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Star Hawk


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  • 4 weeks later...

My first stab at a 4k version. Still needs work, but you can see where I'm going with it.


What's new:

Score - 25 pts for a close (large) alien, 100 pts for a far (small alien), & 1000 pts for blowing up the space station.

High Score - wait a few seconds when the game is over and the score will alternate between your current score (white) and the high score (green).

Small intermission between space stations (So there's no confusion - this is taking place on the alien homeworld. The Zoltar type is getting reamed by his leader for letting you blow up the space station). Hit fire to start the next level.

A few other minor odds and ends.


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I played around a little bit to make a smoother tunnel (less blocky). My result (3 frames):

Thanks, but I'm trying to make it look more or less like this:

Would probably look better using the ball and two missile sprites to create the outline (alternating left and right sides @ 30hz)...only using lateral lines in the tunnel (made of PF gfx) to animate. The only "outline" sprite that would need horizontal repositioning within the kernal would the the outer edge of the "Death Star"...and that can be accomplished via HMOVE.
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Great Stuff! The game is much more fun to play with a score and the intermission is funny :)


I think it would be nice to have different enemies in the game, and maybe change the moving patterns of the enemies for the later levels (if possible)? The explosion when you blow up a space station could also be a bit longer IMO.


Keep up the good work, i'm looking forward to see this game develop further!

Edited by Impaler_26
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Ok. The only thing I really took away from the minigame compo is that the game is "difficult". Do you guys agree? I have no intention of changing the main game, but I could have a slower version as a option if people feel it is needed.


@Impaler_26 - most if not all of your suggestions are on the drawing board. We'll see how it goes.

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Ok. The only thing I really took away from the minigame compo is that the game is "difficult". Do you guys agree? I have no intention of changing the main game, but I could have a slower version as a option if people feel it is needed.

I don't think it is necessary.


When testing for the compo, you usually have a limited amount of time, so a game is considered too hard very easily.


When really playing the game, you have more time and get used to the gameplay much more. So the diffculty decreases.

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I played around a little bit to make a smoother tunnel (less blocky). My result (3 frames):
Not bad for 3 frames retrofan, but your tunnle does resemble more like Star Strike. But then, even s0c7's version don't come close to even resemble Starhawk.
Thanks, but I'm trying to make it look more or less like this:


Well, I can see you're trying... and failing. :)

It's not impossible -but if you find that your own artistic skill is lacking in this area, then you ought to be honest with yourself and ask for some help from anyone who is a good pixel artist with the time, willingness and dedication to make it happen for you.



Try not.



..or do not.

There is no try. -Frank Oz as Yoda.

Edited by espire8
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Well, I can see you're trying... and failing.

You know, there's probably a kinder way of phrasing that.

Nathan, I am being kind. s0c7 and I are not strangers, ...he already knows that I'm an artist/cartoonist, I'm just mess'n with him :P .. he and I already understand each other enough for him to know I'm just hinting that help is available for the asking if he wants to make a call for it, that's all.


:| ... Okay, okay, I just added a smiley face to that post. :D

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Ok. The only thing I really took away from the minigame compo is that the game is "difficult". Do you guys agree? I have no intention of changing the main game, but I could have a slower version as a option if people feel it is needed.


IMO the game isn't too difficult, i think the difficulty is about just right (my best score so far is 8,000 and some on level 3).

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