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Jet Set Willy 130


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it is port like jetboy (jetpac) - not emulation. i rewrite to 6502 zxspectrum jet set willy (fixed).
Once again, fantastic work, I read about the progress of G n' G on the atari.pl forum too. All of your work is a very impressive achievement. Bravo xxl. ;)
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i am really not a fan of the gr.8 games but well... ;) but i expect to have some classics:


- sabre wulf

- Elite! (finally... :D)

- Ghost 'n Goblins

- TLN-series


what else?



Well, "Gr.8" games only can look like some hued monochrome..... but some clusters with different colour chosing may look a bit better. The Screenshot is theoretically possible by only setting some DLIs and using one player for an overlay of the "Hero" bitmap.


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The Screenshot is theoretically possible by only setting some DLIs and using one player for an overlay of the "Hero" bitmap.


Looks nice, but in real game technically not feasible. Why? There are scenes in the game where a lot of big sprites have to be moved (Ninja plus 2 opponents and extra weapons). I think, Atari just isn't fast enough to handle all these sprites and collision detection in hires without utilizing players and missiles that you are currently using to generate extra colors. I am wondering if a playable conversion of LN2 would be possible at all (even in b/w-hires or lower resolution). Any other opinions?

Edited by Chrodegang
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emkay... this version i would not count as mono gr.8 game... ;) but for panels etc should be possible... but i am not sure if for the game area how the overlays work as isn't there any clipping/masking necessary? but even used only for the panel it looks worth to do... ;)



chrodegang... speccy should be able to handle the sprites and atari not? well...

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chrodegang... speccy should be able to handle the sprites and atari not? well...


Software sprites to be used here usually eat up a *lot* of cycles. Speccy is clocked at 3.5MHz, Atari at 1.79MHz. I am not sure, if 1.79MHz are sufficient for all the calculations (masking, collision detection, music, gameplay, etc.). It would be really great to hear XXL's opinion.

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The Screenshot is theoretically possible by only setting some DLIs and using one player for an overlay of the "Hero" bitmap.


Looks nice, but in real game technically not feasible. Why? There are scenes in the game where a lot of big sprites have to be moved (Ninja plus 2 opponents and extra weapons). I think, Atari just isn't fast enough to handle all these sprites and collision detection in hires without utilizing players and missiles that you are currently using to generate extra colors. I am wondering if a playable conversion of LN2 would be possible at all (even in b/w-hires or lower resolution). Any other opinions?


This time I am lucky to have a provement for my "ideas" ... since the conversion of Jetpac ;-)




The game is using several DLIs, players and missiles for colour enhancement and it moves more objects than TLN would need. Actually.... during some limits on the speccy the original Jetpac doesn't have music, the ATARI Version plays music during gameplay.... and there are no slowdowns.

Edited by emkay
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chrodegang... speccy should be able to handle the sprites and atari not? well...


Software sprites to be used here usually eat up a *lot* of cycles. Speccy is clocked at 3.5MHz, Atari at 1.79MHz. I am not sure, if 1.79MHz are sufficient for all the calculations (masking, collision detection, music, gameplay, etc.). It would be really great to hear XXL's opinion.



The 3.5MHz for the Zilog are very needed. It has some good memory saving commands, but the commands need more cpu cycles.

With optimized code, the ATARI easily can be faster than the Z80 inside the speccy.

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There are some real benefits, when using hires (some may name it "bad" but its only "in the eye of the observer" ;-) )

a) when changing one colour, you have two colours changed

b) one can change colours "everywhere" without taking care about the border which still has it's own colour.


.... and .... maybe.... :


If still some cycles are free, midline changes still can be done... ingame...

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This time I am lucky to have a provement for my "ideas" ... since the conversion of Jetpac ;-)


In LN2 you have to deal with *overlapping* of sprites. I don't see such overlapping sprites in Jetboy.


The 3.5MHz for the Zilog are very needed. It has some good memory saving commands, but the commands need more cpu cycles. With optimized code, the ATARI easily can be faster than the Z80 inside the speccy.


The Z80 takes 11 clocks for a 16-bit addition; the popular 6502 needs around 20 cycles to do the same thing using 8-bit operations. Using "typical" clocks of 4MHz versus 1MHz respectively (i.e. similarly fast memory chips), this translates into the Z80 being approximately seven times as fast as the 6502 for this particular operation (20/(11/4) ≈ 7). (Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zilog_Z80 -> Notes and references 6)


Do you have exact numbers for your claims?

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