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racer raul

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Ok gang... I remember back in the day my friend had some cool AD&D games on his C64. I later played Curze of the Azure bonds on a PC.


I thought that the AD&D games like Hillsfar & Eye of the Beholder were released for the A8...


I searched for Rogue, but the one I have isn't working :(


Looking for recommendations of cool role playing games on the A8.


Also... does anyone know what I can do with exe files? I got a disk with some sio cables I ordered and have no clue what I can do with the exe files...


I have not tried loading them like ATR's so forgive the noob if that is what I should do :)

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Neither are quite D&D style RPGs, but I love both Ali Baba and Return of Heracles by Stuart Smith. These games were the original multi user rpg.





Ok gang... I remember back in the day my friend had some cool AD&D games on his C64. I later played Curze of the Azure bonds on a PC.


I thought that the AD&D games like Hillsfar & Eye of the Beholder were released for the A8...


I searched for Rogue, but the one I have isn't working :(


Looking for recommendations of cool role playing games on the A8.


Also... does anyone know what I can do with exe files? I got a disk with some sio cables I ordered and have no clue what I can do with the exe files...


I have not tried loading them like ATR's so forgive the noob if that is what I should do :)

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I have to say I like Phantasie I and II, Wizards Crown and Eternal Dagger (SSI). There is a Rogue from Mastertronic I think it was, don't remember how it was. I have the old tape lying here somewhere. There was also some space RPG, can't remember name. Think it also was from SSI. Galactic something? I have or had a copy of it, but think there was faults in it and I couldn't play it. Not 100% sure what it was. Damn I'm getting old

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I have to say I like Phantasie I and II, Wizards Crown and Eternal Dagger (SSI). There is a Rogue from Mastertronic I think it was, don't remember how it was. I have the old tape lying here somewhere. There was also some space RPG, can't remember name. Think it also was from SSI. Galactic something? I have or had a copy of it, but think there was faults in it and I couldn't play it. Not 100% sure what it was. Damn I'm getting old


Oh, and there was the three or four games in a series (Warriors of Ras), quite okay too. Checked the Galactic thingy, it was Galactic Adventures and was from SSI

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What's that? Is it available for sale or download? Never heard of that one

My apologies.


There is an AA member by that name who rarely misses an opportunity to proclaim the merits of Alternate Reality - The City, and that was an admittedly poor attempt at humour.


It is true, though, that AR:City is a very good RPG.

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I tried telengard... didn't seem to give me much time to make descisions... maybe a bad file? Or is that the way the game is?


Man I can't believe I forgot about Phantasie & the Ultima series... started playing Phantasie. That reminds me of a few others I played with friends c64, Bards Tale.


Man it sucked owning a Coco back in the day, LOL.


I did like Star Trek & Voyager on the Coco. Played those a ton.

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I tried telengard... didn't seem to give me much time to make descisions... maybe a bad file? Or is that the way the game is?
If you use the character name DEMO then the time limit on making a command choice is removed.

[EDIT] But then I think you can't save, probably this could be patched in though

Edited by Wrathchild
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When I was a kid I had an Atari 800 and some pirated game which I believe was called "Dungeon Quest". It was a graphical game if I remember right - some kind of top view RPG. About all I remember is I think you bought or chose weapons at the beginning. The disk died before I got much of a chance to play with it, but it seemed interesting at the time.


I can't seem to find any reference to this game online - does anyone have any idea what I may be talking about? It may have been called something different, although I am pretty certain there was a Dungeon in the title...


EDIT: Maybe it was Dunjonquest! I always thought I had misspelled Dungeon... perhaps I am thinking of one of those Apshai games?

Edited by Hornpipe2
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DunjonQuest was a basic game, right? I have some of the Epyx titles in that style. Resue at Rigel, Star Warrior. Also have some I can't remember what plays like. Gemstone Warrior(s?), was that a RPG? Dungeons Dragons and Other Perils? And of course the Temple of Apshai (loved the remake). Gateway to Apshai, but these are maybe more action oriented.

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It may may also be Dunzhin?


That one is pretty cool! I still like Rogue, and this one is almost like it... I wish there was a way to look at the health & inventory, but I guess its not needed... I really like the lack of a timer for descisions... Telenguard would be better if it didn't... I die immediately every time I started playing Telenguard lol

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It may may also be Dunzhin?

I definitely played Dunzhin - I remember those graphics! How cool to find it again, thanks!


However I think the one I was originally thinking of was one of those Dunjonquest series games. I distinctly recall the 'magic ar.' text... it's funny the things we remember after so many years.

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