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Funny thing when trading...

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A funny thing happened when I was trying to make a trade with some one online here.


I asked it they had a certain thing I was interested in, I asked how much they wanted for it.


The response from this person, "How much do you want to pay for it"


What the hell kind of response is that?


Traders, that has got to be the most insulting question in the world, If I wanted to name my own price, I would go to priceline.com.


If you have something to sell, please cut throught the BS and have a price in mind before you post, if you want the ask someone "How much do you want to pay"





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Maybe the guy was just trying to see if you were willing to pay a fair and just price for it or if you basicly was wanted it for almost free. He might not have been trying to rip you off or insult you just wanting a fair price. Take me for example I drive over a 150 miles going to thrift shops looking for games every off days. This by its self gets expensive not counting the cost of the game itself. All this is not figured in to the cost, just what the game normally sells for.

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I see your point, However, I had asked this person for his price on the item this person then asked me then same question again, Then I was going to let him know if I was interested.


It was not a matter of ripping him off, I believe if this is the market place, then the seller needs to do the some of the legwork. I guess I just like up front straight forward trading.


"Hey, I want that "ultra 2 combat" that you have, what is your price or trade terms?"


"I would like x amount of dollars or trade for your x cart"


Either no or the trade/sale proceeds from here to terms of trade.


I guess I was put off that they asked me a few times "How much do you want to trade for it?"


It sounded to me like he was running a one person auction to get as much as they could for it....Again if this was the case, and I may be wrong, then go to eBay


Please note, this is just my own opinion.

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You may be jumping the gun a bit. That sounds like a normal bartering technique. He may have been flexible in price and just wanted to see what your offer was. You may have said $5 to which he may have replied, "Well I really need at least $7 for it," OR he may be the truly honest sort who might say "Ok, I was hoping to get at least $4 for it."


Its just a bartering technique, I'm not sure why you found it so off-putting, but don't sweat it.


Come together Stan :)

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