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xZentrix 2007 retroscene meeting - pictures


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Beetle, you show off, anything to get free publicity for your ' homebrew atari portable'


Nice piccy of the atari 1090 though, shame there's no cards in it


What are you playing at showing a piccy of what looks like an amstrad/schnieder cpc computer....this is an A8 forum (i won't mention the MSX in the background)

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What are you playing at showing a piccy of what looks like an amstrad/schnieder cpc computer....this is an A8 forum (i won't mention the MSX in the background)


Welcome in 2007. We're not in the 80s any more, so any old computers are cool nowadays.

Btw, you forgot to flame me for photographing a C64 II, too.


You didn't enjoy? Ok. That was a suggestion, not a command :)

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Here are my pictures


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I did a port of VolksForth from CPM to Amstrad CPC on that weekend with much help from the nice CPC people at Xzentrix. twh and I did also a "optimize-for-the-beauty-of-optimizing" session on a Turbo-Basic graphics screensaver that Stephan Herold (2nd and last picture, right) from the CPC Community wrote (his first Atari Program, quite good for that). That was fun too. I also started a graphics library for Atari VolksForth.


@Beetle: can you post both programs (the original and the optomized one, they are still on the Laptop)?

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i am desparatly searching for an 8bit meeting on a regular basis here in karlsruhe/stuttgart area... any ideas?


Well, I lived for 3 years near Bruchsal, but I'm now back in the North. But there should be any Atari People there, try to ask in the ABBUC forum.



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WOW! I think that is my old 1090XL! I recognize the scratch on the front! I sold it several years ago before I got back into the 8-bits. I wish now that I hadn't done that, but I'm glad to see it's still around!


Update: I just located some old pictures I took before I sold it. That sure looks like the same scratch.




PS - I didn't make the scratch, it came that way when I bought it from Best.

Edited by JR>
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i am desparatly searching for an 8bit meeting on a regular basis here in karlsruhe/stuttgart area... any ideas?


heaven, not a regular meeting, but why don't you show up at the TUM 2007 ? It's a demoscene meeting in Karslruhe-Durlach. There are usually some Atari people too.





Next to Atari 16bit folks (Lineout, Limp Ninja, tscc) , I was last year the only 8bit Atari contributer and released a little intro in the fastdemo competition. The most funny part was, that the whole Atari community (8bit, St, Falcon, Jag, Emulator Users) felt united whenever there was an Atari logo or Atari related production on the screen. The competition to C64 and Amiga feels there like in the good old times!! YEAH !!


It's between Xmas and New Year's eve. Typically a time where most people have more or less some time left for their hobbies. It's a very relaxed end-of-year demo party and people there really know how to enjoy the spare time in the winter :)




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