could they have picked a worse spot for the cart slot? Can you buy an extender or something?


Anyway, I am probably going to keep the XE, if only because it is the cooler looking system. But are there advantages to the 800? I have just played games and done some BASIC futzing about so far so it's not like I have a definite plan for how I am going to use it. Mostly games, I guess? Keep it around for show? But I can't keep both. The 800 is a pain to move around; it and the drive are both REALLY heavy! But heavy is kinda good, too and I do like that cart bay. The XE is newer, but then again if I only liked newer things, I wouldn't have any of this crap to begin with... The 800 is also faded and stained with age; the XE is in much better cosmetic condition. Which one has more value on the open market? Looked like the XE to me, but hard to tell just from completed auctions and it doesn't really matter to me anyway.


Anyway, any help appreciated. And if anyone is interested in, uh, I guess the 800, let me know. Probably looking to trade, maybe for some 8-bit carts? Or a 2600 videoplexer. Today I decided I really wanted one of those.

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