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Asteroids on eBay


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I wasn't too sure where to place this but I'm sure the right people will catch this.


I found an auction last night on eBay for Asteroids (5200) and I'm not familiar with the reproductions or anything really. I saw some other cartridge repros after searching around online but didn't come across this type. Any light to be shown on this? I doubt it's the real thing but even so at least someone can have a chance to buy it. Also there are only 27 views on the auction so I am under the assumption not many AA users have looked at it.

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Me: Did you make this repro yourself, or did you get it from somewhere else? If so, where?


Seller: No, I bought it with a bunch of other 5200 games. Because I already have one I'm selling it...


Best answer you're going to get, I guess. Anyways, yes it is a repro.

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Asteroids is worth $28?

Apparently it's worth the price in parts, which I guess isn't much.



Makes sense and is kinda funny this person has 2 repros, or does he/she even know? I'm currious about the pricing though, maybe the "estimated selling price" eBay gives told them $28 is a good amount.

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I'd be glad to make a 5200 Asteroids cartridge sporting a label with original artwork we created, in a proper Atari cartridge for $25 plus shipping:




I have some other 5200 games of this nature as well..



It would probably look and play like the 8-bit Asteroids right?

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