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Storing the controllers inside the unit?


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So on top of the 5200, there's the compartment which I assume is meant to hold the controllers?


How are they supposed to fit in there?


Anyone do this?


I'm afraid the controllers will get damaged


And as an aside, does AA have the manuals for the units?


I know there are scans for the game manuals but I can't find the system manuals

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So on top of the 5200, there's the compartment which I assume is meant to hold the controllers?


How are they supposed to fit in there?

Yes, the storage area was designed for the controllers.


You can wrap the cords around the stick shafts, turn the sticks upside down and place them inside, lining up the top of the sticks with the raised bumps on the bottom of the storage area.

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So on top of the 5200, there's the compartment which I assume is meant to hold the controllers?


How are they supposed to fit in there?

Yes, the storage area was designed for the controllers.


You can wrap the cords around the stick shafts, turn the sticks upside down and place them inside, lining up the top of the sticks with the raised bumps on the bottom of the storage area.

Alternatively, you can leave them plugged in and route the cord out the notch on the far side of the bay.


This really only works with just one stick, though.

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They will fit as remowilliams described. But, you end up with springs attached to your controllers. It's a bad design. As big as that monster is, you'd think they could have actually managed to make this workable when they designed it.


I looked long and hard at what it would take to saw that part of the unit off completely. As I have half a dozen severly abused cases now, I might try that trick. :)

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I've been storing the controllers as Remo described for about 20 years, and never had any trouble with it. In fact, I always liked the cable mgmt Atari implemented with the 5200. There's the tabs under the console to route excess RF cable, the storage bin for the controllers, and with the auto-switchbox, there's not a separate power cable running from the TV to the coffee table with the console itself.


All in all, a neat & tidy arrangement.

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Damn you Brian R., I was going to say that !!! BUT it works best for beer, all it need is a little freezer coolant system to keep beer AKA brain juice COLD.... And as a side note kids its not cool to drink and play, people can get killed with that heavy 5200 controller. One wack to the head and your eating soup through a straw for the rest of your life !.... Know you know and Knowing Is Half the Battle.

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In my opinion, the storage area works best as JB described: Leave the controllers plugged in, place the controllers face down, and use the notches to avoid pinching the cords. I can definitely get two controllers to sit in the storage area and have the lid stay fully closed, but I sometimes have to bend where the cord goes into the controller to make this work (probably not a good thing)!


You can also put your overlays in there.

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Yeah I just sorta lay the sticks face up in the bay with it open. I really haven't found a good way to jam them in there and close it. Maybe someone can take a pic of how they do it and post it.


Here is the Controller Storage page straight from the 1982 (CO19277 U.S.A.) 5200 Owner's Manual





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Here is the Controller Storage page straight from the 1982 (CO19277 U.S.A.) 5200 Owner's Manual


OMG!!! NO!!!


That looks like a great way to break some of the 'oh so thin' wires inside the cables.

It's also hard to do, at least on versions of the stick I've tried it with.


I did it once, I think. Just to see if it actually worked. Which it does, sort of. It won't look a ffith as neat as their's, and only just barely fits.

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