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Actually slimy they are half right.... it was *SUPPOSED* to be released for the 7800 sometime in 1985 or 1986, but after Atari was purchased by the Tramiels and the 7800 was put on the backburner, Rescue on Fractalus was released on the 5200 along with Ballblazer, both being from Lucas Arts. Although Ballblazer eventially made it to the 7800 as we all know, however Rescue on Fractalus didnt quite. It was in development for the 7800, and I am trying to get ahold of one of the prototype Roms for this never released 7800 title.


So yeah... they are sorta right, sorta wrong. Depends on how you look at it =)



Justin J. Scott

Atari 7800.com / Turbo Grafx-16.com

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I like how Lucasfilm says they revolutionized video games. I certainly haven't been "wowed!" by any of their releases as much as other companies such as Activision impressed me...


Anyhow, aside from that, it mentions The Eidilon. Was that game ever slated for the 7800... for some reason I think it was (or maybe I'm thinking the Lynx... but I'm certain it was announced for the 7800)





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I think some of LucasArts' early games (when they were known as LucasFilm Games) were pretty revolutionary for their time. During the 1980's, LucasFilm Games really put out some very high-quality products, as you could see by reading the page that slimy007 linked to above.


In recent years, their quality has declined noticeably, although they still release the occasional gem. They were one of the best producers of graphic adventure games (starting with Maniac Mansion), but they've almost completely abandoned that genre in the last few years. They released Escape from Monkey Island two years ago on the PC (and again last year on PlayStation 2), but sadly I don't believe it sold very well, despite being praised highly by game reviewers. For that reason, it's unlikely they'll attempt that genre anytime soon, if ever again.


Their decline in creativity is most evident when you look at the amount of Star Wars titles they are producing. They release new Star Wars games almost as frequently as 3DO releases Army Men games--and the Army Men series is a perfect example of how a franchise becomes oversaturated. Apparently, LucasArts doesn't think they're producing them frequently enough--if you look at the release lists for PlayStation 2, GameCube, and X-Box, you'll see that each of them has another 3-4 Star Wars games coming out within the next year! Let me clarify that--each of those systems has 3-4 Star Wars games coming out! None of the three systems have the exact same mix of Star Wars games, although there is some overlap. So, if you want to play all the Star Wars games, you have to get all three of those systems.


I'd rather see them produce one really high-quality, comprehensive Star Wars game per year (which they could then port it across all the systems) than to flood the market with several mediocre mini-games as a quickie cash-in on the movies' popularity. When was the last time you saw a truly excellent Star Wars game that had awesome graphics, sound, and gameplay all in one package? I enjoyed the Star Wars movies a lot (although I still haven't seen Episode II), but the only Star Wars game I ever bought over the last 20 years was Broderbund's Amiga version of the Atari arcade game Star Wars.


LucasArts needs to get back to creating high-quality original games, and lay off of the glut of rushed, mediocre Star Wars garbage for a while.

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Ya know, I have heard a few times that "The Eidilon" was supposed to be released on the 7800... what's interesting is that I haven't heard much talk about it among regular Atari gamers, its only been a few people that used to work with Atari or were vendors at the time that have mentioned that they "think" it was in development. From what I was told, it was developed for the C64 and the Atari 800 computers, and was going to be translated over to the 5200, but then they put that idea on hold to focus on making it for the 7800.


But agian.... as I'm sure alot of you have noticed im big on Atari History and documentation, and backing up speculation with some sort of proof or historical material. "The Eidilon" is on my list of mysterious 7800 titles that I have been told was in development but have never ever seen anything on as far as announcements or paperwork. Games like GATO, Rescue on Fractalus, Klax, Pit Fighter, Save Mary!, and other titles have surfaced recently either in paperwork or in Rom coding, but then there are games like "The Eidilon" that no one seems to have any information on.


Anybody care to shed more light on this?




Atari 7800.com / Turbo Grafx-16.com

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