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How much would you pay for a reproduction 5200 carrying case box?


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A few months back a collector contacted me and offered to make a reproduction box for the 5200 carrying case? I am just curious as to what others would pay for the box. He quoted me a price (more than I personally want to pay at this time) but I am sure that a lot of work is involved.


Here are some pics that he sent me of his original box



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A few months back a collector contacted me and offered to make a reproduction box for the 5200 carrying case? I am just curious as to what others would pay for the box. He quoted me a price (more than I personally want to pay at this time) but I am sure that a lot of work is involved.


Here are some pics that he sent me of his original box


A box for a box... hmm... :?:


Wow, a carrying case for the 5200... Why is it I think one of these could've become the Nuclear Football carried by the president?

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With the carrying case by Atari, your Atari 5200 Super System is portable fun! You can take your Super System, a selection of your favorite games and the power supply on the road for fun any where there is a TV!*



* Persons with back ailments, heart problems, and pregnant women are urged not to attempt lifting a fully loaded Atari 5200 carrying case. If a tingling or numbing sensation occurs during use, drop the case and seek professional medical help immediately.

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at least I'd only need to bring one cartridge with my carrying case since I have the AtariMax flash cart.


with all the extra space, you might be able to fit the wico sticks and keypads in there with your atarimax cart. :)


I also think there would be a lot more interest in a reproduction case than the box.. Problem is I think it would cost way too much to reproduce the case.

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