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Atari 1050 speeder by IWWF ?


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I have not seen this particular board before, but it looks to have the correct number of chips to be a "Happy 1050" clone.






I found this board in an Atari 1050 drive... does anyone know what it is?






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Steve...There is a slight problem with using later versions of the happy software with lazer/hyperdrive clone's as some of the programs won't operate properly...especially the diagnostics program and the tracer program


There is a version of the happy software written or patched specifically to work on hyperdrive/lazer clones (i think i might still have v.6, unfortunately i don't own any 1050's sorry)


Lastly, hyperdrive is just another name (or later name) for Lazer as it's just a re-released version of the lazer (the software that comes with the hyperdrive can also be used with the lazer and visa versa)

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