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I had the same error message, Godzilla


send him an email or try an online email account like yahoo or hotmail


Thanks for the tip, I just tried my webmail account from the game magazine I'm senior editor of (*cough* pimp www.griffonmag.com *cough*) and it worked :) weird, wonder why my comcast account didn't work...

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Just got this.


Dear joe,


Thanks for responding. People have asked me why I haven't done anything with Actionauts earlier. I'm not really sure, actually . I guess it's because Actionauts represents the end of an era, I abandoned working on the game in June 1984, when it became crystal clear that the Atari 2600 business was really over.


Truth be told, the 2600 has never really gone away. People like yourself have kept it alive over the years, as have I. Because just like you kept the system alive by collecting so many of the games there were made for it, holding on to Actionauts, the last game for the system I ever worked on, was my own little way of keeping the flame burning.


I guess maybe I was always hoping the 2600 would come back one day, and then I would finish it!


They say that guys never really get over their first girlfriend. And I sort of believe that. Well, in some ways the 2600 wasn't that different to me, then Cathy Souza was. Cathy was my first girlfriend, at 17. The 2600 was the first system I ever made a game on, four years later. They were both my first, they both taught me a great deal, and like all the first love's in a man's life ... Cathy and Stella eventually both broke my heart.


And this is as it should be.


So with this context, I invite you to learn about the history of Actionauts, and a brief description.


Actionauts Description


Yes, I am planning to make both the single existing prototype available for sale , as well as offering a 'collector's edition' after the prototype has been sold. You can find relevant details here.


Actionaut FAQ


If you are receiving this email, this means you are among the first 250 people on the list to be offered Actionauts. I'll keep you posted as to what is going on.




Rob Fulop

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Hey guys! :)


I signed up yesterday. Check your SPAM folder in case Rob's e-mail ended up there! That is where I found his response saying I am in the top 250. :cool:


So look through your SPAM messages carefully. If you know rob's e-mail( the one used for Actionauts ) enter it into your address book so it doesn't go to your SPAM folders.

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Hey guys! :)


I signed up yesterday. Check your SPAM folder in case Rob's e-mail ended up there! That is where I found his response saying I am in the top 250. :cool:


So look through your SPAM messages carefully. If you know rob's e-mail( the one used for Actionauts ) enter it into your address book so it doesn't go to your SPAM folders.


Checked my SPAM folder and found Rob's email. I got it yesterday sometime after the point where I had checked my SPAM folder before, so I hadn't really anticipated it being there. But there it is! (yay for being within the first 250!) :)

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Now correct me if im wrong,but Rob came on this board a while ago asking us if someone would be kind enough to help him dump the rom for this game,we got all excited thinking that the rom would be available to us,but instead he is now selling the game.

I agree, it would be nice to have the ROM available. But I didn't get the impression the ROM would be public available soon.


From the Actionauts FAQ:

Are there plans to offer the Actionaut object code so that non-purchasers can play the game?

Yes. After the first run of carts are sold, the object code to Actionauts will be made available through this website.


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Now correct me if im wrong,but Rob came on this board a while ago asking us if someone would be kind enough to help him dump the rom for this game,we got all excited thinking that the rom would be available to us,but instead he is now selling the game.

I agree, it would be nice to have the ROM available. But I didn't get the impression the ROM would be public available soon.


From the Actionauts FAQ:

Are there plans to offer the Actionaut object code so that non-purchasers can play the game?

Yes. After the first run of carts are sold, the object code to Actionauts will be made available through this website.


Yes i read that ,its really exciting news,im glad Rob is going to release the rom.

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